Chapter 332 The Idea is Beautiful, Reality is Cruel_1


Ning Fengzhi opened his mouth, looking at Tang San.

He truly hadn't expected Tang San to make such a request. Rongrong was now getting along with Xu Ran, an exceptional genius. Xu Ran's talent was certainly not ordinary, and he was the son-in-law candidate Ning Fengzhi most favored and admired.

However, Tang San's hidden weapons were also very important to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect.

The sect had lost quite a number of disciples over the years, lacking in combat power themselves, they were ultimately at the mercy of others. Although there were people protecting the sect's disciples, those protectors couldn't possibly watch over them every step of the way.

"Sect Master Ning, if you don't agree to this condition, then I can only deliver the hidden weapons to Sect Master Ning as previously discussed," said Tang San, seeing Ning Fengzhi's reluctance.

Were his hidden weapons really inferior to Xu Ran?

The hidden weapons of the Tang Sect were second to none.

In his previous life, the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect were virtually peerless, and on Soul Land, where Soul Masters were powerful but not adept with tools, the role of Tang Sect's hidden weapons would be even greater.

At these words, a flicker of indignation flashed through Ning Fengzhi's eyes. Tang San was too unaware of his own good fortune; although Tang Sect's hidden weapons were important, how could they compare with Xu Ran? Could Xu Ran elevate the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect to a Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and could Tang San do the same?

And here he was, delusional enough to imagine courting Rongrong.

In an instant, all the good impressions Ning Fengzhi had of Tang San dissipated.

Rongrong was the most important person in his heart. Although Tang San was not bad, he was just that—not bad. He was worlds apart from Xu Ran.

"Dad, don't agree to that jerk Tang San. He must be harboring ill intentions coming to our Seven Treasures Glaze Sect," Ning Rongrong's voice rose, infuriated upon hearing that Tang San wanted Ning Fengzhi to betroth her to him.

She didn't know when Tang San had arrived or why he could be with her father, but she was certain that Tang San was up to no good.

Tang San, despicable and shameless, repeatedly attacked Xiao Wu and Xu Ran, and now he was even targeting her.

"Rongrong is back?"

A hint of joy appeared on Ning Fengzhi's brows as he ruffled Ning Rongrong's hair, then turned his gaze towards Xu Ran.

At that moment, Xu Ran dressed in black robes, with a python belt tied around his waist, looked both steady and faintly imperious and proud, drawing attention with just one glance. His appearance was extraordinarily handsome, with ink-like long hair draped over his shoulders and profound eyes that seemed to encompass everything; this appearance made him all the more dashing.

"What an elegant young man," Ning Fengzhi exclaimed in admiration, becoming even more satisfied with Xu Ran.

He understood why Xu Ran had won the heart of his usually proud daughter, completely and utterly. With such astonishing talent and a comely appearance, it was natural that he could attract the attention of girls like Rongrong.

As soon as Xu Ran appeared, Tang San immediately seemed dull and unimpressive in comparison.

Tang San was dressed plainly and looked average, and the gap between him and Xu Ran was indeed significant. Tang San's appearance and temperament would only truly begin to stand out after the awakening of the Bluesilver Emperor bloodline, which would transform him. Right now, Tang San was no different from an ordinary person, the kind you wouldn't be able to pick out of a crowd.

"Uncle," Xu Ran greeted, with impeccable manners. At the same time, he looked at Tang San with amusement.

This guy, Tang San, is quite ambitious! And his imitation skills are not bad either—he sees me courting Xiao Wu and now he wants to court my Rongrong?

Do unto others as they do unto you?

But the idea is nice, reality is brutal!

"Xu Ran, what are you doing here?" Tang San was dumbfounded to see Xu Ran. He had taken the opportunity to attack Seven Treasures Glaze Sect's rear while Xu Ran roamed in Tiandou City, planning to get the marriage agreement first and then elope with Ning Rongrong.

In grand families, the young cannot decide their own marriages; even if Ning Rongrong and Xu Ran had a good relationship, as long as he could bring enough value to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, he could obtain that piece of marriage certificate.

With the marriage certificate in hand, Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong wouldn't be able to turn the tables.

Even though Soul Land is not my previous world, it is still very traditional regarding marriage, especially among the major powers...

But now, Xu Ran has actually come as well!

Dammit, what is Xu Ran up to?

Why did he happen to arrive at this exact moment?

"Tang San, you're quite the player. But why would Rongrong ever fancy you?" Xu Ran looked at Tang San with disdain. In the original story, Tang San disdained this and that, being overly picky, acting all high and mighty.

Now, heh, he wouldn't let Tang San get anyone.

"Xu Ran, and what kind of treasure are you? It's up to Sect Master Ning to decide on Rongrong's marriage, what say do you have? My feelings for Rongrong are stronger than gold, as clear as the sun and the moon. Whether in virtue or anything else, I am more than worthy of Rongrong." Tang San's expression darkened, as an instinctive fear surged up at the sight of Xu Ran.

Controlled by Xu Ran so many times, it wasn't just him, his teacher Yu Xiaogang was also dominated by Xu Ran.

The teacher even fared worse than him, losing his Martial Soul, becoming a complete waste.

"Tang San, you're full of it. I don't believe you, and my heart has room only for Xu Ran. You're nothing to me, I look down upon you!" Ning Rongrong got angry at Tang San's words.

In her heart, Xu Ran was the one and only.

She wasn't the shameless kind of woman; since she was already with Xu Ran, having even taken the ultimate step, she would abide by the women's virtues and be Xu Ran's woman properly.

Even if she could not end up with Xu Ran due to some accident, there was no way she would marry someone else.

Besides, Tang San is despicable and shameless, not a good man at all, marrying him would be worse than marrying a dog.

"Sect Master Ning, my feelings for Rongrong are sincere, stronger than gold. I believe that Rongrong's words are purely a result of her misunderstanding me, I won't take them to heart." Tang San's face darkened, but seeing the girl in front of him dressed in cute pink attire, he let his anger go. Once he won her over, he would bully her hard, by then she should become obedient.

"Nonsense." Ning Fengzhi pulled Ning Rongrong to his side and scolded her. A girl should be dignified; how was this becoming?

He originally had no intention of betrothing Ning Rongrong to Xu Ran, but upon seeing Tang San, he was curious to see how Xu Ran would handle this.

"As strong as gold? Tang San, can you really bring yourself to say such nonsense? At best, it's just lust at first sight for you. And Rongrong doesn't feel much for you either; it's at most unrequited love on your side."

"Moreover, if your feelings were really as strong as gold, how could I have come between you?"

"It's not just Rongrong, even Precious Xiao Wu... Precious Xiao Wu is beautiful and feels so good to touch, and many times, she even begs me..." Xu Ran's lips curled up, spiritual sound waves transferring into Tang San's mind, the outsiders unaware of what was happening between Xu Ran and Tang San.

"Xu Ran..." Hearing Xu Ran's words, Tang San's cheeks flushed with anger, rage surged to his heart, his hands becoming fists. No one can endure such provocation from a rival. Xu Ran's words were a direct attack, enraging Tang San.