Chapter 60 Teaching a Lesson to Zhu Zhuyun_1


"Ahem. Please, everyone, quiet down," Xu Ran coughed lightly, surrounded closely by numerous young girls, smelling the faint fragrance of the girls around him, yet still Xu Ran remained composed.

Xu Ran was not a man of casual manners. Although he was fond of beauty, he had aesthetic standards. How could he be interested in just any Miss Passerby?

"If you have any questions now, please ask them one by one. I will do my best to answer them, but I haven't had time these past few days, so I can only resolve your issues here," Xu Ran said directly, without a hint of hesitation. Although the girls looked beautiful, with a hunger in their eyes.

The young girls gathered around him lost a bit of luster in their eyes when they heard Xu Ran's words, but their gazes turned even hotter towards him. They could see that Xu Ran was not a shameless libertine. In this era, such a man was rare.

Coming from noble families, they had even seen women auctioned off as playthings at auction houses. It was precisely because they had seen so much that they found Xu Ran's behavior impressively noble. If before they were drawn to him simply because of his talent, now Xu Ran's rare noble quality also deeply attracted them.

It took a long time, but Xu Ran finally resolved their questions one by one.

"Alright, everyone please disperse. I will continue to help you when I have time in the future," Xu Ran said kindly, and with the girls watching him reluctantly, he walked straight out of the square.

Xu Ran left the Zhu Clan and strolled around Xingluo City. It wasn't until evening time that he slowly made his way to his room.

"Ding, congratulations 'Host' on obtaining the mission, 'Teach Zhu Zhuyun a lesson and leave a profound impact on her'."

"Mission reward: Five hundred skill points."

"Just a hint: Zhu Zhuyun is currently hiding in 'Host's' room. She has learned that besides Zhu Zhuqing, 'Host' now has other women. Therefore, she is prepared to surprise and teach 'Host' a lesson."

"Still wants to teach me a lesson?" Xu Ran was stunned for a moment, then he looked towards his pitch-dark room. At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun was hiding there, waiting for him.

He then used his spiritual power to detect the surroundings and indeed, he found a hidden aura. This aura had the strength of a level 38 Soul Elder.

Zhu Zhuyun appeared to be six or seven years older than Zhu Zhuqing but her talent was slightly inferior. In the original story, after Zhu Zhuqing ate the Immortal Herbs, her strength was about the same as it is now. However, Zhu Yun's talent could not be considered weak either. Across the entire continent, she was still very outstanding. It was just her fate that wasn't very fortunate.

"A level 38 dares to teach me a lesson. Sigh, when fat is delivered to the door, who am I to refuse?" Xu Ran smiled, it was already nighttime, and in the darkness, a bit of mischief wouldn't be a problem, right? After all, there were no lights in the room, and he couldn't see clearly, so acting hastily in a moment of urgency was normal.


At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun had just returned from Xingluo Academy. Upon learning that her sister had been wronged by Xu Ran, she was instantly filled with righteous indignation. Now that her relationship with her sister had just improved, the thought of Zhu Zhuqing's past grievances at home pained her. She had hoped that Zhu Zhuqing would live a happy life after marrying a peerless genius of the clan, never expecting that beneath Xu Ran's genius exterior was a heart prone to wandering.

So, when she learned that Xu Ran had wronged Zhu Zhuqing, she immediately returned from Xingluo Academy and hid in Xu Ran's house, preparing to give him a surprise beating.

Xu Ran was known as a peerless genius, and although his cultivation level was purportedly just that of a Soul Elder, his strength was already much stronger than a Soul Ancestor. That's why she dared not confront Xu Ran directly.


However, she now launched a sneak attack, and she did not believe Xu Ran could still evade it.

"Xu Ran really is that kind of person."

"He doesn't come home this late, god knows what shameless things he's gone off to do."

Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but stamp her foot, indignantly exclaiming.

Just back from the academy, she was dressed in a long black dress and black tights, with deep-tube boots on her feet. Her figure was incredibly perfect, such that even the somewhat loose dress couldn't conceal its impact. Her figure was much fuller than Zhu Zhuqing's.

Even though her figure was voluptuous, her tiny waist was incredibly slender, just enough to encircle with one hand. Her long legs, tightly wrapped in the black pantyhose, were slender yet fleshly, exuding a different kind of allure compared to the thin legs of the other girls.

At this moment, the chill in her beautiful eyes grew thicker, as she believed men who didn't return at night were no good. She had heard that Xu Ran had always been cultivating outside and only recently returned to the clan. That meant Xu Ran didn't have many friends in Xingluo City. So what was he doing out so late?

As the sky grew darker, Zhu Zhuyun's face became increasingly grim.

Even if Xu Ran was an unprecedented genius with high value to the Zhu Clan, she wouldn't allow him to act recklessly.

Especially since Xu Ran was her brother-in-law, she couldn't let him get out of line. She knew her sister's personality well: cold-looking and guarded against everything, but in reality, she had a soft and tender disposition, and Zhu Qing was easily persuaded; if Xu Ran suggested something, she would usually agree.

But as an older sister, she naturally had to discipline Xu Ran properly.

"Creak." As a series of footsteps sounded, the door was pushed open. Taking advantage of the moonlight streaming through the doorway, Zhu Zhuyun instantly saw Xu Ran's figure.

Xu Ran's sudden appearance caught Zhu Zhuyun off guard. When had he returned? She had not detected it at all.

But at this moment, she couldn't care about anything else and released her Martial Soul. Three Soul Rings, two yellow and one purple, rose around her knees. Her agile form quickly rushed towards Xu Ran, her slender palm transforming into a sharp cat claw and savagely swiping at Xu Ran.

And Xu Ran, who had been on guard, naturally couldn't be caught off by Zhu Zhuyun's sneak attack.

Without a word, he shut the door with his foot, plunging the room back into darkness where only a vague figure was discernible.

Xu Ran slightly shifted his body, easily dodging Zhu Zhuyun's attack. He moved behind her, grabbed her fragrant shoulders, hooked his legs around hers, and locked her body tightly against his.

Then Xu Ran twisted forcefully, and the two of them fell backwards, crashing heavily onto the bed nearby.