DISCLAIMER!: I will be changing Rise's hair colour to chestnut brown…also;

For this chapter, my readers may decide to play as a background music; The Merry go round of life song (also known as Howl's Moving Castle theme song) cause it adequately envisions the atmosphere of this memoir...


She maneuvers the keys of the grand piano exquisitely, beginning the symphony on a slow and sombre note, the party of historian and wealthily dressed individuals who are on the dance floor, carefully follow the charming rhythm of her playing, responding through gradually twirling around in the ball -with their large, elegant gowns of fine livery and excellently crafted suits-, but my attention of course is ultimately focused on -her-, she gently rocks in her wheelchair as she carries on playing this nostalgic, yet captivating song,- just like a creep, I hide behind the curtain nearest to her so I can get the best view, it is a love I have nursed, everytime I manage to watch her perform at balls; but I know I wil be rejected, after all, my life is rejection itself- my attention is focused right from her slender fingers, that presently seem to dance upon the keys of the piano in a fast paced engagement; to her face that beams in her smiling demeanour, her shut eyes contribute to the angelic swaying to the sound she produces, I simply watch in absolute adoration, -gushing at her tender elegance-, today she has tied her brown hair into a neat bun and her emerald eyes sparkle as she reaches a climax so beautiful, it practically throws me off balance and my heart leaps for joy as I vibrate in lovesickness, then she approaches the end of her piece with the same subtlety she begun with, but now everyone is visibly overwhelmed by emotions as a few around my hiding spot who are unpaired as I am, start to sob, -crying in an euphoric nostalgia- and slowly -a tear makes it's way from my eye- just as she plays an end note, then, an ear-racking applause fills the ballroom as she gently touches the last key in her symphony, I sniff and turn to go, -but not before stealing one last closeup glance of her-, my eyes dreamily revert to her face and to my astonishment, I find her staring directly into them,I blush in sheer embarrassment, -What would she feel of being creepily stared at?- she chuckles softly and cocks her head to the side quizically "Eyes were given to look with, don't you think?" she asks in the most melodically quiet voice I have ever heard, "I'm Rise..." she adds while bowing her head, "I know...everyone one knows…and I love your music…no I love you, so, so much" I cut her in excitedly, -then I realize the absurdity in my words and redden up- meanwhile she stares at me with shock before blushing and timidly smiling again "But what's more important is…who are you?" she asks softly, and I turn even more red -this is a fantasy come true- "I'm…my name is..." I begin to stutter, "HYDE!..." my aunt yells my name breaking into our rendezvous, I turn in the direction of her call in alarm, my face instantly falls, then suddenly, I feel a small hand wrap around mine, grasping me tightly, I turn to see as Rise vigorously wheels with me out of sight from my aunt, we come to a slightly desolate corner of the crowded ball, -I can't stop looking at Rise- and she gazes up at me "Nobody loves the person behind my music…" she mutters rather sadly as she turns away -I love the way she articulates…what's not to love?- , and suddenly a strange confidence fills me up, I crouch to her level and I gently hold her face -her skin is so tender-, "My love for you covers for the love the entire universe would have given you" I mumble in a smokily, appealing voice -I nearly don't believe belongs to me- she reddens up -I am thrilled-, she slowly reaches to hold the hand I have placed on her face and whispers "If you come to the Prester mount tomorrow by noon…then I'll tell you why you needn't invest such in someone as wasted as me" then she gradually takes my hand off her face, squeezes it and wheels away, I am just about to follow her when two pairs of hands grab me back, I am just about to punch at them until I see they are my nicompoop cousins "Mother says you are SO dead" Marc spits at me, "Flirting with someone so high class? must be outta your god damn mind!" Marv taunts pulling my hair, I groan and the attention of those around is caught, the two idiots look around and think better than to cause a scene here "After the ball then ya bastard dog!" they simultaneously state on a note of finality and as they walk away, I sigh -no matter how many lashes I receive…it would all be worth it, after all my innate desire to live is only because an angel like Rise exists-