It is a sunny morning -but the source of the sun is unknown as the sky above is grey and dull- I stare intently at Rave who is lying on the floor unconscious, he breaths with difficulty and I watch in anxiety as his chest heaves up and down heavily, -it's almost as if, he's going to die at any minute- Taki comes up from behind me "We've got a few more days left in this place…I pray they're able to survive" she mutters simply, "Ladies…what do you think about moving to a different location?" Yal asks as he walks towards us while yawning, Taki shrugs "Fine…but the issue is how to move along with Rave and Sesugh" she remarks as she stretches her body, "Yeah…that will be an issue" Yal responds in a downcast tone "Oh…I am going to have a long bath if I make it home…I feel so damn filthy" Taki undertones with a sigh "But…we have to find a way to move before we're attacked again by a large amount of monsters, since they're probably marking us right now…" Yal mumbles seriously, "Well…in that case, shouldn't we get a move on?" a familiar voice cuts into our conversation, -Sesugh's voice?- we turn to see Sesugh sitting up with a blank expression upon his very slightly pale face -he however looks incredibly better- "I can walk just fine now" he remarks as he struggles to get up, he stands up and staggers almost falling down, Yal holds him just in time "With some support….I should be good" Sesugh mumbles nervously, Yal sighs heavily, "Hey Camada…help Sesugh wouldn't you?... Yal will piggyback Rave…and I will keep watch" Taki instructs, "Hey…I never agreed to…" Yal starts to protest "And why do you get to do nothing?" I undertone, "I'm doing a lot actually…because I'm obviously stronger than both of you…so if we encounter any beasts…my hands have to be free so I can fight it off Camada" she responds with a smug expression plastered on her face, I shrug and Yal glares at both of us, Sesugh pats Yal on the back pitifully "You suggested this yourself pal" he mumbles to Yal matter-of-factly before reluctantly receiving my hand that I've let out to support him "Well then…just like Yal says... we've gotta move quickly since we're a bit short staffed to fend off any surprise beast attack" Taki cheerfully intones as she adjusts the frilly white arms of her dress, and begins to skip away "Since when did anybody make her the leader" Yal grumbles as he struggles to heave Rave up on his back, Sesugh gazes down at me awkwardly as I trudge along with him.



I admire the blossoming black flowers in pride, with a wave of hand, I levitate the watering can and water the flowers "I may not be seeing your face…but I'm sure you're pleased with yourself" Zael mumbles while approaching me, I smile to myself "You're right about that" I respond in a cheery tone "But…why such an early morning visit Zael?", I turn to see him shrug, he comes to my side and observes the flowers "Didn't you plant these just yesterday?... how come they're blossoming already?" he questions "Or don't tell me…you also function as a plant manipulation master" he asks unbelievably while turning to face me, I chuckle "Nope…I actually just sucked out the age span from other flowers and endowed it upon my flowers" I mumble casually, he appears absolutely terrified "Could you do that to a human being too?" he asks in a quivering voice "Yeah…" I say simply, he backs out slowly from me, I laugh humored at his reactions "You Spirit type Dark-cores are truly something huh?" he remarks staring at the flowers ominously "Yeah…except…I'm the first of my type, my existence prompted the creation of the Spirit-type category" I undertone, he stares at me and sighs "It always seems so convenient to pick a fight with you and therefore prove myself but then reality hits me and I realize that it would be nothing but suicidal" he mumbles meditatively as he reaches out to touch a petal, "So allow me to stick around and find out your weakness" he looks up at me again, I shrug while leaning closer to him and say simply "I would love nothing more than that" he tries to peer into my face through my hood, I pat his head and he withdraws suddenly -in shock at my sudden actions?- he blushes in shame and walks away quickly, I smile and carry on watering the flowers.




I stare up at the ceiling in boredom and homesickness, a certain thought crosses my mind -would I have been better dead?- , but then one person comes to my consciousness -long slender fingers positioned upon a keyboard, beautiful emerald green eyes, a pleasant smile and brown cascading hair;Rise- I sit up with a new resolve -I've got to stay alive for Rise's sake- so instead of sitting and awaiting my death like a fool, I struggle to break out of these imaginary chains, as I try hard to break free, it feels so painful almost as if -I'm trying to break loose from my very skin- I feel as though I'm tearing myself up apart, I struggle to suppress my groans of pain so not to call attention, but just as I'm on the brink of getting free, the pain gets nearly unbearable -I feel as if my bones are all being shattered through- but in a rush of weird energy, I insistently force through till I am finally away from the binding chains, I fall to the floor in exhaustion and crawl to the door, I reach up to the handle "Impressive" a voice startles me cutting into my rendezvous, I turn to the window where I see the woman; Faria sitting upon the window ledge and gazing down at me good-naturedly "It's hard to believe that you escaped Mic's magic... not even I can do that...but I guess now I can be certain you do possess magic" she says while chuckling, she drops into the room and walks to me "You're a remarkable person... I'm sure of it" she remarks bending down to grab my face and stare into my eyes, I gulp hard -just what is she talking about?-