Chapter 28

During the afternoon all students were dismissed from the school, parents had come to pick up their children. When Soojin is coming out of his class, he looks towards the gate to find his nanny. He turns his gaze but his eyes suddenly light up when he sees Jungkook standing there. He was standing there talking to some other moms. Even though he had covered his face, soojin still recognized him.How would he not recognize Jungkook? After all, Jungkook had spent more time with him than Jennie. The love he gave him as a mother. Therefore, it was not at all difficult for Soojin to recognize Jungkook in the mask. Soojin was very happy to see Jungkook. He thought that Jungkook had come to take him and he quickly ran towards him but he suddenly stopped running when his eyes fell on Jungkook's hand which Hanni was holding in his hand. Actually, due to the stoppage of shooting, Jungkook Today got time to pick up Hanni from school. He had come to pick up Hanni But Hanni's friend's mom tried to talk to him. Seeing Hanuel holding Jungkook's hand, soojin understood that Jungkook had come to pick up Hanuel and not him. Then Hanuel shook Jungkook's hand, Jungkook looked at him. Hanuel points towards his face while saying something to him. After which Jungkook quickly takes out a hanky from his pocket and immediately cleans Hanuel's face very lovingly. Seeing this scene, Soojin remembers the scene this morning when Jennie got angry at him instead of wiping his tears. Then he remembers how when he used to get drenched in clothes while playing with Jungkook, Jungkook used to wipe his sweat with great love. Not only this, whenever he would cry over something, Jungkook would very lovingly wipe his tears with his hands and calm him down by hugging him. At that time he felt very relieved and stopped crying, but he still acted as if he had stopped crying so that Jungkook could leave him quickly. But today he was missing Jungkook's hug a lot. He felt like going and hugging Jungkook tightly but the question was whether Jungkook would hug him? Soojin gets more and more worried about this question when suddenly Jungkook takes Hani in his arms and leaves from there saying goodbye to everyone. He didn't even look at soojin. As soon as he leaves, Soojin suddenly feels that someone has snatched his favorite toy from him. He became very sad. He did not want to let that toy go away from him, but even if he wanted to, he was not able to stop it. Because Jungkook and Hanni had left in the car. And Soojin stood there with his hand extended in the air. He was not as Hurt by Jennie's rude behavior this morning but by Jungkook walking away from him without even looking at him. Then suddenly his nanny came and placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "Soojin, what are you looking at?" Soojin said, "Nothing! Let's go home!"

When Jungkook and Hanni reach home, the first thing they do is sit on the sofa, as if they have worked very hard. Both of them start taking deep breaths. Seeing the mother and son doing the same thing, all the servants start smiling. A maid brings glasses of water and juice on a tray from the kitchen for both of them. Jungkook takes a glass of water, Hanni takes a glass of juice, and they both drink and sigh together. All the servants feel very happy seeing these two together because they witnessed the yearning for Jungkook in Tae and Hanni's eyes. When Jungkook and Hanni finished their water and juice, they saw samchon and two servants coming from the front. The servants were holding big bags filled with vegetables, fruits and snacks were clearly visible. Seeing them, Jungkook asked "samchon why had you bought so many things?" Samchon smiles and says, "Jungkook Som, there is a match between Korea and Germany this evening. Do you know it?everyone will watch the match together in the theater room. All these are for everyone to eat and drink." Jungkook recalls upon hearing samchon said that everyone used to gather in the theatre room to watch Korea's World Cup matches, except him. He used to watch matches at Joo Young's house with Jennie and Soojin. Poor Jungkook had no idea that the people he enjoyed watching matches with there were the very ones who were enemies of his loved ones. Jungkook regrets remembering that he used to leave the company of his loved ones and join others, but not this time. This time, he will enjoy the match with his husband and son. Besides, the more people will join them, so it'll be more enjoyable to watch the match.

So, Jungkook, excited by this thought, looks forward to watching the match with so many people today. Suddenly, he remembers that Myung also had a keen interest in Football. When they were in school, Both of them used to sit together at Jungkook's house and watch Football. Jungkook considers inviting Myung. so, he plans to introduce Myung and Taehyung to each other. Jungkook asked Samchon, "Samchon,can I also invite my friend Myung?" Hearing his question, Samchon says, "Oh, Jungkook dear... why are you asking me about this? This is your home... whoever your heart desires to invite, you can invite them. Why the need to ask me?"

Hearing his words, Jungkook becomes happy and tells Hanni, "Come on, Hanni, quickly get up wash your face and hands. After that, we'll have lunch together, and then you can finish your homework quickly so that you'll be completely free by the evening."Upon hearing his words, Hanni also becomes excited. He also wanted to sit and watch football with his mumma.

Jungkook goes to his room and calls Myung. After one or two rings, Myung answers the call. "Yaah, what are you doing now?" Jungkook asked. "Same thing as people do in offices." Myung said. Jungkook said, "Okay listen, there is a match between Korea and Germany this evening. And we all will watch the match together in the theater here at the mansion. So you also come. It will be a lot of fun." Hearing him, Myung says in a low voice, "Are you crazy? That is Kim Taehyung's house and not some public place where anyone can come and go with his face raised whenever they feels like it." Hearing him, Jungkook pouts while saying "It's not a public place, but at least it's your bestie's home, right? Won't you come to your best friend's house? Even before my wedding, you used to visit easily." Hearing this, Myung responds, "It was different back then. I could easily come to your parental home because the security guards there knew me well. But here it's different now. You must be aware that the entire area is Taehyung's personal property, and it has tight security. In this case, reaching your house from there is quite distant... I won't even be able to get close to the entry point of this area."

"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it all. I'll send them your pictures in advance, and they'll let you come easily. And Hanni will be very happy meeting you again. Besides, I have to get introduced to Taehyung." Jungkook said. "Okay I'll come" Myung said because he doesn't want to make Jungkook upset. After hanging up the Jungkook went to freshen up.