Four of us trudge along the grassy,forestine path quietly, I look up at the grey sky, and I realize that -I've never actually taken care to analyse this realm- "It's strange to you too right?" Yal's voice breaks into my line of thoughts, "The fact that it was sunny a few minutes ago…and now the sky is grey" he adds while looking up as well, "Probabaly rain?" Sesugh suggests looking up as well, "Highly unlikely…there doesn't seem to be an actual pattern to the weather distributions of this place…no… there is no weather, no sun, no moon, no clouds" Yal states decisively while walking ahead, "Well…this is a realm entirely created by magic, so there's bound to be difference…after all…most magic are nothing but illusions" Taki interposes, I ponder on what Taki says -the beasts themselves can't actually be illusions…but I agree with her theory- "Hey…look over there, that shed looks like it was just set for us to come reside in!" Taki exclaims excitedly as she points to a shed made of branches and twigs that seems just large enough for us, "Yeah…it'll serve as cover for us from beasts" Yal concurs, we begin to walk towards this shed but, I am skeptical as I look closely at the shed and notice how surreal it appears…I stop, Sesugh who is still holding me looks at me questioningly "Why'd you stop…come on let's go" he nudges me, -most magic are nothing but illusions- "Isn't it strange that an unoccupied shed is in the middle of nowhere?" I ask Sesugh "Our luck I guess" he responds nervously "And it hasn't been destroyed by any beasts…" I add staring right into his eyes, he fidgets -suddenly the encounter Rave and I had with the illusionary beast comes back to me- "TAKI, YAL…MOVE AWAY FROM THAT THING!" I yell as the shed and the area around it breaks into a hump-backed beast, Taki and Yal gasp and are taken aback as they scramble to flee, the beast resembles a huge hump-backed centipede and it launches its numerous legs at Taki and Yal, Rave falls from Yal's back right to the floor, "There's no use trying to run away, we have to attack this thing head on!" Taki yells.



I am presently upon the floor, staring at the stub of what used to be my left arm, the emotion of hopelessness douses my soul, and I lie down rolling around in a state of semi-delirium, the door suddenly opens and in walks a new face, she regards me rather pompously, turning her nose up in disgust at my person, I quickly sit up quite embarassed at my present state, "I can't believe someone like you would be granted audience with Lord Fenice" she remarks in a high pitched, incredulous voice, "Me neither" I respond, she stares at me and I equally stare at her -she seems to be about my age of seventeen, and she is dressed in a cropped yellow vest, brown shorts and green knee-reaching boots, her hair is bobbed and a mixture of red and black, her eyes are wide and have black pupils; she seems quite ordinary, but on closer observation, I notice that she appears to have red scales upon the skin of her neck and her arms- "What are you looking at?" she snaps at me, I look away, she sighs heavily "Hey don't go telling anyone I came here…I'm ought not to be here" she blurts rudely as she glares at me, she turns to go, -Am I not going to capitalize and understand somethings about my fate?- "Okay…but only if you tell me something in return…" I speak up, she turns back to me and speaks in a threatening tone "I'm not making a deal with you…you have no choice but to shut up or…" "Or what?" I interrupt "If you do anything to me…then you'll only be announcing the fact that you came here to Faria" I mumble matter-of-factly, at the mention of Faria, she seems to wither up and she withdraws her domineering composure "You little…" she begins but, sighs heavily and thinks better "Fine…what do you want to know?" she questions decisively "Who… is this Fenice everybody talks about?" I ask obliviously, her face instantly contorts and she matches over and smacks my face "It is Lord Fenice…never utter his grand name without the addition of 'lord'" she blurts in anger "Okay…" I state blankly with no reactions "So…who is he?" I prod, she stares at me surprised at my composure even after she hit me, "He is our leader and we are disciples to his great Reformation Cause…if he approves of you, then you become a disciple too" she states meditatively, I ponder on her words, "I see…so what's the Reformation?" I ask again, "You will have adequate knowledge of it when you become a disciple…" she responds simply before walking out the room, I stare into space -a disciple huh?-



I sneak ever so quietly into the room, it is dark and a figure sleeps upon the huge bed, I sigh in relief however just as I'm about to go out of the room, "Dooter…is that you?" the voice cuts into my escape, I gulp hard "Yes…" I whisper in response -silence-, just as I'm about to attempt escape again I feel arms wrap around me, "I was sad cause I thought you wouldn't be able to make it…" he whispers into my right ear before licking it, I quiver in irritation "Now…shall we begin?" he mutters.