"It has been confirmed that, recently the Reformation's main areas of operation are in the East and South provinces of Euphora, attacking citizens and Government officials of our country who reside I believe we should deploy our full force mages to those areas in order to tackle the Reformation, especially since the Euphoran Empire are doing absolutely minimum to defend our people" he suggests subtly before sitting down, O who is sitting adjacent to me taps his long, black- polished nails on the table meditatively, before muttering "Brilliant idea Viju…but I don't think the Euphoran government will be as kind enough as to let even more of our magic users into their territory especially after considering the chaos the Reformation has prompted…", the Head Upper Mage sighs heavily, "I agree with Gazo…but it's due time we crush this group" he states while slamming his fist on the table, his dull green eyes glinting in fury, -I smile to myslf- "I propose that we infiltrate Euphora…their magic defense is considerably weak and we can easily get past their physical defense…we just have to quickly deal with the Reformation…" Zael speaks up, most of the Mages are alarmed at the idea he has given -but deep down they all have figured it would come to this-, they discuss within themselves and the Head Upper Mage, meditates -why think so deep?...this is inevitable…what idiots; or do they believe there is some other way? – or is there?- "There may be another way…" I mumble, The Head Upper Mage looks at me expectantly "The battle against the Reformation is one that will undoubtedly…draw attention…" I pause "And once the Euphoran empire discover we have snuck upon their land, then we will see the wrath of their government…they may lack defense but their offense will SMOTHER us…" I pause again for these prospects to sink in -Zael regards me carefully- "And so…what do you propose Upper Mage?" the Head Upper Mage eventually questions, this time his tone is much softer towards me, I chuckle and stand up while saying,"I suggest a SETUP…the Euphoran Empire cannot resist an avenue to show off their students and so we will arrange a CROSS-COUNTRY student competition between our students and theirs…and the setting will be at the Horax, which is the exact center that divides both our countries, and the Reformation cannot resist causing havoc at such a big event, I predict that this engagement will draw them out and THEN!..." my risen voice reaches a climax in the explanation, now I reduce it to normality before intoning simply, "We strike", the Head Upper Mage stares at me in awe, I perceive his innermost thoughts resounding "He may be annoying but he is indeed a GENIUS…",he strokes his beard meditatively, and then he states on a note of finality "We will go with the Upper Mage's suggestion"



"Dooter!...Dooter!" my madam's voice cuts into my conversation with him, "Yes ma'am!" I yell back a response, and I make to hurry away, but he holds me back "Doo…my bedroom tonight…" he whispers into my ear while fondling my chest, I grit my teeth as his hands begin to travel, running through my brown hair, running underneath my clothes "If you want me to even be ALIVE for tonight's appointment…then you'll let me answer your mother's call" I mutter to him sharply, he chuckles and undertones "You make a good point…", he kisses my cheek and finally releases me, I step past the corner, only to meet the buxom frame of my madam, she grabs me by my hair and viciously smacks my face "And how many times did I have to call you?" she questions in a malicious voice "I'm sorry ma'am..." I plead as she pulls out some of my hair, she is just about to smack me again when a voice jolts her out of her action "Mother…forgive her, it was I that instructed her to wipe my shoes therefore her delay" he states simply, she looks at her son affectionately before mumbling "Fine…now you girl…come feed the ten dogs…don't feed the eleventh though…he annoyed me" she instructs me while walking away, I look up at him gratefully, he winks at me before going his direction as well…


I wake up with a gasp -what sort of strange dream did I have just now?-, I look around my surroundings -it is dark, and the moon shines brightly, Taki is still up keeping watch-, she turns to me "Perfect timing…it's your turn to keep watch…" then she regards me carefully "Bad dream?" she asks, I sigh and sit up properly whilst responding, "I don't know…it seemed more like a vague memory"