Chapter 338: Tang San Hates Unbearably, Why Would Xu Ran Use Hidden Weapons? _1

"So cool."

Ning Rongrong stared blankly at the craftwork Xu Ran had casually carved out. Xu Ran's fingers were slender, like dancing, making her eyes go wide with admiration.

Beyond wielding a sword to kill, Xu Ran could also play the piano, paint, and make hidden weapons... The blend of artistry and violence made Xu Ran's temperament all the more attractive, and just watching him, Ning Rongrong felt an urge to deeply immerse herself.

In this moment, had Xu Ran spouted any nonsense or even sought to explain things in great depth, she would have accepted it all the same.

To love him was to accept him wholly, she believed, with enough depth and tension that even if Xu Ran went all out, she could still embrace it.

"Here." Xu Ran extended his hand, revealing a round sphere that looked like a simple metal ball. But Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi knew that this metal ball was nothing ordinary.

Xu Ran was simply too fast; they hadn't seen the detailed steps of his creation, but they knew this metal ball was assembled from countless components. Only because Xu Ran's control was so precise and fine did the ball appear to be a flawless iron sphere.

"Xu Ran, is this the hidden weapon you made? A broken iron ball, you plan to smash someone to death with it?" In that moment, Tang San finished his hidden weapon and, looking at the iron ball in Xu Ran's hand, burst into laughter.

Xu Ran was too funny.

Initially, Tang San had been somewhat apprehensive seeing Xu Ran's confident demeanor, but now he was completely unworried.

After all, Xu Ran was a native of Soul Land, and though he might have grown somewhat stronger, in crafting hidden weapons, he was still far behind Tang San.

"Mine is at least a hundred times stronger than yours," Xu Ran said.

"Haha, Xu Ran, how did you become such a joker? Even claiming your hidden weapon is stronger than mine—I really don't know where you get your confidence from. My Tang San's hidden weapon is number one in the world," Tang San said, his eyes gleaming with a playful smile as he displayed his hidden weapon conspicuously.

"The name of this hidden weapon is 'Peach Blossom Needles'!" announced Tang San, barely touching the mechanism, sending dozens of nearly invisible fine needles shooting out in an instant, leaving small holes all around the grand hall.

The second-ranked hidden weapon of the Tang Sect was the Peach Blossom Needles.

Tang San's weapon was designed based on the principles of the Peach Blossom Needles, and although it was far from the power of the real Peach Blossom Needles, the underlying principle was similarly ingenious.

"Huh?" Ning Rongrong and Ning Fengzhi took a deep look at Tang San; even without considering his character, just the prowess of this hidden weapon alone was terrifying. This hidden weapon would be difficult to evade even for a Soul Emperor, let alone a Soul Sage.

"What's so great about that? It's just learning from Xu Ran," Ning Rongrong pouted slightly, appearing unconvinced and somewhat angry at Tang San's swagger.

She was quite eager for Xu Ran to put Tang San in his place.

Xu Ran's hidden weapon was definitely the best, far surpassing Tang San's.

"Xu Ran, it's your turn now."

Tang San ignored Ning Rongrong's taunts. Why argue with a woman? Showing one's strength through action was the most satisfying. Xu Ran with just a broken iron ball, what could it possibly do?

At this moment, all eyes turned to Xu Ran.

With a slight smile, Xu Ran exhaled lightly.

Suddenly, the iron ball bloomed like a budding flower, instantly unfurling, dazzling white light radiating from it, leaving everyone staring in shock at the hidden weapon in Xu Ran's hand.

It had transformed into a bouquet of roses, although made of metal. But every texture, every petal of that bouquet was so lifelike, as if they were real roses.

So resplendent and beautiful.

"What is this?" Ning Rongrong sat in Xu Ran's embrace, looking at the roses in his hand, her heart trembling violently. Her pretty face was slightly blushed, and she felt an intense sense of happiness.

Xu Ran was just like that, always able to bring her surprises and made her look forward to being with him at all times.

"For you, do you like it?" Xu Ran said tenderly, his voice extremely gentle, causing Ning Rongrong's heart to race.

"I like it." Ning Rongrong blinked her beautiful big eyes, if it weren't for the presence of Ning Fengzhi and Tang San, she would have pounced on Xu Ran by now, and then let Xu Ran lie down to enjoy the pleasure.

"This hidden weapon is called 'My Heart Eternal.'" As Xu Ran spoke, he handed the flower to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong held the flower, and it instantly triggered some mechanism, turning the rose into five different colors, instantly becoming dazzling and colorful.

But behind the beauty were countless terrible auras.

It was Sword Intent!

Xu Ran had infused the hidden weapon with the five types of Supreme Sword Intent he had comprehended. The moment the flower bloomed was the moment countless Sword Intents unleashed. Among them, the Sword Intents of evil, destruction, and slaughter were the most terrifying.

These three also represented the most powerful attributes controlled by three Supreme Gods in the Divine Realm. Although Xu Ran's strength in these attributes was still far less than theirs for now, in the Soul Land, he was an unparalleled existence. So many Sword Intents perfectly merged within the petals. With Sword Intent crisscrossing, very few could withstand it.

Xu Ran's hidden weapon was enough to injure or even cause the fall of a common Titled Douluo.

In the great hall, the terrifying Sword Intent caused numerous sword blades to emit countless breaking sounds, affecting everyone except Xu Ran and Ning Rongrong, including Ning Fengzhi and Tang San.

Two Titled Douluos, Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo, immediately appeared in the hall to protect Ning Fengzhi's safety. Sword Douluo's eyes were intently fixed on Xu Ran, filled with fervent heat, feeling as if he saw a kindred spirit as he sensed the surrounding powerful and unmatched Sword Intents.

He didn't defend himself, allowing those Sword Intents to cut his skin. As the Sword Intents tore through his skin, a long-lost sense of comfort also filled him with immense happiness.

From there, he also sensed Sword Intent very similar to his own Seven Kill Sword Intent, but that Sword Intent was much more powerful than his own, the most pure Slaughter Sword Intent.

Sword Douluo's eagle-like bright eyes were firmly fixed on Xu Ran, as if he were looking at an exceptional expert. Bone Douluo was also lost in thought looking at this scene. With Xu Ran's right hand behind his back and his left arm around Ning Rongrong, he effortlessly emanated an endless and terrifying might.


"It hurts!"

Tang San, unprotected, let out pig-like screams of pain. Numerous sword blades shredded Tang San's skin, instantly turning him into a bloodied figure. However, the sword blades were well-controlled, merely grazing the surface of Tang San's body, causing him intolerable pain without endangering his life.

"Xu Ran, I hate you! Dammit, you're playing with me." Tang San lay on the ground, rolling around, his agonized voice emanating from his mouth.

He was close to tears.

How could Xu Ran possibly own such an exquisite hidden weapon, like a work of art, much more powerful than his own?

Is this fake?

The thought of his recent arrogant mockery of Xu Ran, now so swiftly contradicted, made his face burn with pain. The torment on his face and in his heart was even greater than the physical pain.

He had actually lost to Xu Ran in the area of hidden weapons that he was so proud of!

Why? Why was this happening? Was Tang San really just a failure?

He had studied hidden weapons for a lifetime in his previous life, so why couldn't he surpass Xu Ran? What made Xu Ran better than him?