The hall is sparsely crowded by the time I arrive, and so I am the center of attention immediately I come, I look around the faces of my juniors who scrutinize my appearance "But Rev Netyisha ONLY wears fiery red" I hear somebody say, "This new getup makes her seem loathesome" another individual asserts , and so they carry on despicably chattering on to themselves, -their noise making very much irritates me- I clench my fists and look away from the hubub of judgemental reverreds -in a bid to distract myself from being enraged at their gossiping- my eyes move to the boardroom setting prepared upon the section of uplifted ground at the centre of the massive hall, -where some rank 1 and rank 2 reverreds as myself are already seated- the walls are today painted a dull grey hue and the insigna engraved upon the ceilings are even more pronounced -all adjustments prompted only during a time of mourning; since when did we Reverreds mourn Mages?- "Hey Netyisha, what's up with today's fashion?" Waer asks in a sleepy voice as she approaches me "Yeah…we're trying to appear like we actually care about mourning some stupid mage…but, I suppose you really took it to heart" she adds while yawning, she is oblivious of the fury that begins to burn in me, that is potrayed in my darkening countenance and glaring eyes -the last thing I want is to be confused with mourning for somebody because of my black apparel-, I smile, and state in a voice loud enough to be heard by everyone around, "Why does my clothe choice seem to bother you all so much?, besides I'm not the only one dressed in black…" I pause meditatively "Mourning is my last objective for dressing up black…I have actually just discovered the beauty of nightshade…now if you'll excuse me" I plaster a false smile and walk up to the boardroom table and take my designated spot on the table, a few knowing glances are passed around as I sit -but they know better than to openly gossip about me-then a sudden silence envelops the hall and the distinct sound of clacking heels approach the table, I groan in annoyance and stand up to join in the salute "MOST REVERRED HOSTESS YULIA…!" we resound the greeting, the hostess takes her place at the head of the table, she is in her peak- age, resplendently dressed in a cream coloured round gown that widens her buxom figure even more, her hair is grey-white and rolled up, her wrinkles are managed well but present, she sighs heavily, as she looks around the table "Where is the Most Reverred 2?" she questions wearily "Here I am!" a voice yells cutting into her question, and in runs a girl with a green bonnet covering her head, clad in a weirdly tailored, green dress that resembles greatly; a tunic, as soon as she arrives, comments are passed round -judgy, mocking comments-, I regard her in interest -so this is the brand new Most Reverred 2?-, her face is remarkably red -as if she actually has a skin-condition-, she timidly sits beside the Most Reverred Hostess, "Today's meeting is tailored towards two things..." the Most Reverred Hostess begins, "An official introduction to the Most Reverred 2…" Hostess Yulia motions to the girl beside her, "And a brief discussion concerning the state of affairs in the Pandora system…" Hostess Yulia pauses "We'll begin with the latter…" she adds.


"If we had known we would have needed it…then we definitely would NOT have eaten that fruit" Taki grumbles while searching vigorously through the bushes around, Rave and Yal are searching at a different corner and I am on the floor, cradling the most of Sesugh's upper torso upon my lap -a bid to avoid the injury on his back from becoming even more grazed if lain on the grassy floor-, he groans in pain and I am clueless as to how to give him comfort, so my hands gently caress his face, he opens his eyes slightly and looks into my eyes unbelievably, -his face red- he attempts to shift away, but he can't because of the pain at his back, he yelps in pain and I squeeze his cheeks "Don't be stupid…" I mumble, "Just…relax, you're going to be fine so…" I add giving a reasssuring smile, he gazes at me, his eyes softening, then he shuts them "GUYS!!!!" Taki yells, and to my horror, I see a hoarde of beasts of different sizes and formations approaching us at every corner, Rave groans and remarks "So…this is why they didn't attack us for a while, they were marking us for a mega attack" he looks at me, and I look back "You sure you don't want to drop him and run?" he asks sharply, I frown "Even if I am droppping him…. It's not to run" I respond with equal sharpness, Rave shrugs "Suit yourself then…" he undertones as he retrieves weapons and charges forth slashing about in a crazed frenzy, Taki shrugs and follows suit, with Yal still dedicatedly searching the shrubs at the very opposite side of us "Hey guys!, I've found…" he is cut off, due to being thrown around by a beast, -everyone else is too occupied; and Yal is obviously extraordinarily weak-, I gently drop Sesugh upon the grass and while grabbing a dagger attached to his belt, I run towards Yal.