Rave looks at me in humored surprise when I run back to him, "Back so soon?" he asks in a taunting tone, "L…look at that!" I yell while pointing at the monster that has tailed me, Rave's face instantly darkens, he sighs in exhaustion and says "You only left for two minutes", he grabs two huge knives from a latch that he hangs across his shoulder "And yet you've already met trouble" his tone is matter-of-factly, "There's something oddly familiar with the aura of this beast" he blurts out as he begins running towards the beast's direction, he plans to attack it -head on-, " What do you mean?... more importantly,…I don't think charging forth is such a good idea!" I caution, noticing how much his actions are disadvantageous "Well then…if you have any better idea" he responds whilst attempting to launch an attack at the monster "Feel free to demonstrate…" he barely dodges a blow from the beast, -I feel insulted; he literally told me I have nothing to do apart from blab-, I look around me, -is there anything I can use to effectively tackle this unnaturally huge creature?-, my eyes settle on the small fire Rave had earlier prepared to skin a dead beast, I carefully pick the largest firewoods, and crouch down in order to capitalize on Rave distracting the beast and then I -STRIKE- "Seriously…it would be less irritating if you ran away rather than stay here uselessly!" Rave yells at me in annoyance as he is tossed around by the beast, I giggle and this infuriates him even more, he viciously stabs at the creature in successive strikes, meanwhile the fire starts dying out -I panic-



For some reason, this dark and creepy forest, reminds me of my state of mind back at home…I can never actually adapt to sleeping on itchy grass such as this…but I definitely feel even more comfortable than at home -home-, I am the only daughter of the Prime Minister of Pandora with four older brothers, and although the general assumption is that I am cherished for being last born and the only girl, the treatment I receive is quite contrary…even now, the memories are crystal clear, the abuse my mother receives for her status as the second wife, the abuse I receive for being the only child to an inferior wife -sickening!... absolutely sickening!; the system, the hierachy, everything hypocritical sickens me!- and that's why I've decided to prove them all wrong -by learning magic and becoming strong-

"Taki!, Taki wake up…it's time for your shift…" I am jolted out of my sleep by steady taps, I finally open my eyes, the sight of Yal's sleep-starved face greatly humours me "Please wake up Taki…I'm about to die of sleeplessness" Yal pleads, I smile as I sit up…-that's right, I'll become strong-


I blindly launch the flaming woods upon the beast, this stuns it, and it is only able to slightly dodge my attack, however , I have managed to injure it a little, and so it shrieks in pain, Rave capitalizes on its pained frenzy to stab at it multiple times, a final strike, brings it down, I gaze upon the dead body and I turn to glare at Rave victoriously -I demonstrated didn't I?-, it's almost shocking to see Rave staring intently at me, I blush somewhat shamefully at the attention he pays to my features "Normally I work alone but…that can't always work out...right hooded one?" he says looking up at the sky, almost as if there's someone looking back down at him, I stare at him quizically, he suddenly turns back to me "Let's go" he intones smiling -SMILING?!- "Right…" I respond while catching up to him.



I smile while gazing upon the screen, -this disastrous pair really met up to my expectations; Rave has learnt a lesson that I worried he never would- "Who is he to you…why would you go through the trouble of infusing that beast with even more magic?" Gazo asks while staring at the same screen, -I smile- "The one who's going to ruin the system" I respond simply.