"And so…that is infact the brilliant plan that the Mages have come up with" Most Reverred Hostess Yulia intones subtly on a note of finality, she looks across the table, "I believe we Reverreds should have a special place in this arrangement…because the Reformation is a common threat to us, isn't it absolutely downgrading to fold our arms and do nothing?" she monologues before sighing at the state of pin drop silence, "Does nobody have anything to say?" she implores calmly, Waer lifts her hand up, The Most Reverred Hostess gives her permission to speak rather gratefully, Waer yawns, "I completely agree with our Most Reverred…indeed, it would be rather shameful if we don't have even a miniscule of participation in this plan…so here's what I propose, in agreement with the Assistant Reverred Student Tutor; Rev Netyisha…" I turn sharply to Waer who is sitting beside me -since when did I agree to any silly plot she has?- she grins at me sheepishly "The top five students determined on the basis of performing in the Screening Examination presently taking place will represent us in the competitions in Euphora…", she concludes while yawning again, -her idea actually makes sense-, "Excuse me Most Reverred…" Mayter speaks whilst lifting her hand up "But…I have a slightly different idea…instead of foolishly including our inexperienced students in the infiltration…" she pauses and looks to see Waer's reaction, Waer stares at her indifferently -Existing between the two top Weather works manipulator Reverreds is an unspoken rivalry- "Is it not better that we directly participate ourselves when it's time to attack the Reformation?...besides more credits will come to us that way" she mutters simply, deliberations immediately begin within the meeting, whispers are passed around as Most Reverred Yulia thinks deeply, Misty stares about in boredom, I ponder on if I should bother to give my suggestion which is literally an amalgamation of both Waer and Mayter's ideas, the voice of intuition resonates within me "Speak steadily and calculatedly in order to swerve the crowd towards accepting your suggestion, also stand up to increase your gravitas" it peeves, I sigh heavily and lift my hand up, it's almost like all attention has suddenly been turned to me, Misty regards me quizically, I give her a reassuring smile, Most Reverred Yulia motions at me, -I get up-, "Or how about we utilize both Rev Waer and Rev Mayter's methods?" I begin rather nervously, my eyes instinctively resting on Mayter, "A few of us Reverreds will join forces with the Mages to attack the Reformation when it's time, but we will also necessarily have to go under cover of some of our students" I make sure to speak as clearly and steadily as possible -but there is silence; discouraging silence- Most Reverred Yulia begins to nod as if only just assimilating my suggestion "I suppose…Netyisha is most correct and so…allow me to announce her as the leader of this project permitting her to pick whoever she sees fit to come along" Most Reverred Yulia pronounces casually -this is more than sudden!-, I look around, everyone is just as shocked as I am, and Mayter expresses absolute disdain, I bow than to the Most Reverred Hostess "I am more than honored…", Most Reverred Yulia yawns sleepily "This meeting is concluded…you may all disperse…but Rev Netyisha, you kindly wait behind"



I look up at the dark sky -today there is no moon or stars; how amusing- I have just taken a pause from my night reading -and I infact stand just outside my library which doubles as my room- "Well… if it isn't No-name Mage" a familiar voice jolts me out of my line of thought, I turn to see Gazo walk towards me "You're up late…" he remarks standing beside me, "And so are you…" I respond already exhausted at his small talk "Well…at least, unlike a certain someone…I'm not up cooking some nasty, evil plans" he mischievously throws shades -at me?- "I really wonder at that person…" I say smiling to myself "By the way you haven't been to the screen room in forever…have you lost your interest in observing the progress of the students?" he implores while flipping his hair and staring up at the sky as well "Of course not…I've been occupied by other things" I answer simply, he turns to me and looks at my face concealed properly by my hood, "Why do I have a feeling that you're a handsome man behind that hood?" he questions flirtingly, I chuckle and responsively ask "Why then would I want to cover up a handsome face?", I begin to walk back to my quarters "I suppose someone can take a lifetime getting to know about you huh?" Gazo questions loudly from the distance just as I'm about to step into my room, I give a small laugh before responding "Or two…"