I sit up on the bed, and stretch, I look around my rather scattered up room, books scuttled everywhere, my clothes drawer ajar, and my wand table upturned, I stare indifferently around then my gaze turns to the window, the sun shines upon my face irritably and I sigh heavily, it is morning already, and I feel so exhausted since, -I barely slept last night-, a steady knock breaks into my reminisces "Reverred…miss…" the timid feminine voice stutters timidly, I groan -What message do I have this early in the morning?-, I rise up and walk to the drawer where I pick out a dress similar to what I slept in -another of my specially tailored flame apparels- "What's the matter?" I question as I quickly change, before moving to meditatively brush my hair back, "Well…there is a compulsory emergency meeting for all Reverreds…" she starts, "What's happened this time?" I ask -already sick of the drama before it's even begun- "The third upper mage who has apparently been living in Euphora... and his entire family have been wiped out" she responds simply, I flinch in shock at the news as I gaze at my reflection in the full length mirror, "Normally Mage stuff has no business with we Reverreds but…the Most Reverred Hostess called for this meeting so…" she pauses "Reverred miss?" she calls to me, "I hear you" I respond simply as I gradually strip the dress off -perhaps I should wear black today; but not because I'm grieving…- on the contrary, I'm elated -the entire system of Dark-core haters can just be wiped out bit by bit like this- yeah, I'll wear black cause -I'm Dark-core-



"Upper mage…I am absolutely certain you are well aware of the current happenings" Zael starts as he walks towards me, I smile to myself as my fingers run upon the petals of the exquisitely beautiful black flower I have subconsciously singled out amongst the other colorful ones -why did he have to spy on me for so long to make such a casual statement?- "That's called the Petunia Black the empty shells…" he remarks "It's a flower of grief so perhaps you plan to use it to express your sadness at losing such a close colleague?" he prods rather dubiously, I shrug and say "Hemba and I were never so close…and besides I just really like this flower, it's not about grief" then I turn to face Zael directly and though he cannot see how piercing my gaze is, -he is still considerably intimidated- "He was a fool who tried to do quite past his capabilities…who sought for fights he could never win" I mutter sharply, then I relax, "But it's much too early for strife…so let's head off to the meeting shall we?" I state casually tapping Zael's back and walking away.


Sesugh wearily points to the direction of a small puddle of water "Water…" he gasps out with some difficulty "Are you okay?" I ask as I realize how pale his otherwise dark skin appears, how sweaty and how weak he is, "I'm fine" he mutters snappily as he barely struggles to hold up the body he has piggybacked all this while -the dead body- " Like all his men he's dying…" Rave mumbles simply and then as if on sync -Sesugh slumps-