Chapter 26

After some time, everyone gets ready and Jungkook, Bogum and Joo young complete the remaining shooting of their ending scene. This time Jungkook also completes the shooting comfortably without hurting Joo young. Similarly, now the shooting of all the scenes of Jungkook and Bogum was completed. Everyone cheered for them. Everyone gathers. Now it was time to shoot Jennie's song. Jennie was still practicing her steps with the choreographer.

The director says, "I think we should include some hot scenes in this song because no such scene has been shot between Jungkook and Bogum. And in a romance movie there must be some such scene, so we thought In this scene, lee Rang will drink in jiho's memory and will get physical with Jennie in the bar, thinking him to be jiho. How did you like this idea?"Joo Young and Jennie easily agreed to this because this was the first time that they were going to do on screen what they often did behind the screen. Jungkook stands there and smirks in his mind say, "Be as happy as you want. It seems that both of you have no idea that thinking about the scene, you both are getting so excited. Because I will make that scene the reason for your sadness."Then after that Jennie Joo Young goes to get their makeup done. And Joo young had already learned his steps from the choreographer. So he also went straight to get ready.

Bogum finds an empty place and calls Taehyung. Taehyung who was sitting in his office signing some important documents, immediately picks up his phone and says, "I hope that if you are disturbing me at this time, then there must be some important matter. Otherwise you would have you know how precious every minute of mine is." Hearing this, Bogum rolled his eyes and says, "Yes-yes, I know, Mr. Kim Taehyung, how busy you are and I also know that at this time, you stopped all your work and picked up my call just Because you already have an idea about whom I am going to talk. That's why you have been so kind to me."Hearing his words, a slight smile appears on Taehyung's face. Then he asks Bogum in his serene tone, "Okay, tell me, what's the matter?" Bogum says in a mysterious tone, "You know... Jungkook has removed your biggest headache today." "Which headache?" Taehyung asked in confusion. "That Jennie"Bogum said.

Hearing Jennie's name, Taehyung became very serious and asked, "What did Jungkook do?"

"Well, nothing much, but today Jungkook cracked such a joke on her that it made her lose temper. The poor girl's face was worth seeing at that time!" Bogum said excitedly. "What kind of joke did he crack?" Taehyung asked impatiently. "He exposed her and then smartly apologized to her" Bogum replied. Hearing this, Taehyung did not say anything for some time. So Bogum checked his phone to see if the call had been disconnected but it was not so. Then he said, "Hello, Taehyung are you listening? Why aren't you saying anything? Taehyung said, "Ha, I-I am listening. Actually, I was wondering why Jungkook did this to Jennie? She is his best friend." "He knows the real face of Jennie, so now he will keep distance from Jennie. Isn't this a good thing? After all, that Jennie was your biggest headache." Bogum said. Bogum was saying this because both he and Taehyung knew that Jennie is not a good girl and takes advantage of Jungkook herself. He also knew that Jennie was behind introducing Jungkook to Joo Young. Although he did not know about the affair between Jennie and Joo young. Taehyung did not like Jennie because she was the one who was spoiling Jungkook. But he was forced to do nothing against her because Jungkook would then move away from him because Jungkook considered Jennie to be her biggest sympathizer. No matter how much Jennie and Joo young were taking advantage of him through Jungkook, it never made any difference to Taehyung because there was no shortage of money.

The only difference was that someday he revealed the truth to Jungkook that Jennie and Joo young were only after her money, so who knows what would happen to Jungkook? Jungkook got alert before getting into the trap. His is relief that his wife was now able to differentiate between good and bad. But did Taehyung know that his Jungkook had to go through so much trouble just to understand the difference between good and bad persons. When Taehyung was lost in his thoughts, Bogum said, "Tae, you have become silent again friend... say something. After all, I have given you such good news." Hearing Bogum's voice from the other side, Taehyung came out of his thoughts and after thinking something, said to Bogum, "You like my latest sports car very much, don't you... should I send the keys to your house or will you come to my house and get it?" Bogum became very excited after understanding the meaning of Taehyung's words. He liked this car of Taehyung very much. He can't believe that by giving him a small news, Taehyung will be so kind to her that he will offer him a sports car worth crores. Taehyung had always been fond of giving expensive gifts but there was always an occasion to give them, but today he just gifted him such an expensive sports car.

Surely Jungkook meant more to Taehyung than his wealth. Bogum showed no hesitation in accepting his gift. Because for Taehyung this money was equal to a drop of water in the ocean. That's why he says excitedly, "Hey, why would you bother to send the keys to my house... I will come and get them myself and anyway... I am going to come to your house this evening anyway. Today is the Korean- Germany match. Like every time, we will watch together. And this time Jungkook will also watch the match with us." Listening to Bogum, Taehyung remembered that today was a match. Before today, Jungkook used to watch the match only with his friends but today Taehyung was hoping that Jungkook would watch the match with him at home and he became very excited thinking about it. He was very excited at the thought of seeing Jungkook excitedly cheering for the team. He says to Bogum, "Ok then! Let's meet in the evening."

After a while, the shooting of Jennie's song finally started. Jennie was looking very hot. She was wearing a sexy dress. Everyone on the set was sighing after seeing him. The producer felt like doing a lot of things with Jennie. He controlled himself with great difficulty. On the other hand, a proud feeling was visible in Joo Young's eyes. He was feeling happy in his mind thinking that Jennie is his girlfriend and his exclusive property. Even though Jennie had many affairs in the beginning of her career, those were the days when she had to do all this out of compulsion, but who will tell this poor guy know that his girlfriend is still a public property. Earlier too she used to use her body for a role in movies and even today she does the same. Everything was going very well. Jennie was doing her steps well and everyone was enjoying a lot but suddenly the heel of Jennie's sandal broke due to which her leg got bent and she fell on the ground with a thud. Earlier too she used to use her body for a role in movies and even today she does the same.

Everything was going very well. Jennie was doing her steps well and everyone was enjoying a lot but suddenly the heel of Jennie's sandal broke due to which her leg got bent and she fell on the ground with a thud. The director quickly says cut. Then everyone runs towards Jennie together. Joo Young was closest to her so he reached first and immediately helped Jennie to sit on the floor. She was in a lot of pain. She was screaming in pain. Tears had come out of his eyes and his face had also turned red with pain. When Joo Young looked at her ankle, it was very badly red. Seeing this, it was clear that Jennie's ankle was sprained.

When Joo Young reached her ankle, Jennie immediately shook his hand writhing in pain and groaned, "No please! Don't touch it! It is paining a lot.". Joo Young says nervously, "Please let me see Jen." But by then everyone else and the medical team had also arrived. Seeing the doctor, Joo Young immediately moves aside and gets up from his place to make the doctor sit. The first thing the doctor does is remove Jennie's sandal from her foot. Due to which Jennie screams very loudly. Hearing his scream, everyone's heart trembles. Everyone feels very bad seeing him in such pain. Joo Young was trying to stop his tears from coming out with great difficulty. Everyone was sympathizing with Jennie except one and that was Jungkook who was very happy to see Jennie in this pain. After all, it was him who had given this pain to Jennie. When he took off his make-up and went to change his dress, there were Jennie's sandals in the same room, one of which Jungkook while hiding from everyone's sight, had damaged in such a way that it remained fine while walking but as soon as Jennie danced, it broke. That's why Jungkook was very happy to see Jennie in pain today. This was his first attack on Jennie but poor Jennie there is still so much pain left to give her. It was just a small part of those. The doctors take Jennie with them to check them. Everyone else also follows him. Since this was not a hospital, there was no restriction on going into his room. After checking for some time, he says, "She has a sprain in her ankle, due to which she cannot continue the shooting under any circumstances for at least 2 weeks and...even after 2 weeks she will not be able to dance for one or more weeks."