Chapter 299: Beast, You Still Want to Make a Move on Your Cousin?_1

"Brock, how could you say such a thing? I've already told you before..." Liu Erlong felt a heart-wrenching pain. So this was what the man she had liked for so long was really like?

"Brock, I know you're not in a good mood right now, and I won't argue with you. You should go back and rest for now, and I'll think of a way to help you. Perhaps there's still a chance for your Martial Soul to recover," Liu Erlong said. After all, she had given Brock the Ninth Grade Purple Ganoderma. If Brock had ended up like this, she bore some of the responsibility.

She knew that Xu Ran's power was unfathomable, and the seemingly impossible task of restoring a broken Martial Soul might be something he could achieve. Lord Xu Ran was so powerful, he certainly could do it.

"Haha. Liu Erlong, you really know how to pretend."

"Still putting on this pretense here, how could I have ever liked a woman like you?" Yu Xiaogang said with a sneer, pointing at the delicate beauty before him.

He felt hatred; he felt resentment.

If it had only been Xu Ran who took away his Martial Soul, he might have accepted it. That goddamned Xu Ran had never been shy about laying hands on him. If it was just Xu Ran messing with him, even if he were feeling desperate, he wouldn't feel this utterly hopeless.

But Liu Erlong's collaboration, even instigating Xu Ran to act against him, was something he couldn't understand.

Was Liu Erlong retaliating against him?

Did Liu Erlong feel wronged after falling out of love with him and staying single for so many years in his favor?

Haha, wasn't this all a result of her own doing? It wasn't him who forced her to stay unmarried. After discovering the blood relation between them, she still loved him so dearly, and he was to blame?


Yu Xiaogang's gaze swept over Liu Erlong's delicate body, which was incredibly alluring. He had never touched Liu Erlong before, and to casually let Xu Ran have her seemed like a huge loss.

"Liu Erlong, do you still love me?"

Yu Xiaogang lifted his head, his gaze cold, and looked indifferently at Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong knew how to pretend, didn't she? She wanted to be with him, didn't she? Now, he would grant her that.

"I... love..."

Liu Erlong paused, her eyes closed. For some reason, the image of Xu Ran appeared in her mind. Xu Ran's handsome figure contrasted starkly with Yu Xiaogang's current desolate appearance, like a drenched chicken. But still, Liu Erlong chose Yu Xiaogang.

Perhaps it was because of all the things that had happened, which had dealt Yu Xiaogang numerous blows, causing untold damage to his soul, that he had ended up this way.

"Since you still love me, that's good. We've never taken that final step, but now we can. I want to see how Xu Ran will treat a woman who's been played with," Yu Xiaogang's eyes gleamed with a touch of madness as he looked at the stunning woman before him and stepped forward.

"Brock, you..." Liu Erlong's body trembled slightly, watching the madness and coldness in the man's eyes. She stood there dumbfounded, the last thread of thought she had for Yu Xiaogang vanished.

"You beast, unworthy son!" Just as Yu Xiaogang was about to reach Liu Erlong, a slap came out of nowhere and struck Yu Xiaogang's face. In an instant, he was sent flying with a slap.


"Who the hell hit me?"

Yu Xiaogang cried out in pain, his eyes blood red. His chest heaved violently with uncontrollable anger.

His mental state had already collapsed after Xu Ran got rid of his Martial Soul. Seeing Liu Erlong had made him even more unstable. Just as he was about to touch Liu Erlong's delicate body, to be sent flying with a slap was too much to bear.

"You beastly thing, you don't even recognize your own father anymore?" Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luomian appeared together, looking at Yu Xiaogang with fury.

Because Yu Xiaogang had previously deceived Liu Erlong and attempted to do something utterly devoid of conscience, they expelled him from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

They originally thought he would come to his senses and stop making mistakes, but as soon as they arrived, they heard Yu Xiaogang's vile and shameless words.

How could he say such shameless things to Er Long?

It was simply madness!



Yu Xiaogang covered his burning cheek, looking in terror at the two people in black robes in front of him.

It was his father and his uncle.

More than a decade ago, because of that incident, his father had cast him out of the family, and Yu Luomian had almost killed him. If he hadn't begged desperately for mercy, Yu Luomian might have killed him on the spot.

But even though he had survived that time, Yu Luomian warned him that he must not have any further contact with Liu Erlong. Now that his father had personally witnessed this scene, it was over for him; he was done for.

Yu Xiaogang looked in horror at the two murderous-faced men in front of him, feeling a deep sense of fear.

He was close to crying.

Why would they come at this time? When he was bullied by Xu Ran and trapped by Liu Erlong, they didn't come to his aid, yet now they happened to see this scene. How could he explain himself?

"Beast! How could I have fathered such a beast of a son? You've completely disgraced our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan!" Yu Yuan Zhen, unable to contain his anger, slapped him across the face again.

"Yu Xiaogang, I remember warning you to stay away from Er Long. I didn't expect you to not only ignore my warning but to worsen your actions," Yu Luomian said angrily, picking up a wooden stick and striking Yu Xiaogang with all his might.

He was frightened at the thought of arriving late—what would have become of the situation? If that terrible thing had indeed happened, how would he have faced the ancestors of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan? How could he have faced Er Long?

He felt regret. If he had only told Er Long the truth earlier, perhaps she wouldn't have ended up like this. After a brief period of pain and despair, she might have revived and returned to her confident and proud self.

Now, witnessing such shameless behavior from Yu Xiaogang, Yu Luomian could no longer restrain himself. He no longer wanted Liu Erlong to have any lingering attachment to this beast.

Because that's what he was—a beast. If Er Long still held any fondness for him, this despicable and shameless man would surely take advantage of the opportunity to do something irrational to Er Long.

After all, the Supreme Elder was there now, and Er Long could lead a painful yet happy life. Why should she care about Yu Xiaogang anymore?

"Father, Uncle, why have you come?" Liu Erlong looked at the two men in front of her in a daze, her face showing shame. Back then, she was too ashamed to return to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and had always kept her distance from her family there.

"Er Long, we are the ones who have wronged you; we are the ones who have ruined your life," Yu Yuan Zhen and Yu Luomian said with complex expressions, looking at Liu Erlong before them. The current Liu Erlong was enchanting and charming, seemingly returning to her former lively and cheerful self.

"Father, Uncle, what do you mean by this?" Liu Erlong was startled and could tell from their expressions that they were hiding something from her.

And it seemed to be related to Yu Xiaogang!

Could it be...

A terrible guess formed in Liu Erlong's mind.