Chapter 72: 3000 Skill Points, Xu Ran's Gentleness_1

"Ah." Zhu Zhuyun screamed, her delicate body trembling as Xu Ran appeared before her. At that moment, she had just begun to slip on a pair of black stockings, her body smooth and uncovered.

"Xu Ran, what are you doing back here?" Zhu Zhuyun's cheeks flushed red. She partially covered her body with a quilt, slightly easing her embarrassment, but the deep flush of her cheeks remained unchanged. Though she had given herself to Xu Ran the night before, now it was broad daylight, and her thin-skinned modesty couldn't handle his gaze.

"If I didn't come back, would you have been able to get up today?" Xu Ran said helplessly, feeling a bit of heartache. After all, that was the first time he had successfully shed his... status since arriving on this continent, and Zhu Zhuyun's figure was top-notch, which had made him lose control a bit.

After all, enduring such a charming wife was a form of torment in itself.

"Oh." Zhu Zhuyun gave Xu Ran a grievous look - it was all his fault she ended up like this.

"I'll carry you to the bath. The water's ready, and I've tested the temperature," Xu Ran stated, wrapping a silk quilt around Zhu Zhuyun's body to cover her exposed skin, then carried her princess-style to the bathroom.

Lying in Xu Ran's arms, Zhu Zhuyun's heartbeat slowly returned to normal. Looking at Xu Ran's chiseled features, she felt an intense sweetness in her heart. Although Xu Ran had been fierce and wild like a hungry wolf that time, he was usually tender and considerate, always able to attend to a girl's feelings.

"After you're done washing up, call me. You should have some clothes in your storage soul tool, right?" Xu Ran asked considerately, looking at Zhu Zhuyun whose body, from the shoulders down, was now hidden by the bath.

"Yes, I've got it, I can do it myself," Zhu Zhuyun said, her voice barely above a whisper, her head bowed. She couldn't dare let Xu Ran help her dress; she'd rather die. Especially with stockings - how could she let Xu Ran assist with that? The embarrassment would kill her.

"Alright then, I'll wait outside for you. Call me if you need anything." Xu Ran nodded. He had added some medicinal herbs into the bathtub water to help restore her vigor. After soaking for a while, Zhu Zhuyun's strength should recover somewhat, enough for basic movements.

"Host brother is so shameless, to be so rough on her first time. Don't you know how to cherish and appreciate the fairer sex?" System missy scolded coyly, staring discontentedly at Xu Ran.

"I wanted to, really, but I just couldn't hold back," Xu Ran shrugged helplessly. Was it something he could control? She was sincerely in his arms; how could anyone resist under those circumstances?

Even a saint would have been tempted to touch a bit. And he was no saint.

"Alright, let's talk business. I have a 'Harem' now, right? Where are my Skill Points reward?" Xu Ran asked directly, feeling a bit excited.

"Host has successfully acquired a 'Harem' member and is rewarded with 3000 Skill Points. You now have a total of 3100 Skill Points," System missy declared.

"Damn, does that mean I could get three Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings now?" Xu Ran exclaimed excitedly. He had worked himself to the bone on a mission until now and had never earned so many Skill Points before. One 'Harem' opening got him three thousand.

This made Xu Ran even more convinced that only by unwaveringly establishing a 'Harem' could he reach the pinnacle of life and become an invincible powerhouse.

How to become stronger without a 'Harem'?

How to be content without a 'Harem'?

"Do you want to use the Skill Points on the Soul Rings?"

"No, let's keep them for now," Xu Ran shook his head, outright rejecting that suggestion. Spending Skill Points on Soul Rings seemed too cost-ineffective for the time being. Even if he had three Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings, wouldn't he still be just a Soul Elder? And even as a Soul Elder with three hundred-thousand-year Soul Rings, that was still trash.

Moreover, getting three Ten-Thousand-Year Soul Rings right now would draw too much attention. After all, people could reluctantly accept two purple and one black Soul Ring, but three black ones would be astoundingly scandalous. Then, his talents would certainly reach the ears of the Martial Soul Hall.

So now he had made up his mind and planned to save up more Skill Points to directly enhance the duration of his Qilin Form. At the very least, he needed to upgrade his Soul Beast Form to the Ten-Thousand-Year level, so he could have some confidence when facing Titled Douluo and other strong opponents.

"Still lacking in Skill Points," Xu Ran felt somewhat helpless. To elevate the level of his Soul Beast Form would almost require ten thousand Skill Points, and he also needed to take out the Enhanced Plant Cultivation Solution that Ah Yin would use; otherwise, Ah Yin might not be able to Transform again for God knows how long.

"I wonder about Zhu Yun Jiě..." The image of Zhu Zhuyun's voluptuous and stunning figure suddenly appeared in Xu Ran's mind. An audacious idea arose, just as Zhu Qing opened her room door wearing a loose-fitting black dress that covered her from head to toe.

She limped as she walked, one hand leaning against the wall for support as she moved out slowly.

"Zhu Qing, why didn't you call me? You shouldn't have come out on your own," Xu Ran exclaimed in shock and quickly went to support Zhu Qing.

"Stinky Xu Ran. Now I'm going to be fine, but wait until my sisters see me, they will laugh at me," Zhu Qing punched Xu Ran lightly in the chest with her small fist, the force light, more like she was acting coquettishly.

"Afraid of what? We haven't done anything wrong. And besides, your father had agreed before that as long as we take proper precautions and no lives are lost, he wouldn't say anything," Xu Ran laughed. To be honest, he also didn't want any lives lost. After all, he wasn't done having his fun yet. If he were to mess up and actually get in trouble, that would really put a damper on things.

After all, one can't very well pick up girls in front of one's children.

That seems, well, not quite right.

So, Xu Ran had already planned that he wouldn't have children until he had his fill of fun.

"Hmph. Then why did you yesterday..." Zhu Qing's face turned red, and she didn't dare to continue what she was saying.

"Wasn't that considered an auspicious day?" Xu Ran smiled and ruffled Zhu Qing's hair, knowing what she wanted to ask.

"Oh," Zhu Qing nodded, sensibly not saying anything more.


When Xu Ran and Zhu Qing walked out of the room, the butler had already been waiting outside for quite some time. Seeing Zhu Qing walking unsteadily, he understood a great deal.

"Miss Zhu Qing, Young Master Xu Ran, the Duke has asked for you to come over after getting up," the butler revealed a knowing smile that any man would understand, secretly lauding in his heart, 'Young Master Xu Ran really has a strong constitution.'

Not only is his cultivation talent great, but he's also exceptionally gifted in the matters of manhood.

Zhu Qing, upon seeing the butler, looked somewhat embarrassed; after all, getting caught in such a situation was quite awkward for a girl. Xu Ran, on the other hand, didn't mind it.

"Got it, Zhu Qing and I will be right over," he said.

After receiving Xu Ran's reply, the butler immediately left to inspect other areas.

Xu Ran felt holding Zhu Qing was making their progress slow and, pained by her occasional expressions of discomfort, he picked her up and headed towards the Zhu Clan's main hall.