Chapter 337: Hidden Weapons, Isn't This a Trivial Matter?_1

"Pretending to be profound!"

Tang San glanced at Xu Ran, seeing him still looking nonchalant, and couldn't help but snicker coldly.

"This time I'm going to expose your phony facade and see if you can keep up your act in front of me," Tang San thought. He took out the materials and tools he had purchased for his hidden weapons from the storage soul tool and began the lengthy crafting process.

Tang San was fully focused, determined to create the best hidden weapon to slap Xu Ran's face hard.

Meanwhile, Xu Ran, having nothing better to do, simply pulled Ning Rongrong into his embrace.

"Ah. Dad is still here. No mischief allowed," Ning Rongrong exclaimed with a coquettish voice, her face blushing as she sat on Xu Ran's lap, her little fists gently pounding on his chest, feeling more like a massage than anything painful.

But Ning Fengzhi was too busy to be concerned with Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong's couple antics, as he was sorting out the Immortal Herbs and putting each into a fine jade box.

"So what? You are now my fiancée," Xu Ran said with a mischievous smile, waving the marriage certificate in front of Ning Rongrong's eyes to tease her.

"You're incorrigible! It's just a marriage certificate, isn't it? If you treat me badly, I won't acknowledge it," Ning Rongrong retorted with a flushed face, looking at the certificate signed by her father and Xu Ran. Her cute face turned beet red as if it could bleed.

Although she had always been bold and extroverted, and even dubbed a little witch, she still felt a bit shy looking at the marriage certificate. Xu Ran had always been bold, pestering her incessantly. With the marriage certificate, she feared Xu Ran might become even bolder.

After all, she could previously refuse him outright when he demanded something from her. But now, it was different; it was the duty of a fiancée.

In Soul Land, it was permissible for engaged couples to engage in that kind of behavior.

When the marriage certificate was signed, their status as a couple was already sealed. Only due to careers, age, or other matters not yet settled were they temporarily unable to marry, hence the signing of the marriage certificate.

Now if Xu Ran were to seek her out, it would be completely justifiable.

She was a bit afraid, Xu Ran was so wicked, every time afterward, she felt like her bones were about to shatter. Although she could recover quickly with Xu Ran's help, she was still very scared.

Xu Ran was too rough.

"Hmm, am I not good enough to you?" Xu Ran hugged Ning Rongrong tighter, feeling the presence of the beauty in his arms, he couldn't help but ask.

"Not good enough, you have to be even better," Ning Rongrong pouted, gazing at Xu Ran with a hint of resentment. Although Xu Ran was good to her, he wouldn't always stay by her side alone.

"Fine, from now on I'll dote on my Rongrong even more, treat you better than Xiao Wu and the others," Xu Ran said with a wide smile, making an over-the-top promise.

"I don't believe you. Not bullying me would be surprising enough," Ning Rongrong said with a blushing face, her beautiful eyes shyly glancing at Xu Ran, which immediately piqued his interest. It was fortunate they were in the main hall—if it had been somewhere more secluded...

"I don't want to bully you, I'm afraid you'll get bored. Besides, you seem to enjoy it quite a lot, you're louder than Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing," Xu Ran whispered in Ning Rongrong's ear. Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing liked to be quieter, even if they couldn't take it anymore, they'd bite their teeth and maintain a ladylike demeanor. But Rongrong was different; she couldn't hold it in.

"You, don't talk nonsense!"

"Right, weren't you going to make hidden weapons? I've never seen you make them," Ning Rongrong, her face flushed and her body going limp, lay in Xu Ran's embrace. At once, she didn't dare to pursue the topic with Xu Ran anymore.

Many times, she liked to bicker with Xu Ran, but in the end, she would be directly bullied by him.

"Hidden weapons? Isn't this what the right hand is for?" Xu Ran casually glanced at Tang San.

At this point, Tang San had begun the final assembly process. Xu Ran no longer teased Ning Rongrong, for flirting with someone's daughter in front of her father indeed seemed rather inappropriate. He ought to give Ning Fengzhi some respect.

Otherwise, Ning Fengzhi would have to constantly worry about Ning Rongrong's well-being. In fact, there was no need for concern, as he had already used chemical methods, and Rongrong, fearing consequences, had taken physical precautions—so there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

Xu Ran was still young, and did not need to consider the matter of continuing the family line just yet.

Xu Ran took out several pieces of rare metal from the storage soul tool, his right hand turning duskgold, as five duskgold claws extended— the Duskgold Dreadclaw.

The Duskgold Dreadclaws, extremely sharp, easily sliced through the metals in hand, leaving cuts as smooth as mirrors.

Ning Fengzhi stood to the side, and seeing that Xu Ran was getting serious about starting to craft the hidden weapon, he directed his gaze towards Xu Ran.

He was filled with anticipation.

If Tang San's crafted hidden weapons were already so exquisite, how extraordinary would Xu Ran's creations be, considering his legendary craftsmanship?

Keep in mind that Tang San's hidden weapons all came from Xu Ran!

Ning Fengzhi observed carefully, his eyes catching sight of Xu Ran's Duskgold Dreadclaw with deep surprise, but considering the chest of soul bones Xu Ran had just offered as a betrothal gift, he managed not to lose his composure.

Xu Ran was richer than their Seven Treasures Glaze Sect, so having a few powerful attached soul bones was not surprising.

But the next moment, he was still shocked.

Xu Ran's fingers danced rapidly over the pieces of metal, like an art form in motion, and his speed increased to such an extent that one could barely make out the afterimages left by his fingers.

What terrifying speed was that?

With such skill, Xu Ran's strength was undoubtedly formidable, and even...

He recalled Sword Douluo's speculation, which he had dismissed before, but now he was somewhat inclined to believe it. Xu Ran was likely an unparalleled expert who had used some indescribable forbidden power to rejuvenate himself and started cultivating again...

As far-fetched as this sounded, it could explain the origins of everything surrounding Xu Ran.

Xu Ran's wealth, methods, and soul bones were probably all remnants from before he rejuvenated himself, all to explore the ultimate realm of a Soul Master!

"Could it really be so?" Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but swallow hard.

"Back then, all one could do was shed tears in old age, and now, having grown young again, he is full of youthful vigor..." Ning Fengzhi murmured to himself. Looking at Xu Ran, he viewed him as if he were a Divine Residence in the making.

With Xu Ran's talent, becoming a god was hopeful.

One minute, no more, no less, Xu Ran used the Duskgold Dreadclaw, plus the Sword Intent, to rapidly craft. After mastering the hidden weapon to its fullest, Xu Ran's mind was filled with various hidden weapon designs, which he could create effortlessly.

But what Xu Ran did effortlessly represented a height that Tang San currently could not reach no matter how he tried.

Difference in strength led to different controls over the force and precision of crafting. The hidden weapon that Xu Ran casually created would be something Tang San could potentially achieve only after his "Cultivation Level" had broken through to Soul Sage.