We trudge subtly after Sesugh, who currently struggles to drag a semi-conscious man, beside him walks one of his allies also dragging someone along

"We'd move much faster if you dropped all this heavy weight" Rave remarks in irritation at Sesugh's sluggishness resulting from the body he carries, Sesugh shakes his head decisively and mumbles simply in response "No true leader leaves their men behind", I stare at the currently humped person walking right before me, I can decide to believe it or not but -Sesugh has earned my respect by his principles-, I turn to see Rave's thoughtful expression "Was it just my attack that made them this way?" he questions rather guiltily, Sesugh pauses in his tracks "Nah…for these two unconscious ones..." he starts while motioning to the bodies being dragged along "They were already injured and therefore considerably weakened by magical beasts" he finalizes while continuing his slow trek -I am stunned at his casual composure; or perhaps he is not aware that his men are practically dead of monster poison already?- "I know it's probably hopeless…" he utters in sync with my deliberations "But it's always been my dream to be a great leader anybody can look up to…I can't possibly leave the men I have even the slightest chance of saving behind" he adds, "And you?" Rave asks "Were you injured?", Sesugh stops to gently place the body on the floor, then he slowly takes off his shirt from behind to reveal a deep gnash wound right at the middle of his back, -it seems to be rotting up- "But a true leader can't be weak when his men are weak" he intones while putting his shirt back on, lifting the body up and piggy backing it, -right on that same back-




Though my sight is incredibly blurred, and the pain in my left arm even more incredible, I can vividly see the chaos ensuing, in a matter of minutes, the buxom, grand frame of my uncle is reduced to nothing as his head is yanked off on the chopping block, then his silly, permanently complainant wife goes next, her makeup is smudged from the tears and pleading, but the butcherer is apparently so annoyed, he nastily slices off her hands poised in a pleading composure alongside her upper torso in one clean fell, then the sons -my highly annoying cousins and tormentors- they cry out a lot for sixteen year olds but soon their yapping is cut off as well -literally cut off- a faint satisfaction washes over me at the deadened bodies -I smile-, "What a fool", I hear a woman's voice remark "He really thought he could hide in Euphora" it adds, "Hey what about this fella?" a man's voice approaches me "He doesn't seem to be their son…he isn't dressed as fine…neither is he as chubby" a high pitched voice concurs "Well too bad…I already cut off his arm so, he'll probably die of bleeding" the man mutters casually, "Well then…let's away" the woman states on a note of finality and they begin to walk away "WAIT!" I yell out with all my strength, the party of people stop "Please…take me with you…I promise you will not regret it" I say in a trembling voice, the woman who is probably the leader regards me "Fine then" she states simply "What?" the man who cut my arm off asks in unbelief "Oh shut up Mic, at the end of the day…it's still all up to Fenice" she snaps, she motions to the girl with the high pitched voice who comes towards me and with a wave of her wand levitates me -WAND?!, those exist?- I sigh heavily and shut my eyes -I have a dream, and that dream is to live!-