I walk towards Mayter in steady, meditative steps, she consciously avoids eye contact with me eventhough I stare directly at her, she starts up a conversation with someone else just as I am about to reach her, then an intuitive inner voice cautions me -this voice vaguely resembles the Hooded One's- "Are you just foolishly going to expose yourself to her?" it asks, I halt in my steps -expose?- and then the inner self conflict begins "If she's the culprit then she's the one at fault, how would I be exposing myself to her?" I responsively question, the voice chuckles "And what proof do you have?" it taunts, "Sure…she's fidgeting but she'll be much more composed as she denies everything to your own public disgrace" it adds while pausing "Don't expose the fact that you strongly suspect her…rather make her confused and innerly conflicted while investigating deeper in order to derive the necessary evidence to expose her, if she really is the culprit that is" it states simply, I sigh heavily -of course the Hooded one is right-, I detour to Mayter's side where two random low rank Reverreds discuss within themselves "I'm certain I saw you stalking me yesterday" I accuse one of them loudly, while I watch for Mayter's reaction through my side eye, just as expected, Mayter gasps and instinctively turns towards my address -it feels most fulfilling toying with her- "I have no idea what you're talking about Rev Netyisha" the poor scape goat stutters "So…perhaps I'm blind?" I pressure, the girl begins to sob "Please Rev senior…I would never do such a randomly offensive thing…" she yaps, someone holds me by my shoulder, I turn to see Waer, she leans to whisper into my ears "Perhaps you're actually blind…shouldn't the one you accuse be her?" Waer asks while motioning at Mayter, I sigh, ignoring Waer "Well…I'd love to know the freak who was following me around…a certain amount of privacy is Reverred code isn't it?!" I announce feigning fury, "That's enough now Netyisha" Most Reverred Yulia cuts into my drama as she suddenly arrives with her entourage of rank Reverreds and Misty closely following behind her, we all automatically bow in greeting, Hostess Yulia walks to the meeting table and sits at the head of the table, we scramble to our places at the table, Hostess Yulia stares at me decisively "I'd like to briefly meet with Reverred Netyisha afterwards" she mutters simply, I sigh heavily.



I sit on the grass and stare up at the sky, I humorously realize that there are a few shiny dots upon the sky, meant to resemble stars, but not quite appearing realistic, the environment gives off forestine and I am absolutely certain that -mosquitoes bite at my legs- so this realm is a perfect mixture of nature and magical realism, I inhale the cold air, -at least it's not polluted as the air in the tumbleshack dump I grew up in-, I lie on the grass -at least the grass is soft unlike the hard floor I slept on for all sixteen years of my life-, I wonder -if I fail then I have to return to my poor mother empty handed; I have to return- I lift my hand up -and if I die... it's an even worse consequence- I clench my fist in determination -I don't want to let that happen- "Deep recollections huh?" my line of thought is broken as Sesugh staggers to me and sits down beside me, I sit up -my face is red in embarrassment; could he have seen my queasy self-meditation?- a silence ensues discomforting me even more, we both look away from each other in tenseness "So eh…how is your back doing?" I blurt, he looks at me and shrugs "Would you check it out for me?" he asks, -my face reddens in second hand shyness- "Uh…you don't mind?" I ask while fidgeting, he turns his back to me as he takes off his black vest, his back appears muscular and his biceps well-built, a jagged wound that is gradually drying up is centered upon his back, I instinctively run my index finger upon the injury, he winces in pain and turns slightly to me, "So…how is it?" he asks in a low voice, "Well…it's actually healing up quite nicely" I respond as I notice another scar on his back -it looks like a burn mark-, I slowly tap it, "That over there…" he mutters in reaction to my touch, "Is the reason I want to become a Mage" he carries on steadily, I stare at him intently -now he seems subtle and quiet in contrast to the selfish beast I once saw him as- "I don't originally come from Pandora…I was a slave transported from Euphora and that scar is actually a slavery mark…my father was finally able to save up enough money to buy just one of our freedoms…I have eight other siblings you see", he pauses "He bought my freedom, and that's when I decided that I would definitely work and get money to free them…but what job would be offered to an ex slave who was just sixteen and that wasn't already offered to much more reputable kids, I couldn't waste any time so I decided to try my luck in becoming a Mage" he pauses and I look to see if he's crying or something, but he just has this ghostly expression upon his face "I thought everyone else was much more privileged and had it far better than I did…so I could use people to my advantage…even if it would harm them" he pauses and takes a deep breath before adding while staring into my eyes "…but you showed me otherwise", I am confused "I showed you otherwise?" I question, he nods "I was the one you were trying to save when that beast almost ate you…" he mutters while blushing slightly -in guilt?- "So what I'm trying to say is that…I owe you my life…and I'll try hard to make it up to you along the way as well" he remarks in determination, I just stare at him, then I laugh while patting his shoulder "That basically just makes us allies Sesugh!" I implore good-naturedly, he blushes red as I let out my hand for a shake, he receives it while reaffirming "Yes…allies"