I am presently lain flat on the bare hard concrete floor, -twenty- seven; twenty- eight; twenty- nine-, at the thirtieth lash that collides with my bare back, -I very slightly wince in pain-, my cousins standing at the corner chuckle at my pained expression, and the guard flogging me looks to my aunt's direction in guilt, she sighs heavily, while rolling her wide empty eyes, then very dramatically, she waves him off, the guard thankfully takes a bow and leaves the room, Marv crouches to my level, he holds my face up to his and spits at it, then he laughs "Next time…know your position you lowborn" my aunt remarks while leaving the room, Marv drops my face and follows her, Marc follows suit , but not before stepping on my wounded back, he chuckles as he shuts the door behind him -I hear the bolts fastened-, I clench my fist and struggle to crawl to the door where I reach out with the little energy I have left and shake the door, -it is locked indeed-, a tear drops from my eye, but it's not because of physical pain -against all odds, I'm determined to visit Rise at the mount today…will I have to break the door then?-


-I look around my new surroundings placidly-, it is a bare room with only the bed I am lying on, and a small drawer adjacent to the bed present in it's space, -I wonder then why the room is considerably large-, I look out the only window in the room crafted close to the bed, -the environment outside is a meadow shadowed by dusk approaching- I make to get up but I feel as if a heavy weight is holding me down, "No can do…" a familiar voice remarks icily while entering the room, I turn to him in alarm, he is a fierce looking fellow with dark blue hair, short and spiky, he is of a muscular, average heighted build; but the feature that perhaps grasps my attention the most are -his eyes; he has upturned eyes with remarkably thin pupils, the color of midnight- I am unconsciously staring hard at these eyes that are the most marvelous I have ever seen, and I conclude that they are his most striking features; that is until I pay closer attention to his face itself; -his face carries peculiar engravings upon either side, it almost looks like a small black bird on the left side of his face and a small black hand on the other side of his face-, he has quite a face, but is it a face I can in anyway -trust?-, meanwhile he seems to be carrying a mental analysis of my face as well -but why does he seem so keen?; it's just orange hair and brown eyes- he suddenly sighs heavily and places his hand on his head in -exhaustion?- , just at that moment, someone enters the room, she is tall, elegant and possesses a mystifying aura, she is clad in a pink dress that greatly resembles the fine ballgowns my aunt owned -used to own-, her hair is an immaculate white and it cascades down her shoulders, her eyes are also -completely white-, I gasp -what sort of strange looking people am I encountering?- she leans to me, and grabs my my face from under my chin, she looks into my eyes , and I blush trying hard to avert her gaze -her eyes very slightly frighten me, in contrast to the fellow's whose are just as strange- she chuckles -perhaps I'm humour at my reactions?- "Seriously though Faria…you're only crazy to assume this boy is the chosen one…" the fellow mutters to her bitterly, she shrugs and lets go of my face "I'm not saying he is Mic, but what if by some chance, he actually is…this is our chance to get even more recognized by Lord Fenice…" she states matter-of-factly while turning to him, he sighs heavily "But I sense no essence…none at all, is it every young man we'll bring to the Lord Fenice in name of 'he might be the Chosen one'?... besides he could have regenerated his arm himself if he was so special…" Mic babbles, Faria stares at him like a person would stare at a piece of shit "Even you can't regenerate from a magic inflicted injury" she mutters simply "But it seems to me that he's an empty shell!... maybe you're wrong after all!" Mic argues, then suddenly the atmosphere changes, Faria sighs and looks directly into his eyes -seriously; the atmosphere tensens even more- then she walks to Mic and bends to his height level -his gaze caught in hers- before tapping her left eye and saying in a raspy voice "My eyes are never wrong Mic…never" this statement seems to permanently silence him, he has nothing to do but to turn away and glare at me, Faria smirks and walks out, he follows suit but before stepping out, he mumbles "When Lord Fenice declares you useless…I'll enjoy eating your eyes up the most…"