Chapter 333: Tang San is Dumbfounded - How Did He Forget That Xu Ran Is a Tycoon?_1

Tang San's eyes were bloodshot as he glared at Xu Ran, looking at the demon who by rights should have been condemned to hell.

Xu Ran had bullied him, stolen his Xiaowu, crippled his teacher's Martial Soul, taken Aunt Liu, and made his teacher live in agony. And now Xu Ran was humiliating him, grinding his dignity as a man underfoot.

Haha, Xu Ran!

Damn Xu Ran!

He would not let Xu Ran get away with it!

Now his hidden weapons had caught the attention of Ning Fengzhi, to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, these hidden weapons were treasures beyond value. Moreover, he could even offer up the more intricate, more precious hidden weapons that he used for self-defense to Ning Fengzhi.

He was going to show Ning Fengzhi just how powerful the treasures in his hands could be!

The value of his hidden weapons to Ning Fengzhi would be beyond his wildest imagination!

When the time came, Ning Fengzhi would betroth Ning Rongrong to him. Although Ning Rongrong was no longer pure, she was, after all, still a great beauty. She hadn't been with Xu Ran for long, which was no big deal. Besides, his main goal was to disgust Xu Ran.

After having his way with Xu Ran's woman, once he became powerful enough, he would cast her aside. The fact that something he considered disposable was Xu Ran's beloved made it all the more satisfying.

"Sect Master Ning, this is a hidden weapon for your personal defense that I offer to you,"

said Tang San, drawing out an exquisitely crafted hidden weapon, similar to a wrist guard, from his storage soul tool. The hidden weapon was designed to adhere to the arm, highly sophisticated.


Ning Fengzhi was taken aback, looking at the hidden weapon Tang San handed over. He hadn't expected Tang San to have held back, this hidden weapon was clearly much more powerful than the ones Tang San had bargained with him before.

The hidden weapon attached itself to the arm, seamlessly conforming to its shape. After examining it for a while, Ning Fengzhi was greatly shocked. Upon activating the mechanism, dozens of hidden weapons shot out instantly, burying themselves deeply into the wooden pillar ahead, which soon turned pitch black, obviously coated with a potent poison.

Just when Ning Fengzhi thought the hidden weapon had expended all its charges, another extremely small hidden weapon shot out, its speed surpassing all the previous dozens of dart-like weapons.


The wooden pillar ahead was pierced straight through by the hidden weapon, with the tiny hole quickly corroding.

This hidden weapon could be said to be incredibly exquisite, even exploiting human nature's weaknesses.

If one were to dodge the first wave of the attack, their guard would surely be lowered. At that moment, the second wave, the smaller and faster hidden weapon, could be lethal.

"Good, good, good," Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but praise aloud. The hidden weapon was simply too cunning. If one wasn't careful, even a Soul Emperor might fall.

Especially for ambushes, with the addition of some deadly poison, its power would be even greater, an absolutely terrifying weapon indeed.

"What are you doing, Dad? How can you take Tang San's things?"

"It looks awful, obviously for sneaky attacks, no martial ethics at all."

Ning Rongrong, clinging to Ning Fengzhi's arm and acting coquettishly, although she was astonished and curious about the power of Tang San's hidden weapon, she had no good impression of Tang San. Guilt by association, she also had no fondness for Tang San's hidden weapons.

Of course, had these hidden weapons been presented by Xu Ran, she would have treasured them as rarities.

It must be said, the gap between people is real, and it's not small either.

"Xu Ran, coming to pay respects to Sect Master Ning, I hope you haven't come unprepared." Tang San said, brimming with pride, very satisfied with the power of his hidden weapon. Such hidden weapons were initially meant for Xu Ran, to be used on him when he was unsuspecting, a barrage to his head would have taught Xu Ran a lesson.

But now, it had also been put to good use.

Stealing Ning Rongrong away would be an initial blow to Xu Ran. And that was a strike against Xu Ran's dignity and pride.

"Sect Master Ning, as you have seen the value of my hidden weapons, just promise me Ning Rongrong's hand in marriage. Once that happens, we'll be family and all these hidden weapons will belong to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect." Tang San coaxed from the side.

Ning Fengzhi's expression remained unchanged; he had already seen through Tang San's character. Tang San wasn't bad originally, but after Xu Ran's arrival, he had changed completely, acting petty and constantly keeping an eye on Xu Ran, proving to be unreliable.

Rongrong and Xu Ran were already set on spending their lives together, and he wouldn't dream of separating them.

He just wanted to see how Xu Ran would handle this situation.

To put it in plain words, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to extort a larger dowry.

He knew Xu Ran was filthy rich with many treasures on him. Normally, he couldn't just ask for them, but now with Tang San fanning the flames, he could surely extort a lot.

At this moment, Tang San was oblivious to Ning Fengzhi's intentions; otherwise, he would have been absolutely enraged. Seeing Ning Fengzhi's grim expression and his silence, Tang San thought that Ning Fengzhi was dissatisfied with Xu Ran.

Suddenly, Tang San found his confidence.

He was convinced that Ning Fengzhi saw his hidden weapons as treasured possessions!

His face lit up with a joyful smile.

Indeed, Ning Fengzhi was interested in Tang San's hidden weapons. However, for Tang San, this interest wasn't necessarily a good thing. It might have been if Xu Ran hadn't come, but Xu Ran's presence turned it into a huge problem.

"Xu Ran, what's with you? Are you feeling gloomy?" Tang San laughed, looking at Xu Ran.

"Xiaosan, don't be too arrogant, nor too happy too soon." Xu Ran patted Tang San's shoulder and curled his lips, wondering how much this kid was looking forward to humiliating him.

Had he been hit too many times by him, going deranged?

Xu Ran had so many treasures that picking out ten or a dozen would have values beyond comparison to his hidden weapons.

"What do you mean by that?" Tang San's heart skipped a beat, feeling a bad premonition.

This damn Xu Ran was rich, likely having many treasures.

In his joy, he had almost forgotten that this damn Xu Ran was a wealthy tycoon!

Shit, Xu Ran had heaps of both Immortal Herbs and poisonous plants, not to mention other possessions—Xu Ran was rolling in riches!

"Uncle, this is the betrothal gift I've prepared specially. Rongrong and I are truly in love. I hope you will grant us your blessing to be together," Xu Ran said, looking at Ning Rongrong ardently.

With a sweep of his hand, two large boxes tied with red celebratory flowers suddenly appeared in front of Ning Fengzhi.

Xu Ran, proposing outright!

This sudden turn of events stunned Ning Rongrong.

Blushing, her heart pounded wildly. She had only intended to bring Xu Ran to the Seven Treasures Glaze Sect to meet her family; she hadn't expected him to bring the betrothal gifts too.

Was Xu Ran planning to marry her? No, perhaps it was like Zhu Qing, to sign a marriage contract.

By then, she and Xu Ran would no longer just be lovers, but betrothed.

With a marriage contract, they could openly be together without any need for precautions. Because betrothed partners wouldn't be the subject of gossip even if there were accidents.

But by that time, Xu Ran, with no reservations, might become even bolder and more shameless towards her.

Contemplating this, Ning Rongrong's cheeks flushed, and she lowered her head to look at her beautiful legs, saying no more.