Chapter 30

On the other hand, Myung had not even seen Bogum. He was just looking at Taehyung standing near him because he was very nervous to see him in front of him. For all the office workers, Taehyung was their idol and Myung respected Taehyung a lot, so he was feeling very nervous seeing him in front of him. Hee was coming inside slowly. Then suddenly Hamni ran towards him and hugged his legs and said, "Uncle, you came. You know... Hanni was waiting for you for a long time." Myung got very happy to hear Hanni's words. For a moment he forgot all his nervousness and he quickly picked up Hanni in his arms and said, "Hi baby! How are you? You know... I was also very excited to meet you again." He kissed Hanni on his cheek and gave him a chocolate take out from his pocket, saying, "This is for you." Hanni got very excited after seeing the chocolate. Although he had eaten the world's best chocolates, he was still a small child. He did not know any difference between expensive and cheap. For him it was just chocolate which he likes very much. Hanni took the chocolate from him and kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you uncle, you are the best!" Jungkook and Taehyung smile after hearing Hanni's words but Bogum faces a grimace. He says in his mind, "I have given him so many expensive things till date, but he has never kissed me with so much love. And today he melted with just one chocolate." Bogum l was feeling very jealous seeing Hanni clinging to Myung like this because he had known Myung since his childhood but till date Hanni had never expressed as much affection towards him as he was expressing towards Myung. Jungkook then goes to Myung and Hanni and asks Myung, "Didn't you face any problem in coming? Did anyone misbehave with you?" Myung put Hanni down from his arms and says, "No, there was no problem. In fact, all the guards were behaving very respectfully with me." Hearing him, Taehyung comes towards him and says, "It's good, brother-in-law... otherwise I would have felt very bad. Well, it's nice to meet you." Saying this, Taehyung moved his hand towards Myung. Myung suddenly started getting nervous again after seeing his hand, but then he gathered courage and extended his hand and shook Taehyung's hand and said, "Nice to meet you too Mr.Kim! "Why do you keep calling me Mr.Kim while I always call you brother-in-law. See if you kept calling me Mr.Kim like this. I wouldn't like it" Agreeing with him, Jungkook also says, "Taehyung is absolutely right. You either call him cheonam or call him by his name." Taehyung feels very happy after listening to Jungkook. After all his wife was acknowledging him as his husband in front of his friend. Because Jungkook had refused even his cousin to call him Cheonam. He used to say that if he himself did not consider him as his husband then why should she consider him as her Cheonam? today Jungkook acknowledged him in front of his bestie had given Taehyung a lot of relief. Hearing Jungkook's words, Myung says, "Okay then from today onwards I will call him Cheonam only. is it okay Jiju?" Taehyung and Jungkook smile after listening to him.

Seeing all of them talking together Bogum, he is feeling very jealous. He 'The great actor Park Bogum'. He is always everyone's center of attraction. The media followed him for a photo of him running around. People are crazy about her glimpse Wherever he went, people respected him. Everyone shouted his name very excitedly. But here, everyone left him aside, Just ignoring him. He cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention because of which everyone turned towards him. ""Sorry, I guess my throat was a little sore." And saying this, he picked up the glass and drank the water. When Myung eyes went in Bogum's direction, his eyes widen with surprise. he says very excitedly, "This here..." Listening to him, Bogum feels that he is getting so excited after seeing him and is talking only about him. So, feeling proud of himself, he runs his hand over his hair, but then his happiness vanishes after hearing Taehyung's next statement. Taehyung says, "Yes, Patrick is my friend, so he gifted me this painting." After listening to Taehyung, Bogum looked carefully at Myung's eyes and found that he was not looking at him but behind him. He immediately looked back and saw a huge painting on the wall which was gifted to Taehyung by his friend and world famous painter Patrick. Bogum felt like someone has stabed sharp knife in his heart. He could not believe that this painting was more of a center of attraction than him. When he looked back towards them, Myung was looking at that painting very excitedly. He said to Taehyung, "I knew that you had this painting but I never thought that I would get to see it so close." Before he could say anything else, Bogum said irritably, "Paintings are meant to be shown to people, so Taehyung shouldn't keep them locked in the locker room." Hearing him, Myung's attention went to Bogum. He was surprised to see him but not much because she knew that Bogum and Taehyung were best friends.

Myung then responded to his comment by saying, "There is no such rule. Some people even put paintings in their bedrooms."

Bogum's eyebrows rise after hearing Myung's words. He couldn't accept defeat from Myung just like that, so he also immediately said, "Do you think Taehyung will take everyone to his bedroom and show this painting." Seeing them both fighting like this, Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other, give each other a hint in the eyes. Then Jungkook says, "Hey, leave it. Why are fighting like children over a small thing? Look, the match is between Korea and Germany, not between you two." Both of them become silent after listening to Jungkook. Taehyung then tells Jungkook, "I will come ready." Jungkook nodded his head. Jungkook towards Bogum and says to him, "Will you watch the match wearing this blue t-shirt?" Seeing this, Myung taunts him and says, "For some people, fashion matters more than the country!"

Bogum gets irritated after listening to him. Before he can say anything, Taehyung says, "This is his superstition. Whenever there is an Korea match, he only wears a blue t-shirt." Hearing Taehyung's words, Myung looks at Bogum with surprise and says, "Despite being such a big super-star, you still believe in these things." Bogum retorts, "Why? Isn't a super-star a human being?"

Hearing his rant, Bogum looks at him with a wry smile. Then Jungkook says, "You are saying as if you do not believe in these things. That is why, like every time, this time too you have to keep wearing the same bracelet. Is this not your superstition?" After listening to Jungkook, Bogum looks at Myung in the same way as Myung was looking at him. Then Myung also gets irritated and says to Jungkook, "And like always, you are keeping your hair tied in a bun. You also have this superstition that even if you tie a rubber band in your hair, you will not leave it completely open. " Hearing his words, Taehyung looks at Jungkook smilingly. As if he knew his big secret. Then Jungkook says, "Yes, so what? I can do only this much for Korea to win the match. After all, I am a patriot." Listening to Jungkook, Hanni also says, "Mumma, Hanni also has a superstation."

Jungkook asks him lovingly, "Okay? Tell me, what is that?" Hanni says happily, "Whenever Hanni eats a chocolate before the start of the match, Korea definitely wins the match."

Everyone starts laughing after hearing his innocent words. Jungkook pinches his nose very lightly and says, "So now you eat your chocolate quickly. Okay?" Hanni quickly says ok and starts opening the wrapper of his chocolate. Seeing him, Taehyung says, "You have a very strange superstition. This is a good excuse to eat chocolate." Jungkook defends his son and says, "What's wrong with this? Hey, didn't you know? On any auspicious work should always start with something sweet." Listening to him, Bogum says, "That's right, then we all should have something sweet. Samchon, feed us something sweet." Hearing this, samchon takes the servants with him to the kitchen to bring sweets. Taehyung also goes upstairs to freshen up.