"So…what did you say your name was?" I turn to him while asking, the beast falls to the floor behind me, he stares at me in awe, I smile -I am humoured at his shocked disposition- "Catch" I say throwing his knife back to him, "You…you just killed that thing" he stammers in unbelief pointing shakily at the beast, I shrug "And I thought mages had more experience with beasts than even we reverreds", he blushes in shame at my statement "I suppose…but you see, my parents have influence and so…they found a way for me to skip the first screening, I only arrived later on… so I really don't know a lot about these creatures" his voice is so ashamed, his disposition absolutely -downcast- I stare at him in interest -I know all to well about parents with influence- "So…what family do you come from?" I ask, he looks at me with a sort of shy expression "I'm Yal…and I happen to be the son of the King" he states, -in other words, the prince?-, I start to laugh, he stares at me quizzically "What's so funny?" he questions decisively -I decide to be truthful- "Nothing, it's just that you don't give me the airs of a prince", I blurt out, he sighs heavily "I get that a lot…infact of all my seven brothers, I'm regarded as the most hopeless…that's precisely the reason they sent me here…to at least be useful…seems like I'm not going to meet up to their expectations…" he sounds forlorn, I walk to him and pat him reassuringly "You will meet up… just work towards it" he looks into my eyes gratefully "What's your name?" he asks, I grin "Taki…" I say, he smiles while asking "Your family?" I shrug "Bazuk", he stares curiously at me after my response "You're strong for a female royal" he intones on a note of finality.




I walk to Netyisha and stand beside her, she stares at the horizon meditatively, "What's the deep thought about?" I ask good-naturedly, she turns to me momentarily and then turns back to the horizon "When was the last time the mages had a blood-core?" she asks sullenly, "Apart from me…it's been centuries…" I respond greatly intrigued -a blood-core always spells calamity…infact that's the only reason I wasn't trusted enough to be upper mage- "We reverreds have never had a blood-core…but I sense the overwhelming presence of one among my girls…" she intones worriedly, I smile -her concern at the 'negative' prospects of a blood-core amuses me-