Most Reverred Hostess Yulia turns to me, before saying simply "Reverreds like Netyisha and Waer were occiupied with the Reverred students and so did not receive a proper introduction to our new Most Reverred 2", Waer nods while yawning, I smile to myself -sometimes I like missing out on certain matters courtesy of my occupations with Reverred Tutoring engagements…but the new Most Reverred 2…is not one of them- "The Most Reverred Hostess is but too considerate…" I mumble while bowing my head submissively, Yulia waves her hand in acknowledgement, then she motions to the Most Reverred 2 who gets up nervously ,"My name is…Misty Daruvës and I was recommended by the former Most Reverred 2 to serve as her replacement when she decided to resign in order to get married…" Misty stutters, her wide eyes meet mine, -we lock eyes- "Please let's work well together!" she stammers while decisively looking away "Yes…Misty is a prodigy, and so proficient are her abilities and magic coordination that the Council instantly appointed her as Most Reverred 2" Yulia adds as Misty sits down awkwardly "Well ladies…" Yulia suddenly mutters while standing up, we all stand up "Thank you all for attending…" she remarks closing the meeting, people begin to file out, and just as I am about to leave, The Most Reverred Hostess calls me back, I sigh heavily and walk to her, then I bow, she nods, and addresses me "I have a special assignment for you…" I nod, as I respond "I am all ears Most Reverred Hostess", she sighs "It's concerning Misty…I sincerely need your assistance in naturalizing her to this place…" she pauses "You see Misty grew in a very bad environment so…it sort of affected her mental health…in summary, she'sa whole LOT…" she adds, my eyes shift to see Misty at a corner surrounded by many low class Reverreds who appear to adore her but are actually mocking her from behind, she is a pitiful sight -trying so hard to create a wonderful impression…and failing so woefully already- "Please…help her, she needs someone REAL around her, for this matter, I can only trust you" she gazes down at me earnestly, I take a deep breath and undertone "Certainly".



I am very used to hunger, but I can't help but feel peculiarly starved, especially after four days of no nutrition, it is a new morning and still no sign of anybody, to worsen my plight is the fact that my body has apparently been tied down with imaginary chains "For crying out loud he's unlike us…he obviously can't survive without food you idiot!" I hear Faria's voice trail off, a few minutes later Mic barges into the room, -he is vicibly in a foul mood- he holds a tray with a bowl of -food- presently he glares at me despicably, and groans, he steps to me and slams the tray upon a stool set beside my bed -one I hadn't noticed earlier- "T…thank you…" I stammer as I rush for the bowl, literally falling to the floor in my frenzy of hunger, I reach to the table, then -suddenly- the stuff levitates, -this absolutely takes me aback- I withdraw in fright when it suddenly rises up, Mic instantly begins to laugh and -I am completely embarrassed at my reactions- "How can someone as pathetic as you possibly be the Chosen One?" he remarks mockingly while the bowl of soup pours onto my head -so he's controlling it?- I slurp up the soup, and I wonder myself -how can someone as pathetic as me be chosen for anything?; but more importantly, what is the Chosen One?- I ponder on this for a while , Mic scoffs spitefully at my thoughtful face before turning to walk away, "What…" I begin, he turns back to me, surprised that I have spoken to him "…is the Chosen One?", I complete while looking directly into his strange eyes, he locks eyes with me before bursting into another feat of laughter before responding simply,"It's something that has nothing to do with you", I shrug and undertone "I know…it's just that I'm curious", he smirks "They say curiosity kills the cat…but this time I will kill the you…" he mumbles, I just stare at this dude -so now he thinks he aced with a cool line?- he walks out, and I meditatively look up the ceiling -it is made of rotten wood therefore it is dirty looking; or perhaps it was made of good wood that eventually rottened?-, my train of thoughts suddenly swerve to a name frequently mentioned; the one who will determine my fate?; -FENICE?-



"Excuse me…Most Reverred 2?" I call nervously, she turns to me and looks up at me quizically, the Reverreds around her begin to clear out upon my arrival -I grin to myself-, she notices this and looks around her anxiously "Guys…where are you all going?" she asks in a quivering voice, her expression suddenly contorts, from a smiley face to appearing like she's at the brink of snapping, I observe her changes in interest,"D..did I do.. something wrong?" she stammers while panicking, she's just about to scream when I grab her to myself in an awkward embrace, she breaths heavily trying hard to control herself, I pat her head reassuringly "It's okay…I'm here with you…" I whisper into her ear, she breaths in and out -finally stabilizing- "Just Misty is fine…" she mumbles.