Chapter 298: Yu Xiaogang's Anger, Isn't This All Caused by You?_1

"Whimper." Dugu Yan let out a sobbing sound.

Although Xu Ran had said he would be careful, the faint sound of people moving and talking outside still made her feel unbearable.

Couldn't Xu Ran wait until they got back before demanding such things?

"Xu Ran, once we get back, you can do whatever you want," Dugu Yan bit her teeth, her green eyes full of pleading.

She was truly embarrassed; even though Xu Ran hadn't done anything yet, she already felt her legs going weak.

"Who made my Yan Yan wear something so pretty," Xu Ran said, his eyes drifting over Dugu Yan's figure.

Dugu Yan leaned against the wall with her hands, her slim, shapely arms holding up her frame, dressed in a black, ultra-short skirt that flared up to reveal her snow-white, beautiful legs. Her body curved perfectly, bent over, the desirable lines of her figure fully exposed.

"Then I won't wear this next time," Dugu Yan pouted slightly, a hint of coquetry in her voice.

"No way, next time wearing a pair of twin tails would be even better," Xu Ran laughed. Dugu Yan's hair was just the right length, reaching her waist and hips.

"No, you..." Dugu Yan's face reddened as Xu Ran spoke. Initially, she didn't think much of it and was curious about why Xu Ran liked girls with twin tails. But the next moment, she understood Xu Ran's intention and was embarrassingly caught off guard.

Indeed, Xu Ran had too many ways to torment someone.

Now she felt a bit sorry for Ye Lingling, recalling her naive best friend.

Lingling seemed to have little experience with boys from childhood, always keeping a distance from them with a veil over her face. Now that Ye Lingling was going to be Xu Ran's maid, she was like a white rabbit delivered straight into the mouth of a big, bad wolf.

Without a doubt, Lingling would surely...

Thinking of how the pure Lingling, like a snowflake, would have to understand so many things in the end, she felt somewhat unbearable.

"Stop worrying about others, think about yourself first," Xu Ran looked at Dugu Yan without a hint of warmth; this girl was still thinking about so much even at death's door.

As his strength increased, so did his spiritual power, and with it, his ability to observe even the finest details, including people's emotions. Through their expressions and movements, Xu Ran could roughly tell what they were thinking.

After everything was over, Xu Ran erased all traces of what had happened here.

Then he continued to help Dugu Yan pick out clothes in the shop.

When they left the shop, Dugu Yan's legs were still somewhat weak.


Blue Tyrant Academy.

Liu Erlong had just completed her teaching mission and was walking toward the woods where she lived.

She still wore a white shirt and a black hip-hugging skirt, dressing like a city beauty. Far from aging, time had only made her more beautiful and full of charm.

Liu Erlong had also gradually moved out of Yu Xiaogang's shadow, attempting to reintegrate into the academy, to do her own thing. As usual during classes, her beauty drew a lot of attention, attracting countless male students' eyes.

Compared to the somewhat green female students, the mature and intellectual Liu Erlong was more alluring to those young men experiencing the onset of love.

And Liu Erlong was gradually returning to her original capable image.

This change delighted and surprised countless teachers and students from the Original Blue Tyrant Academy.

And Flander grew increasingly excited; he could clearly sense that the relationship between Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang was not the same as before — a rift had formed between them.

Moreover, he noticed that Liu Erlong's complexion had been getting better and better lately, as if she had been cared for by a man. "Pah," that was just a figure of speech; of course, Er Long couldn't possibly have any improper relationship with someone else.

With her relationship with Yu Xiaogang fading, his biggest rival was no longer in the picture; why did he still have such an illusion? It was ridiculous.

But he was thrilled to see the changes in Liu Erlong.

Because he felt that the young and capable Er Long had returned. Er Long in professional attire, with her tight skirt revealing nylon-clad legs and walking in stiletto heels throughout the office building, she looked stunningly beautiful.

Every time he heard the familiar sound of high heels, he became more motivated in his work.

"Who's there?"

Approaching her room, Liu Erlong stopped, casting a questioning gaze towards the woods ahead.

With her spiritual power, she could sense someone was there.

"Liu Erlong, it's me." Yu Xiaogang hugged a large bottle of liquor, his eyes drunk and hate-filled as he stared at Liu Erlong.

As expected, Liu Erlong had changed!

Haha, the original Liu Erlong's heart was entirely devoted to him, but what about now?

Dressed so beautifully, was she intending to seduce Xu Ran?

Hehe... before, she had played the role of a devoted lover, but now she had transformed so drastically; it was utterly nauseating.

"Brock, what's wrong?" Seeing Yu Xiaogang in a drunken state, Liu Erlong was surprised, followed immediately by concern.

Even though Yu Xiaogang had deeply hurt her, how could that brief pain compare to the many years of her obsession?

Seeing Yu Xiaogang become so dejected, her heart softened once again.

She was also puzzled. How could the wise and confident Yu Xiaogang have turned into this?

"What's wrong with me? You're asking me what's wrong? Wasn't it you who caused me to end up like this?"

Looking at the worry between Liu Erlong's brows, Yu Xiaogang completely lost his temper and roared in rage.

In his eyes, it was Liu Erlong who, in collusion with Xu Ran, had ruined him. Otherwise, why would Liu Erlong look so spirited now? Perhaps Xu Ran hadn't planned to deal with him, and it was Liu Erlong, this poisonous woman, stirring up trouble behind his back, prompting Xu Ran to be so ruthless towards him.

"Brock, what do you mean?"

Liu Erlong's face instantly turned pale, staring blankly at Yu Xiaogang.

The Yu Xiaogang in front of her had eyes full of madness and resentment, completely different from the Brock she remembered.

What happened to Brock?

How could he have turned out this way?

Was the gentle manner he showed in the past all just an act?

"What do I mean? My Martial Soul is gone, what do you think I mean?" Seeing Liu Erlong still pretending to be unaware, Yu Xiaogang was so angry he couldn't even speak. How could there be such women in the world?

Hehe, the most poisonous thing is a woman's heart. That old saying certainly wasn't wrong.

"Brock, your Martial Soul..." It was only at this moment that Liu Erlong remembered to check Yu Xiaogang's Martial Soul. She immediately understood why Yu Xiaogang had become so crazy.

"Brock, I told you long ago that those with malevolent intentions, when faced with the power of Immortal Herbs, will ultimately shatter their Martial Soul," Liu Erlong said, looking at Yu Xiaogang.

"Still making excuses."

"Haha, Liu Erlong, you really know how to play the game. Making up reasons to fool others. Do you not have any idea why my Martial Soul turned out like this?" Yu Xiaogang laughed loudly, suddenly coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood.

He found Liu Erlong so ridiculous.

It was clearly she who had Xu Ran destroy his Martial Soul, and yet here she was, pretending.

This damn Ying, with Xu Ran that damned dog by her side, even the most honorable of souls would lose their Martial Soul.