Chapter 59 Brother Xu Ran, Are You Free Tonight_1

"Hmm?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly and couldn't help but pout, but she still didn't say anything. She knew that with Xu Ran's shameless character, how could there possibly be only her by his side?

Xu Ran was so outstanding, a prodigy by nature, that even if he didn't take the initiative to charm girls, there would still be many girls who liked him. And how much more so, given Xu Ran's shameless and lecherous personality?

"What's her name?"

"Xiaowu, the 'wu' from dancing." Xu Ran said directly. In a few days, he and Zhu Qing would be heading to Shrek Academy, and there was no point in hiding it, as it would only cause Zhu Zhuqing to harbor dissatisfaction. Since that was the case, it was better to be open and honest. After all, for two people to be together, they had to be completely transparent, not wearing a shred of pretense, and lay bare their sincerity before their loved one. Only in this way could their relationship last.

"Hmph, I knew it." Zhu Zhuqing gave Xu Ran a displeased look and again pinched his waist with her slender fingers. This time, Xu Ran's cries of pain were to no avail.

"Hiss." Xu Ran took in a sharp breath, pretending to be in pain.

"Hmph." Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing huffed coquettishly, but consciously lessened the strength in her hand. She wasn't really angry, just wanting to assert her stance.

Otherwise, with Xu Ran's philandering nature, who knew how many more women there would be in the future. She didn't mind Xu Ran having some close female friends because she knew his personality; it was inevitable that he would have many such friends in the future. But she couldn't let him be too indulgent either.

"Her age, strength, Martial Soul." Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes looked at Xu Ran, with a scrutinizing air about them.

"Twelve years old, level 28, Soft Bone Rabbit. She's a few months older than you." Xu Ran said with a sheepish smile, knowing all too well that a woman's words were deceitful. She had just said he could have a "Harem," and as soon as he mentioned there was another confidante outside, she blew up on the spot.

Being a man is so tiring.

Especially for someone like Xu Ran, who could only grow stronger by having a "Harem"—it was truly difficult.

"Already level 28." Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly, feeling somewhat unhappy inside. Although she now knew Xu Ran wasn't looking for that kind of woman, it still made her unhappy that the girl's talents were so strong, even stronger than hers.

"Hmph, you should leave. Don't always stay in my room; people will misunderstand," Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment, then looked squarely at Xu Ran, broke free from his grasp, and began to push him out, intending to send him away.

"I came to see my fiancée, what's wrong with that? Who dares to misunderstand?" Xu Ran said with a smile, hesitating to leave. Mainly because holding Zhu Qing felt really comfortable.

"That still doesn't work. I won't give you the opportunity to take advantage," Zhu Zhuqing remarked, puckering her red lips. She knew all too well what Xu Ran was thinking. Initially, she had considered that considering Xu Ran's hardship and the expensive necklace he had purchased for her, she might do something to lift his spirits.

Now it seemed he shouldn't even think about it. At least not now; she would judge his behavior in the future.

"All right then, I'll leave first," Xu Ran said, helpless. Women, always saying one thing and meaning another. She had just been so gentle and virtuous, and now she was already chasing him away. If he knew this would happen, he would have waited until he had held her enough before telling her about Xiaowu.

"I will go to Xingluo Academy to find my sister later. If she finds out you've bullied me, let's see how she deals with you," Zhu Zhuqing waved her little fist and said in a petulant voice.

Then she slammed the door shut.

Xu Ran looked at Zhu Zhuqing's tightly closed door and smiled. His relationship with Zhu Qing was progressing rapidly.

More importantly, he had gauged Zhu Qing's tolerance for his having a "Harem." This put his mind at ease somewhat.

In the original work, Dai Mubai abandoned her and even frequented brothels, revealing his lust for Xiaowu and Ning Rongrong. Such behavior disgusted her. But Xu Ran was establishing a "Harem" in a proper manner, unlike Dai Mubai who toyed with girls' bodies and then discarded them. Just like the twin passersby who were cast aside by Dai Mubai after he tired of them.

It was this irresponsible attitude, treating girls' bodies as playthings, that Zhu Zhuqing despised the most. Not just Zhu Zhuqing, any well-bred young lady would loathe such actions. Didn't Bai Chenxiang feel extreme disgust when she first met Ma Hongjun?

Just like in ancient China on Blue Star, young ladies from reputable families were not particularly opposed to their husbands taking concubines, but they cared deeply about their husbands fraternizing in unclean places.

In Soul Land, a special plane where clans are akin to sects, which family doesn't sustain a broad expanse by having a host of wives and concubines?

Having realized this, Xu Ran's mood couldn't help but brighten. He walked towards the Zhu Clan Practice Square, where countless young girls from the Zhu family greeted him, and many young men looked at him with respect.

Xu Ran's gaze scanned the surroundings, seeing numerous beautiful girls.

Really, it might be because of genetics, but the Zhu clan's women all had very lovely figures. And it wasn't just Zhu Qing who was an example. Some of the younger girls, though young, also had exceptionally enticing bodies.

"Shameless 'Host,' all you know is to look at beautiful women," the system miss voiced her dissatisfaction.

"You don't understand, it's just for my mood to be cheerful. Besides, I'm only looking, not doing anything," Xu Ran shook his head. Although with his current reputation in the Zhu family, if he were to express his interest, in an instant, many young women would be in his bed. But was he, Xu Ran, that kind of lustful person?

Catching the two most beautiful flowers of the Zhu family was enough for him. Other people should be left for the various clan brothers within the family.

As the saying goes, a rabbit doesn't eat the grass by its burrow; he shouldn't keep shearing wool only from within the family. Otherwise, it would be too pitiful for the clan brothers – if the Dai family took their pick of the Zhu family's beauties and Xu Ran did too, wouldn't that be somewhat tragic?

But Xu Ran was not that kind of person; he simply pursued the beauties who were originally going to be swept up by the Dai family. If he ate meat, he would naturally leave some soup for the clan brothers.

What Xu Ran didn't know, however, was that when his name echoed across the Continent, all the beautiful young girls would rather remain alone for life than lose their purity, because Xu Ran had already etched a deep impression in their hearts. Even dreaming about Xu Ran could bring them immense happiness.

"Brother Xu Ran, do you have some time right now? I have some cultivation questions I want to ask you," a girl approached him and said, wearing a black skirt and black stockings, her face attractive.

Xu Ran was taken aback, looking at the girl's shy demeanor, he paused. Ah, this?

Following the arrival of the girl in the black stockings, many self-proclaimed beautiful young women of the Zhu family also gathered around.

"Brother Xu Ran, I also have a question I'd like to ask you, could you evaluate the depth of my strength?"

"Brother Xu Ran, are you free tonight?"


A group of young and beautiful girls surrounded Xu Ran, chattering away.

They were shy and a little nervous, but they knew they had to fight for their own happiness. Xu Ran, a genius who would soar to great heights and leave his mark on the entire Continent, they naturally wanted to compete to become his women.

And Xu Ran was just bewildered. In Soul Land, where family equates to sect, them calling him 'brother' was normal, but he wasn't familiar with them at all.

And this soft thing, what is it?

Don't push against me. I can barely stand it...

[A QQ group is here: 732781156, looking for a few female fans, thank you]