It is an extremely sunny day, father and I are occupied with fetching up water for home use,-before the streams dry up- I lift the small barrel of water up gingerly and place it on my head, it is incredibly heavy but I refuse to own up to that fact, I glance at my father who heaves a far much bigger barrel as nothing , and the reality of weakness due to my childhood downs on me -I frown to myself- " Good work Rave…" my father calls to me while patting my back, before he walking along, two barrels positioned on the yoke he carries upon his shoulders, my despicable frown instantly melts and is promptly replaced with a proud smile, my energy is reimbursed by this acknowledgement and I place the lid upon my barrel and follow up behind him, my father whistles a peculiar tune to himself, then he suddenly looks down at me and humoredly regards my quizical expression "That drives monsters away" he whispers in an eerie undertone, my twelve year old eyes widen in fright -as memories of a series of bloody, monster encounters I have witnessed douse my memory- father notices my instant change in countenance, he sighs heavily and carefully drops his yoke, then he crouches to my level "That's what we've got our fists for my boy" he mutters to me reassuringly, he stares into my eyes and I return his steady gaze, my eyes regard the deep stich mark running from his left ear to his forehead, he grins and puts my index upon the scar then he says, "Litsen up Rave…you're only allowed to be weak when father is around you understand?" I nod



I viciously slash at the beasts with all my might, then I turn just in time to evade being clawed by another creature that launches itself at me, -I fight exactly like a mad man-, lunging weapons and my fists at everything before me -after all, this is what I've got fists for-, beast blood is spilled everywhere around me, -but I am too focused in the zone of killing; I feel so strong- perhaps this is all thanks to the torture that hooded monster has given me by name of 'training', suddenly, sharp edges jag and collide into my chest -a surprise attack from behind curtsey of one of the more intelligent creatures- then my blood gushes out , the girl called Taki gasps dramatically and points at my bloodied body, I shrug and jump towards her just in time to slash off a monster that is just about to attack her from behind, she yells and pushes me away before realizing I saved her life, she looks at me gratefully, I breath in heavily -I am exhausted- I stagger around then my eyes reach the opposite area where I see a huge humanoid beast strangling- CAMADA?, like a flash -my energy returns-, I rush over and jump at the beast from behind, -I rip through it's heart from behind-, it instantly drops dead and releases Camada, she falls down into my arms, we gaze at each other for a while, then I fall down as well.


I slap Rave's face and shake him, -I am frantic-, he looks terrible, even worse than Sesugh "Don't die on me you stupid, proud bonehead" I quiver as I try to force him awake, his body is limp, Yal staggers to us "Oh dear…two down bodies now" he remarks, then he looks at me thoughtfully "I owe you my life" he states casually, while crouching to Rave and squeezing the juice out of the peculiar purple fruit he's holding into the wound on Rave's chest " This is not sure to rescue his life…it just gives him a chance of survival…by slightly neutralizing the poison..." he undertones, while standing upright, he walks to Sesugh's body and repeats the same routine while mumbling "It all actually depends on their strength…both of them, we have about four days left in this place…can they survive till then?" he pauses and chuckles spitefully before adding "Can we ourselves survive?"


The atmosphere of furious Mages, nearly makes me feel guilty that I'm late, -nearly-, the Head Upper Mage fumes as I casually walk to my seat on the council table "Upper Mage" he calls in a decisive tone, whilst slamming his fist on the table, "This unpunctuality is highly despicable" he glares at me from the other end of the table -if he could see how humoured my expression is right now, he would explode-, I notice Zael stare at me in disbelief -he thought I had immediately come to the meeting when I told him I was; but instead I actually decided to detour by conjuring up a small garden of Petunia velvets for myself and that delayed me- "I apologize for my impertinence…" I mutter, the Head Mage sighs heavily "Let us officially begin this meeting" he looks around, "Now that one of ours has been outright murdered in such a shameful manner along with every on of his living relatives", he pauses stroking his beard meditatively, his eyes resting on me, "It's time we get serious about destroying the Reformation…and it's leader Fenice don't you think?"



I wake up with a gasp and it hits me -I'M ACTUALLY ALIVE-