This impromptu meeting is a golden avenue, perhaps I will make a headway in discovering my attacker since all Reverreds are gathered together, and so, I look around the hall full of Reverreds, carefully observing everyone, -nobody seems oddly suspicious-, I frown to myself ,it seems as though my task is entirely futile -there's absolutely no way of me locating my assailant in an engagement such as this-, Waer walks up to me yawning "Hey…what do you reckon they suddenly called all of us back for?" she asks sleepily while staring into my eyes, I look over Waer -could she be a suspect?-, I know just how powerful Waer truly is, despite her nearly eternal sleepiness -she could be quite capable; but why?- "Hey…Rev Netyisha…wake up" she interjects into my thoughts while gently tapping my face, I respond to her by shrugging while saying "No idea…Waer", she nods "Yeah…I suppose there's no way you could know either…even despite you spending so much time with the Most Reverred 2…" she undertones in an almost -jealous- voice, I stare at her in surprise "I only led her to her Chambers and yet rumours of us being close have already spread?" I ask in a weary voice, Waer shrugs feigning oblivion, "Well…it's not like I would know, I never join in their gossips…" she stutters -I know for a fact that she is partly lying- "You wouldn't ever join them in their gossips, yes, but you eavesdrop don't you?" I question while smirking, she instantly breaks under the slight pressure, "Okay, fine…yes, I did overhear some people saying you literally snatched the most Reverred 2 for yourself" she speaks in a low guilty voice, "Who exactly was pushing this narrative?" I prod, she muses "I think it was between Silvana, and Ruii…" Waer pauses, as I lock in toughtfulness "Oh…yes, I think Mayter was among" she suddenly adds, and then -it clicks; Mayter is a Light Core who specializes in Weather works, specifically in Cloud and Vapour techniques, she's infact the most proficient in Vapour manipulation, second only to Waer; that low rank Reverred suddenly evaporated; she could be...-, I turn sharply to a corner of the hall, in obedience to my intuition, only to meet Mayter staring at me conspicuously, she instantly looks away, -I smile to myself-



"What was the Most Reverred Hostess's reaction when you told her of the plan anyway?" he asks while running his hands over the books neatly arranged on my favorite shelf, "Left out…she felt left out…but I didn't tell her, her spies around grabbed the gist…" I respond simply while reading, "So…how would you know her reaction?" he asks turning to me, "It's inevitable…she's bound to react that way…and that's the very reason that she's conducting an impromptu meeting between the Reverreds at this very moment" I respond calmly flipping the page "And how would you know that?" he prods, "Because you wouldn't be questioning me if you didn't hear of a Reverred meeting which you obviously assumed was her reaction to my informing her of our plans" I intone simply, he looks at me -he almost feels defeated-, "Just what exactly are you Upper Mage?" he asks in a trembling voice, I chuckle before saying "I'm just a Mage in a hood Zael"



"Camada…hey Camada wake up!" I distinctly hear someone desperately trying to wake me up with steady taps, I slowly open my eyes, to see Taki staring into my face,"Oh thank goodness" she mutters, "Hey…what was that?... what did you do back there?" Yal blurts unbelievably as I sit up -I am utterly confused- "What are you talking about?", Taki taps my head "You mean you don't remember?... just as the beast was about to devour you, some ray of light shone and just like that…the beast fell dead" she narrates, I shrug "No…I don't" I respond surprised at this story, "SHOCKER" Yal yells, I look across to where Sesugh sits quietly looking at me in awe, -what just happened?, I'm certain I was having a horrible dream of the life of a girl called Dooter; Dooter- "Anyway…who's up for resting here…apparently the sky is darkening so it's nearly nighttime?" Taki suggests, -we all agree- "I'm starving…" Yal states while sitting on the floor in exhaustion, then he turns to me "Hey…you probably don't realize it yet…but you saved our lives today…and that power?, you're obviously the most powerful…for now" he intones sincerely, I'm certain my eyes glimmer in excitement -the most powerful?- "But…like I said…it's just for now, those who start on top don't always go through with it because of overconfidence" he stares right into my soul while speaking, I smile "And what makes you think I'm confident?" I question simply "This is power we will all eventually possess…besides isn't embarrassing that I'm entirely unable to control it?... there's honestly nothing to be confident about" I add in a subtle tone, Yal regards me carefully before smirking "Regardless…my presence will make it impossible for you to make it on top anyway" he states tauntingly, I laugh and say calmly "I thought overconfidence is a major killer of potential", he stares at me blankly "Using my own words against me…perhaps I should take you seriously…" he intones, I stand up from the grass and stretch "Do what you want…" I say before walking away.