Chapter 58 Zhu Zhuqing's Inner Thoughts_1

"Tell me honestly, does this necklace have any other functions?" Zhu Zhuqing asked coquettishly, her voice sounding both accusing and indulgent. At this moment, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. If the cultivation speed enhancement could be sustained, it would definitely be worth thirty million golden soul coins. It could only be more expensive, never less than this price.

An increase of thirty percent in cultivation speed was too important for those top geniuses.

They could reach higher realms faster, and the future held more possibilities for them.

And the powerful backers behind those wealthy geniuses would spare no expense for their futures. To major powers, golden soul coins were just numbers; it was the geniuses and strong fighters that were the key to whether a power could prosper.

"Wearing it permanently increases the cultivation speed by thirty percent, and besides that, it can also beautify and maintain one's complexion," Xu Ran said directly, as these were things Zhu Zhuqing could feel for herself. Thinking about it, the most incredible treasure from the last ten consecutive draws had to be this necklace. It was just that since the necklace was probably meant for a woman, it was of no use to Xu Ran. But it would be nice for his wife.

After all, only when the wife is happy can she make her husband happy.

"So it's true, and yet you lied to me, saying this necklace was worth only three hundred golden soul coins," Zhu Zhuqing said with delight in her heart as she fiddled with the necklace at her neck. After a while, she spoke with a hint of reproach.

"I didn't want to pressure you, so I said the necklace cost me thirty thousand golden soul coins," Xu Ran admitted, not daring to conceal anything further.

But the air continued to chill, and Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes still fixed on Xu Ran, hoping he would tell the truth.

"Alright, I'll come clean. Three hundred thousand golden soul coins," Xu Ran said, somewhat speechlessly. Really, did he have to reveal the truth?

The atmosphere remained tense, and Zhu Zhuqing kept staring at him intently. She couldn't help feeling displeased; Xu Ran was still lying to her even now. Did he really think she was an ignorant young girl?

A priceless treasure was being spoken of as so cheap.

"You name a price," Xu Ran said with a shrug.

"Thirty million?" Zhu Zhuqing said quietly. She didn't know where Xu Ran got all that money, but the necklace was indeed worth that amount. With many major powers vying for it in the auction house, its price could only go higher, never lower.

Even if this necklace were taken to the Star Luo Auction House, it could fetch a price no less than thirty million golden soul coins. In a place like Tiandou City, a gathering place of geniuses and strong warriors, the value of the necklace could only be even higher.

"I had intended to hide it, but you still uncovered the truth," Xu Ran was surprised by the figure Zhu Zhuqing mentioned, then quickly regained his composure, his palm patting Zhu Zhuqing's jade back helplessly as he spoke.

Thirty million golden soul coins, those were real bills.

But what's spending a bit of money on one's own wife? If it could bring a smile to a beauty's face, let alone thirty million, he wouldn't blink at spending three big goals.

"Thank you, Xu Ran," Zhu Zhuqing trembled slightly when she heard Xu Ran's words, unable to help feeling moved. Thirty million golden soul coins, even her own father would never be willing to spend that much on her. As the Family Head, he naturally couldn't spend money at will. Even if he did buy it, he would prioritize giving it to her sister "Zhu Zhuyun." Because she was the future queen, an increase in her strength could bring more benefits to the Zhu Clan.

"Let's never talk about thanks between us. In my heart, you are a treasure beyond price; not just a mere thirty million, not even three billion is too much, as long as you are happy," Xu Ran said, his hand encircling Zhu Zhuqing's waist and holding her tightly in his embrace. Feeling the woman in his arms, as soft and fragrant as jade, Xu Ran felt a sense of contentment and peace.

He couldn't help but feel somewhat dazed, thinking back to not long ago when he was still living a nine-to-five life on Earth, staring at the hundreds of gigs on his computer and leading a lackluster life.

I never imagined that I would now be able to hold such a delicate beauty in my arms. This must be the arrangement of destiny.

Since I have come to this world, I must have no regrets. All those things I once wanted to do but couldn't, I must accomplish them.

"Mhm." Zhu Zhuqing nodded lightly, her small frame curling up in Xu Ran's embrace like a kitten.

Her heart couldn't help but be touched; in her life ahead, there would also be a boy worth cherishing.

"Actually, I don't really oppose you having relationships with other girls, but I just don't want them to be unrespectable women," Zhu Zhuqing said in a delicate voice. Born into a great family like the Zhu Clan and destined to marry into the royal household, they all understood that powerful men often had multiple wives and concubines.

Even her own father, Zhu Zìháo, had many wives and concubines, all to spread the family's lineage. And the royal household was even more terrifying, where competition required keeping the emperor with many sons from different mothers.

Zhu Zhuqing, the daughter of a noble house, naturally couldn't be too repelled by these practices. She had seen enough of it in the Zhu Clan and in the royal household to be accustomed to it by now.

What she truly despised was her betrothed, who visited brothels and shamelessly sought out those dirty women. If he sought after such unclean women, what would he consider her to be?

Besides, such places could also spread diseases. There were countless families that had been wiped out due to infectious diseases.

In this Continent, every woman took her chastity very seriously, naturally looking down on those women.

"Don't worry. I won't do that," Xu Ran assured, looking at Zhu Zhuqing with even more tenderness in his eyes. Even if he were more lustful, he wouldn't resort to seeking out women from those places.

He already had a fiancée, how could he be interested in such women?

He was not like Dai Mubai, that fool. Zhu Qing was now willing to embrace him intimately, so wouldn't he be able to do as he pleased in the future? Although he didn't know when he would be able to set up a "Harem," it surely wouldn't be too much longer.

However, he hadn't expected Zhu Zhuqing to be so open-minded. He had thought that after going to Shrek Academy, there might be chaos in the harem. But now it seemed that Zhu Zhuqing would not be like that at all.

In her heart, what mattered most was whether he betrayed her, whether he sought after indecent women.

Thankfully, Xu Ran was not that kind of person.

Even with Xiaowu, Xu Ran intended to be upfront. After all, with Zhu Zhuqing's sensitive heart, hiding it now and letting her find out later could be even more troublesome.

Explaining now, the initiative was still in his hands. If Zhu Qing found out later, he would be done for.

"Actually, Zhu Qing, in the twelve years before I returned to the Zhu Clan, I lived outside. During that time, I met a girl," Xu Ran still felt it was a bit sleazy, but surely there shouldn't be a problem with meeting Xiaowu before firming up his relationship with Zhu Qing?

However, the "System" miss was somewhat worried; she always felt that the "Host" would one day go too far.