"Thank you for escorting me all this way Reverred…?" Misty pauses and gives a guilty expression, staring at me with questioning eyes, as she only just realizes, -that she does not know my name-, I smile "Netyisha…my name is Netyisha" I say simply, she nods passionately, I turn to go "But why no stay for some tea?...I promise it's not any ordinary tea…it's my special recipe you see..." she says eagerly while holding me back in excitement "Definitely Misty..." I begin very calmly while turning to look at her reassuringly, "But some other time right?" she gazes up at me in disappointment, then she nods, suddenly I perceive another presence, -I glare at the ceiling; a little rat?- "Now you better go you don't catch a cold" I mumble on a note of finality while opening the door leading to her chambers and gently pushing her inside, she looks at me quizically as I shut the door behind her, I sigh heavily -Misty is indeed a whole LOT-, I look up again -I am certainly being followed- this time I smile, -roasted rat- I begin to walk away, the person carefully trails after me, -Just what I wanted- like a flash, I snap my fingers, and a flame engulfs the area behind me, a pained shriek breaks into the atmosphere, I turn to see a hooded figure on the floor shielding it's face with it's hands "The hooded one?" I blurt in unbelief, "No…" -it's a lady- she drops her hands, and I see that it is a low rank reverred -she looks absolutely terrified- "What do you want?" I question snappily, she quivers while stammering "I'm sorry…I was sent", I glare at her and ask "By who…?", she gulps hard "Death by fire would be more horrible than anything else…especially if I steam-fry you…" I prod as I produce a wave of flames above her head, she shivers "But they said you wouldn't be so vicious" she yaps, I walk to her and bend to her level before intoning simply "Well…they lied", she stares at me curiously and begins to chuckle, before looking up at me mischievously "Well…it's not like you can actually kill me…can you?, I mean Reverred code exists right?" she undertones in a completely different tone; with a completely different personality, I smirk and say simply "Thank you for asking if I can…", I slap her cheek with a flame, she yells in pain, I ask in a taunting tone "Still want to ask if I can?" she shakes her head fervently as tears stream down her eyes and she holds her scalded cheek, "I thought so…now, I'll ask again, who sent you to spy on me?" I question while glaring straight into her eyes, "I was sent by…" she hooks in her sentence, suddenly she starts convulsing and her body jerks around, I gaze at her as she suddenly evaporates, I grit my teeth -I want to know who's responsible for this-



"On the contrary, there are quite numerous other ways of murdering people painfully, even without the use of fire" I remark simply after hearing her story and slowly digesting the facts "Please tell me you have something more reasonable than that to tell me Mr Hooded one" she undertones while sighing heavily, I hum to myself cheerfully as I flip the page of my book, "So you're telling me…that someone from the Reverred is spying on you and is apparently not working alone?" I ask simply "Yes" she concurs excitedly "Do you have any idea who it might be?" she asks hopefully, -I smile to myself- before stating factually "My dear Netyisha…of course I absolutely DO NOT know anybody in the Reverred and so lack proficient knowledge to decipher the identity of our culprit" she sighs in disappointment "This is all up to you…you must see past the surface value, you see no foe worth your hassle would be easy to discover by mere appearances, so work by intuition and a little more…" I pause "That is all I can say for now…" I state on a note of finality, she regards me curiously "All you 'can' say or all you 'want' to say?" she questions me while standing up and beginning to walk out, I chuckle "It's all I 'will' say" I respond simply, she pauses in her steps "You know…the spy wore a hood like you do, looking past face value is making me suspect you have some connection with this all…" she mumbles, now I -laugh out loud- "You're free to think whatever you want dear Netyisha but don't you reckon suspecting an acquaintance such as myself is quite beyond 'value' itself?", her countenance softens "Forgive me then…for my over-assertion", she walks out.


"Hooded one",a female voice breaks into my reading session, I nod in response "I was expecting you…well?, how did it go?" I ask uncommitedly "I didn't really finish up…but what about the girl I used…will she be okay?" she asks in concern, I shrug "Whether she's okay or not all depends on you…don't you think Mayter?" I respond simply she begins to quiver "And what's the likelihood Netyisha will find out?" she stammers, I chuckle and answer "In the last hour…I'd say it's increased by a hundred percent…"