Chapter 73 Marquis, Marquis of Destiny_1

In the Zhu Clan's main hall, the Family Head Zhu Zìháo and "Zhu Zhuyun" were gathered around a table full of dishes, waiting for Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing to arrive.

When Xu Ran arrived carrying Zhu Zhuqing in a princess hold directly to the hall, Zhu Zìháo and "Zhu Zhuyun" both shifted their gazes onto them. Zhu Zhuqing, with her eyes closed and head lowered, didn't dare to look at her father and sister.

She had felt somewhat embarrassed before, but then she thought that if her father and sister were to see her limping, it would be even more awkward, so she allowed Xu Ran to hold her.

However, this was merely fooling herself. As someone who had been through it all, how could Zhu Zìháo fail to see the situation between Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing? At this moment, seeing Zhu Qing appearing somewhat weak, Zhu Zìháo's facial muscles twitched slightly. Zhu Qing, as a Grand Soul Master, had received no shortage of resources from a young age, and her physical quality was definitely not poor. Yet even so, Zhu Qing had become so weak.

This could only mean one thing: Xu Ran had quite a way about him, similar to his own younger days.

"Uncle, Zhu Yun Jiě, sorry to have kept you waiting," Xu Ran said as he set Zhu Zhuqing down on the chair next to him, apologizing to Zhu Zìháo and "Zhu Zhuyun."

"No worries, it's just that I didn't realize I was interrupting the two of you," Zhu Zìháo said cheerfully. He was more than happy to see Zhu Zhuqing and Xu Ran's relationship progress to the point of no return, and the current situation was very much to his liking.

After all, Xu Ran was only a collateral branch disciple of the Zhu Clan. If he didn't have something to bind Xu Ran to them, then Xu Ran might end up joining another power, leaving him with nothing but tears.

He had heard from Zhu Yun that Xu Ran's Soul Rings had changed to two purple and one black, whereas before, they had been two yellow and one purple. He was full of curiosity as to how this change had occurred, but he would not ask. Xu Ran's talent was strong, and he certainly wouldn't interfere with Xu Ran's cultivation, as that might cause resentment.

What he wanted was for Xu Ran to become very strong, the stronger the better.

The stronger Xu Ran became, the more prosperous the Zhu Clan and the Xingluo Empire would be.

Zhu Zhuqing sat on the chair, and when she heard her father's teasing, she couldn't help but kick Xu Ran a few times under the table, acting petulantly. If she had known that it would hurt so much afterwards, to the point of being unable to walk properly, she definitely wouldn't have made that decision.

Xu Ran, feeling the continuous gentle kicks from Zhu Zhuqing under the table, couldn't help but laugh silently. But at the dining table, it wasn't appropriate to tease Zhu Zhuqing, so he turned his attention to Zhu Zìháo to talk about more serious matters.

"Uncle, you wanted to see me for something?"

"Oh. This morning's court session, His Majesty mentioned you by name in the court. You are now considered a heaven-sent prodigy of our Xingluo Empire, 'Son of Destiny.' Your future potential is limitless," Zhu Zìháo said with a chuckle, his face beaming with joy.

Originally, he had been worried that the Dai family would cause trouble once they found out Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing were together. Back then, he would have had a fall out with the Dai family if that's what it took to protect Xu Ran. But to his surprise, Xu Ran proved to be very astute.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Xu Ran's move to get close to Davis, using Davis to help him maneuver in the royal household, was indeed a swift stroke of genius.

Davis is the Great Crown Prince, the future emperor. Even His Majesty has to consider his opinions. Moreover, since Xu Ran is willing to assist Davis, it is very worthwhile for the royal household to think about the pros and cons of this.

If things went as expected, Xu Ran might even surpass the achievements of Hao Tian Douluo, the historically youngest Titled Douluo who shook the Continent. The significance of such a genius for the Xingluo Empire, which currently lacks high-level Soul Master resources, was something the royal household must consider.

Therefore, after some analysis, the royal household simply could not move against Xu Ran. The benefits he brought were too great, and in comparison, the negative impact of Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing's coming together was negligible.

Even then, the royal household could create the appearance that Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuqing were truly in love and that the royal household had generously agreed to it, showing the world the Imperial benevolence.

"Uncle, what do you mean by that?" Xu Ran's eyebrows raised as he looked towards Zhu Zìháo.

"His Majesty does not object to you and Zhu Qing being together, but you need to be cautious in Xingluo City so as not to give rise to idle gossip among the city's people," Zhu Zìháo said.

"Besides that," Zhu Zìháo gave Xu Ran a meaningful gaze and continued, "His Majesty and the ministers have decided to bestow upon you the title of Marquis, with the designation 'Destiny.' From now on, you are the Marquis of Destiny of the Xingluo Empire, theoretically only below me, a Duke, and the other six influential Marquises of The Empire."

"What?" Xu Ran, "Zhu Zhuyun," and Zhu Zhuqing all looked at Zhu Zìháo with shocked expressions, somewhat dumbfounded. Marquis was only second to Duke in the hierarchy of nobility after all.

"Don't make a fuss; His Majesty merely conferred the title of Marquis to Xu Ran without granting any substantive fief or official position. It's just the title of Marquis that sounds impressive," Zhu Zìháo said with a laugh. This was a strategy for the royal household to win people's hearts. Even though Xu Ran was only holding a titular position, the benefits it brought him were substantial.

"That is still very impressive. There has never been a Marquis as young as Xu Ran in the history of Soul Land. Even a young Earl has never been seen before," "Zhu Zhuyun" couldn't help but speak up, her eyes turning towards Xu Ran, filled with complex emotions.

If in a few days the news of Xu Ran being granted the Marquis title spread across the world, Xu Ran's fame would be known by all. To be ennobled at twelve was a significant honor!

"Zhu Zhuyun" and Zhu Zhuqing both couldn't help but flush with excitement. Once His Majesty's decree was conveyed, Xu Ran's name would shake the world.

"Indeed, the Imperial family has shown sincerity in tying Xu Ran to The Empire this time," Zhu Zìháo said. However, Xu Ran's talent warranted such action from the Dai family. With two purple and one black Soul Rings, and the combat power to defeat a Soul King as a Soul Elder, Xu Ran's talent was indeed shockingly extraordinary.

Xu Ran took a token from Zhu Zìháo's hand, which bore a large 'Xu' character, and on the back, an image of a fierce leopard-type soul beast was carved. This beast-shaped token was a symbol of his Marquis rank.

"Marquis of Destiny?" Xu Ran held the token in his hand, admiring it for a while before storing it in his storage soul tool.

He felt no particular surprise towards this title. It brought with it both advantages and disadvantages. Once the emperor proclaimed it to the world, he would certainly become a highly sought-after figure across the entire Continent. A young noble at such an age was a significant talking point, sure to become the gossip of many.

But this might also draw the attention of some major powers earlier than expected.

However, the benefits seemed to outweigh the drawbacks.

Being second only to a Duke in rank, having that stature meant that in terms of nobility within the Xingluo Empire, he was second only to Zhu Zìháo. With this status, it would likely be even simpler to engage in friendly exchanges with Qian Renxue.