Chapter 29

When Soojin and his nanny reach home, they find the house already unlocked. They understand that joo young must have come into the house because he had the second key of this apartment. When they entered inside, they saw Jennie lying comfortably on the same sofa and using her mobile. Jennie did not stay with them much because she was always afraid of being caught. Whenever she came here, she used to come only once in the whole day. Be it during the day or at night. That's why soojin was a little shocked to see her here today. Seeing Jennie, soojin remembers her rude behavior in the morning, so he ignores her and is about to go to his room when Joo Young brings two mugs of coffee from the kitchen and says to him, "soojin,what is this behaviour?Your mom is at home and you are ignoring her like this." Hearing Joo Young's words, Jennie's attention shifted from her mobile and she also looked towards him. Just by looking at his face she understood that he was still angry with her. So she looked at soojin in a very sweet voice and said, "Hey baby! You have come back from school. You know that mom got hurt today hence now she will stay with you for a few days. Are you happy?"

Hearing her words, soojin immediately goes to her. Jennie feels that he is coming to her to see her injury so she gets up and sits.

But soojin came a little closer to her and said, "I am sweating a lot. Will you wipe it with your hanky?" Jennie, Joo Young and Nanny got surprised after hearing his words. Instead of worrying about Jennie's injury, soojin was worried about his sweat. Jennie gets angry after hearing his words. In anger, she tells him, "How mannerless you are! I've been hurt here, and instead of checking on my injury, you're asking me to wipe off your sweaty mess, and that too, with my own handkerchief. Eww!" In the end, expressing her disgust, she scrunches up her face. Little did she know how repulsive this action was to her son, and it was about to mark the beginning of distance between them. Soojin says to Jennie, "I have sweat all over my body. That's why I don't think you will let me come near you in this condition, so I will go to my room to freshen up." And saying this he went away from there. Nanny also follows him. Joo Young, approaching Jennie with seriousness, says, "Jen, you shouldn't talk to soojin in such a rude manner. He's not like Jungkook's son Hanuel, who easily forgives him despite numerous mistakes and rude behavior."

Upon hearing Joo Young's words, Jennie becomes extremely angry and retorts, "Are you comparing my son to Jungkook's son? And not only that, you're also praising him, right in front of me. How dare you have such audacity?" , "I'm just speaking the truth. There is really a lot of difference between soojin and Hanuel." Upon hearing her words, Jennie became even more furious. In her anger, she tossed her coffee mug onto the floor and confronted him, saying, "You're praising Hanuel as if Taehyung is not his father you're!! Is it possible that, just like Jungkook loves your son, you've fallen in love with his son too?"

Joo Young realized the impact of his words and, while controlling his own anger, calmly responded, "I'm sorry, jen! My intention wasn't what you're understanding. Instead, I meant to say that Soojin will distance himself from you if you continue to behave this way. And he's not as forgiving as Hanuel, who was just using the example for Excel in the bus." Upon hearing this, Jennie also calms down and thinks that joo young is right. If Hanuel tolerates her behavior like this, it might not end well. If soojin stays away from her then he might not even support her against Jungkook. So she thinks to treat soojin well in advance so that he will always help her in harassing Jungkook.

Then she says to Joo Young, "You are right that I should talk nicely to soojin. Don't worry. From now on I will do the same." Joo Young is happy to hear her. He gives his coffee mug to Jennie and says, "Drink this. I'll clean the floor." Jennie smiled and took the mug from him.

In the evening, at Kim Mansion,

All the servants were engaged in their work. We'll, everything was done. All the food was cooked, and salads were prepared. Now was getting prepared. Although there was little time left for the match to start, Jungkook and Hanni were already ready because they were both very excited. Finally, today they were going to watch the match together.

Jungkook was sitting on the sofa in the living hall, using his phone, while Hanni was playing with a remote control car to pass the time. Both of them were wearing Red korea-printed T-shirts and matching caps.

Jungkook had made a pony which was coming out of his cap. Few strands of his hair were scattered on both sides of his face. He was looking very pretty and Hanni looked cute as always. Then Taehyung and Bogum came home together. Jungkook was not at all surprised to see them together because he knew that Bogum also watches the matches with Taehyung. He got up and went towards them and said, "Both of you are here. Tae, now go quickly and freshen up. The match is about to start." But instead of responding Jungkook Taehyung was lost in his beauty. Seeing him staring at Jungkook Bogum smirked, elbowed Taehyung which bought him back in sense. He said ""Didn't you hear what Jungkook said? Go quickly and get ready." Taehyung looks at Jungkook and says, "There is still half an hour left for the match to start and I only need 10 minutes to freshen up." Just then a maid brings a tray of a glass of water and puts it in front of Taehyung and Bogum. Seeing this, Jungkook lightly taps his head and says, "Oh no! I also... forgot to be a good wife and offer water to my husband upon coming home." Hearing this, Taehyung's eyes widen and Bogum starts laughing. He starts laughing loudly. Then everyone starts looking at him in surprise. Controlling his laughter a little, Bogum says, "Jungkook, when did you become this cultured wife? It doesn't suit you." Listening to Bogum, Jungkook made a face and said, "Why do you think I don't look well in cultured? Do you want to call me spoiled?"" Hearing Bogum Jungkook's words, he glanced towards Taehyung, who was staring at him with devouring eyes. Nervously, Bogum responded, "Oh! No, you've misunderstood my point." Hanni approached him, Saying in anger, "Uncle, why are you calling Hanni's mumma a bad boy? Hanni's mom is a good boy." Seeing Hanni angry, Bogum said, "No, Hanni, I didn't call your mom a bad boy. Your mom misunderstood what I said. I just wanted to say that there's no need for your dad to serve water every day, being a good boy. Did I say something wrong?" Hanni listens to him and says to Jungkook, "Mumma, uncle is absolutely right. There is no need for you to serve water to daddy yourself every day. Right dadda?" Taehyung listens to him and says, "Yes, Hanni is right. This is not an ancient period but a modern period. Here husband and wife are equal. Therefore, do not humiliate yourself in front of me by doing such things." Hearing Taehyung's words, Jungkook felt quietly pleased that his husband's thoughts were very positive.

Suddenly a guard comes and says, "Sir, your friend... Mr.Myung has arrived." Jungkook gets excited after listening to him and says, "So why have you made him stand outside? Go and bring him inside quickly." That guard immediately leaves from there after listening to him. After he leaves, Jungkook tells Taehyung, "I have invited Myung because he also has a lot of interest in Football. When we were in school, he always used to come to my house and we both used to watch the matches together. So I thought why not refresh some old memories." Taehyung smiles after listening to h and says, "You have done well. I will also meet him on this pretext." Listening to both of them, Bogum thinks in his mind that Jungkook's friend might also want to take advantage of his like Jennie. Even before meeting Myung, Bogum had formed a wrong opinion about his. Just then Myung comes in from the front door. Jungkook became very happy seeing him. Before coming here, Myung had already changed into his home clothes. She was wearing the Team Korea red t-shirt along with black jeans. His hair in front of the forehead. He looked very beautiful. When Bogum saw him, he seemed to get lost in his beauty. Despite being a part of Moviewood , he had seen many beauties, but Myung was no less, and he didn't depend on makeup for his beauty; he is naturally beautiful. His face without makeup looked very fresh. Bogum named him 'Fresh Beauty' in his mind because he always saw every girl/boy around him in makeup.