"I don't sense the presence of any beasts, and apparently it's nighttime in this realm, so... let's get some rest" Rave states presumptuously "Finally" I undertone, -he's finally acknowledged that even he is tired; I was seriously beginning to wonder at this guy's endurance-, I sit down on the grass, and he suddenly removes his shirt, I politely look away -safety precautions to avoid seeing something I'd rather not-, "I have an undershirt on" he mumbles, I turn back, he has spread the shirt on the floor and sits on it "Aren't you going to still put that on?..." I ask, he shrugs "No…this place is TOO hot to bother myself with two shirts" he states, while he retrieves special rocks from his pocket, he rubs them against each other to create fire and lights some firewood I never noticed he had gathered, he collects some fresh beast-meat from his latch and sets it on the fire, -I watch him in interest- but -the silence and sounds of crackling meat get too much- "So…why do you want to become a mage?" I ask in a bid to start a conversation, -silence-, I am almost outraged -is he ignoring me?- "Do you really want to know?" he finally asks back, I shrug "I did ask you didn't I?" my response is deliberately tuned in rudeness, he smiles -he smiles?!- "I'll tell you then…but I can promise that you'll be terrified" he pauses "I'm going to destroy, the government, the hierachy…the entire system…I'll tear it down to shreds" -silence-, I'm not terrified, I am a little freaked out... but not terrified, he is shocked at my calm disposition "Do you think you'll be able to do it though?" I ask simply, he glares at me "It is my essence, you can decide not to believe me all you want but... I will…", he is serious -I smile- "I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm asking if you believe in yourself…if you believe you can do it…", I say placidly, his furious expression is replaced with a quizzical look "Of course I can" his tone is confident "Can you do better?" I ask again mischievously "What do you mean by…yes I can!" his voice is slightly agitated, "Well then…", I begin thoughtfully "Why don't you rebuild the system?...", my question stuns him, he stares at me in awe "Doing better would mean rebuilding the system…not just ruining it…and doing better would make you have a very powerful person as an ally…" I state matter-of-factly, "And who would that very powerful person be?" he questions decisively, I smile "ME…".




"What's up with that hood?...who exactly does he think he is?", the voices do not take care to be silent about their gossiping, but the looks I receive are even worse, I stand at a corner -I can't bother myself with the idiots everywhere-, everybody's socializing, getting to know each other more in preparation of the school activities ahead, I don't care -they are all idiots after all- "Hey there", I look down to see, some short boy smiling at me "Pretty good-looking hood you got there, but what's with it anyway?", the boy continues, literally insisting on conversing with me, I sigh heavily "I haven't got your time kid" I spit out rudely, the boy chuckles "It's okay, I've got your time…by the way, I'm a student too…the name's Fenice…" he says good-naturedly, I sigh -idiot-



"Fenice has escaped" Waer says simply , I turn to her, and she stares at me expectantly, "So…what does that have to do with me…?" I ask feigning disinterest and carefully monitoring the screen "Well…you two used to be inseparable, you can't deny that…and…" she pauses"You're the only one who knows how to capture him…since you were his trusted ally after all".