Chapter 61: Striking First to Gain the Upper Hand, The Thief Cries 'Catch the Thief' _1

"Ah." Her pure and clean body was tightly locked by Xu Ran, and as she felt the extremely forceful male body pressing against her own, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

She had never expected Xu Ran's strength to be so formidable. Even under her surprise attack, she was no match for him at all. Moreover, Xu Ran was incredibly strong, and she couldn't break free from his grip.

Zhu Zhuyun struggled frantically beneath Xu Ran, her voluptuous body rubbing against his hands, which almost overwhelmed him. However, since things had come to this point, he had to clear his own name and turn the tables on Zhu Zhuyun. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good if he were accused of being a pervert and the word reached Zhu Qing's ears.

"Shameless thief, how dare you run wild in my room? Now that I've caught you red-handed, you still dare to cry out and summon the household? Let's see where you can run to today," Xu Ran's eyes swiveled, quickly finding his pretext. At the same time, he lifted his palm and harshly slapped it onto Zhu Zhuyun's protruding buttocks.

"Slap." A wave of softness transmitted through his hand, causing ripples where his palm rested.

Xu Ran felt the sensation in his hand and was somewhat elated. He also had a thought—isn't this going a bit too far? If he bullied Zhu Zhuyun on the first day, wouldn't she hold a grudge against him later?

And what about Davis? Would he...?

But then again, Davis? He didn't even know the guy. To hell with him—if he dares to give him attitude, let's see if he still puts on airs after stealing his throne.

Zhu Zhuyun, feeling the numbness spreading from her buttocks, was completely stunned.

Her delicate body stiffened, and she lay there, her gaze vacant.

She couldn't believe that her perfect and clean body had been touched by Xu Ran.

But she couldn't really explain her plight; Xu Ran mistook her for a thief, and it was not deliberate. At least for now, it seemed that Xu Ran was completely unaware of her identity. Otherwise, would he dare to act like this?

"Xu Ran, you're dead." Regardless of whether Xu Ran knew her identity, his disgraceful behavior was unforgivable. She had always valued her pure body highly, even keeping a distance from Davis. Up to now, there had been no overly intimate interaction between her and Davis.

And now Xu Ran had dared to defile her pure body.

Zhu Zhuyun bit her teeth in anger, deeply regretting her actions. If only she had come during the day, even if the surprise attack failed, it wouldn't have resulted in this awkward situation.

"Thief, you still dare to make noise—that certainly shows some guts. Caught in the act and still screaming loudly. Once I bring over the household, I'll catch you outright," Xu Ran solemnly said, continuing to grip Zhu Zhuyun's body tightly, the soft sensation and the unique fragrance that belonged to her enveloped him.

Hearing Xu Ran's words, Zhu Zhuyun's heart also began to panic. If the household, especially Zhu Qing, were really brought over, then it would be the end.

Not only would her innocence be tarnished, but the relationship between her and Xu Ran might be misconstrued by others.

"Let me go," Zhu Zhuyun said softly yet sharply, unable to help but bite down on her silver teeth. She had never seen anyone as shameless as Xu Ran. Even if there was a thief, one shouldn't treat a girl like this. Moreover, hitting someone's private parts, it was simply the height of shamelessness.

And yet, in her heart, she always felt that Xu Ran knew her identity and deliberately wanted to take advantage of her.

But as soon as this thought came to her, she dismissed it.

She had hidden herself so secretly, and the room was pitch black; how could he recognize her? Besides, Xu Ran had only recently returned to the family, so he probably didn't even know her.

"Why should I let go? What's a woman like you doing in my room? Are you after money or something more personal?" Xu Ran said, his palm unconsciously caressing "Zhu Zhuyun's" body. To not take advantage when it presents itself is to be a fool.

And wasn't it "Zhu Zhuyun" who had delivered herself to his door? He pretended to be oblivious, took advantage of "Zhu Zhuyun," and she would still have to swallow this bitter pill in silence.

Xu Ran was tearfully raking it in once again.

"I..." Zhu Yun trembled with anger, her chest heaving violently. That Xu Ran, how could she be such a frivolous woman, desiring his affection? Tch, it was she whose limbs were locked in place by Xu Ran, allowing him to take full advantage. It was utterly shameless for him to act coy after taking such advantage.

"What? Did I hit the nail on the head?" Xu Ran raised an eyebrow and kept his gaze on Zhu Yun. Feeling the warm and delicate beauty in his arms, Xu Ran found himself growing a bit restless, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Talk nonsense, you let me go now, I am Zhu Yun." Zhu Yun didn't want this ambiguous scene to continue any longer, and she simply blurted out her identity. If she let things go on any further, with just a man and a woman, and a small dark room, fire might meet tinder, and she didn't even dare to imagine what could happen.

"Zhu Yun? Is that true or false?" Xu Ran feigned disbelief, continuing to act as if he knew nothing.

"It's true—look at my "Cultivation Level," and you can also feel my Martial Soul, the Wuhun Youming Lingmao (Spectral Ghostly Cat)," Zhu Yun said through gritted teeth, her voice quivering with frustration.

"So it really is Zhu Yún Jiě, my apologies, it was a misunderstanding," Xu Ran said. After confirming it was indeed Zhu Yun by feeling around a bit more, he quickly let go and then went to switch on the wall light.

The light came on, and the room immediately brightened.

Zhu Yun, wearing a black dress at the moment, looked somewhat disheveled due to the recent struggle, and a big hole had formed in the black stockings on her leg, revealing a patch of her fair thigh through an oval tear the size of a bowl.

This sight made Xu Ran involuntarily swallow. When the room was dark, he could only make out Zhu Yun's general outline and couldn't see her face clearly. But now, he couldn't help but be astonished.

Zhu Yun truly was one of the Zhu Family's Twin Beauties. She had a figure even better than Zhu Qing's—slender but with a sense of fullness. Both her figure and features were exceptionally fine. She even had a mature aura about her, akin to a ripe fruit ready to be picked.

"Shameless, don't stare!" Zhu Yun, lying on the bed with Xu Ran's gaze making her heart flutter, hastily tried to straighten her clothes after following his eyes to her own body and found her skirt somewhat askew. Her face flushed red as she hurriedly adjusted her dress.

She stood up abruptly, the hem of her dress that had been hiked up to her thighs fell back into place, but still, it couldn't cover the large, oval tear in her stockings.