Chapter 357: Tang San Gets a Slap in the Face, Would Teacher Liu Like to Try it Out?_1

Xiaowu panicked a little upon seeing this, tugging at her own beautiful legs, trying to pull them back, but Xu Ran still managed to press them down.

All around, everyone turned their gaze toward Xu Ran and Xiaowu. Seeing Xiaowu's pretty face flushed and her sitting posture somewhat awkward—although Xiaowu made an effort to sit up straight, her legs were stretched out onto Xu Ran's knees and she could only sit in a twisted position.

At this moment, everyone looked at Xu Ran enviously, and of course, many of Xu Ran's female fans were envying Xiaowu.

"Xu Ran is just too cute. He isn't as stiff as I thought he would be."

"Wow, if only I could win Xu Ran's heart."

"He is a Marquis, even if he came to our Tiandou Empire, his status would be very high. How could we possibly have a chance to pursue him? But it's good enough that we're classmates with Xu Ran and can breathe the same classroom air as him; for me, that's enough."

Some girls watched Xu Ran with starry eyes, as if to declare their love.

If Xu Ran had been weak and ugly, he would definitely have been treated like an undeserving rogue coveting a swan's flesh, a lowlife. But clearly, Xu Ran was far from that. With his handsome looks, powerful strength, and noble status, what would be seen as Xu Ran acting like a rogue became, in the eyes of others, a sign of his playful wit.

In a sense, this world was indeed so realistic.

Only by striving to become strong, very strong, would others' perceptions of you change.

"Lord Xu Ran is truly a role model for our generation!"

"If only I had one-tenth the strength of Xu Ran, I wouldn't still be single!"

A group of young men watched Xu Ran with envy and admiration. When they envied Xu Ran but couldn't beat him, all that was left was to admire him.

"Damn it, Xu Ran is clearly flirting with someone, right there in class, yet why does everyone think Xu Ran is the good guy?" Tang San almost felt sick witnessing this, looking at Xu Ran with a resentful gaze.

He just couldn't understand how the big bad Xu Ran, even when doing something wrong, could still be respected by others.

Doesn't that defy all reason?

Are heaven's eyes eaten by a dog?

"But luckily, Liu Erlong will certainly see through Xu Ran and teach him a lesson. Liu Erlong got so angry after what Xu Ran said earlier, that she called him out, and the two had a fight. Although Aunt Liu lost, her attitude toward Xu Ran won't be good."

"Now that he has pointed out Xu Ran's misbehavior, Aunt Liu who is always upright and especially detests the mistreatment of girls, won't take Xu Ran's brazenness in her class lightly. He is simply looking for trouble." Tang San thought to himself, getting ready to enjoy the show.

"What's going on here, Xu Ran?" Liu Erlong's pretty face blushed slightly, her figure swaying gently as she slowly approached Xu Ran. Even now, her legs were no longer numb, but she still felt a bit weak.

The lingering blush on her face had not yet faded.

However, these signs did not lead the naive onlookers to think otherwise.

After all, Liu Erlong's reputation at Shrek Academy had always been good, and she had been particularly indifferent to men.

"Me? I'm helping Xiaowu with her treatment. Xiaowu said she was feeling unwell, and since I'm proficient in some healing techniques, I decided to try and help her," Xu Ran declared with a righteous tone.

Even those who usually admired Xu Ran were skeptical of his words, and Tang San was even less likely to believe Xu Ran no matter what he said. Tang San knew Xu Ran all too well.

"Teacher Liu, don't believe Xu Ran, ah. You see, he's got Xiaowu's leg up on his knee, does that look like he's treating her? He's clearly bullying Xiaowu." Tang San stood up directly, vehemently condemning Xu Ran's behavior.

Seeing Xiaowu's beautiful legs sprawled across Xu Ran's knee, Tang San's gaze was icy cold.

"Quit the act! If Xiaowu and Xu Ran have something going on, Xiaowu hasn't said anything, so what's got Tang San so worked up?"

"I think Tang San is just jealous of Xu Ran."

Some people looked disdainfully at Tang San, and seeing him target Xu Ran, their attitude toward Tang San immediately turned sour.

Tang San's eyes were ice-cold, disregarding the comments of others and watching Xu Ran with a savoring look.

After hearing Xu Ran's explanation, Liu Erlong couldn't help but roll her eyes. Did Xu Ran actually believe what he was saying? While claiming to treat Xiaowu, his palm was still stroking her foot! If this was healing, she'd be amazed!

But now Xu Ran was her husband, and naturally, she would support him.

"Xiaowu, is Xu Ran treating your condition?" Liu Erlong asked Xiaowu.

"Yes, Teacher Liu, I've always had this intractable ailment in my body, but after Xu Ran's treatment, I feel much better," Xiaowu said with a flushed face, pouting her lips and glancing at Xu Ran with eyes that were both aggrieved and shy.

Stinky Xu Ran, truly shameless!

Even she didn't believe what they were saying, okay?

"So that's how it is! I almost wrongly accused Xu Ran. Turns out Xu Ran was healing Xiaowu," Liu Erlong nodded convincingly at Xu Ran, her look saying it all.

In the Academy, Liu Erlong had always been clear about rewards and punishments, conducting everything according to school regulations and never bending the rules for personal reasons. But for Xu Ran, she had no choice but to make an exception.

After all, wasn't Xu Ran her husband?

Could she really punish her own husband?

Would she even survive the night?

Knowing Xu Ran's temperament, if things didn't go his way, she feared the night would be unbearable.

"Yes, Teacher Liu. I was just trying to help a classmate, but I didn't expect it to cause such a huge misunderstanding. I had no idea that from the moment I joined the Academy, someone would harbor such deep resentment against me. Tang San, did I offend you in some way?" Xu Ran chuckled and looked at Tang San, who was growing increasingly sullen, and couldn't help but snicker.

What a fool Tang San was, with great cultivation talent but such a lack of worldly wisdom.

Liu Erlong was his woman now, wasn't this simply foolish of him? Had Tang San become confused out of anger?

"Xu Ran, you know very well what you're doing," Tang San retorted.

"Teacher Liu, don't listen to Xu Ran's nonsense. Is this how someone helps a classmate?" Tang San almost puked. How could Liu Erlong suddenly be so foolish, unable to see what was right in front of her?

"Scoundrel! Bullying a new classmate as soon as you arrive and even slandering others. Haven't you seen how Xiaowu's complexion is getting better? This is the result of Xu Ran's healing. Xiaowu suffers from a serious illness that no one else can cure. Xu Ran, eager to help, momentarily forgot the situation, which is understandable."

"But ultimately, Xu Ran did it to help Xiaowu, to save her life. And you, instead of appreciating it, are here trying to cause trouble for Xu Ran?" As she spoke, Liu Erlong slapped Tang San again.

Dislike breeds more dislike. Xu Ran despised Tang San, so naturally Liu Erlong had no goodwill towards Tang San.

In her heart, she belonged to Xu Ran, and anything Xu Ran despised was no good.



The sound of two slaps echoed loudly in the classroom.

The other students in the classroom were dumbfounded.

Tang San was even more flabbergasted.

Xu Ran, however, was laughing, barely able to contain his amusement, almost wanting to pound his chest and stomp his feet. What a joker Tang San was! As if he could fight against him—save it.

"Liu..." Tang San felt incredibly aggrieved. Suddenly, he realized Liu Erlong seemed to be Xu Ran's woman... He had been confused before, letting Liu Erlong lash out at Xu Ran. Wasn't that stupid?

Yet the burning pain on his face still made Tang San feel humiliated.

He never expected Xu Ran, Liu Erlong, and Xiaowu to brazenly lie, turning the dead into the living. Although they all knew what was really happening, they still pretended ignorance and slapped him twice!

This was clearly bullying!

Liu Erlong, that wretched woman!

Apart from Xu Ran, she was the first to hit him!

To hell with integrity and justice, it was all just a pretense to take action against him—Tang San!

Tang San felt incredibly stifled, damn it! Xu Ran hitting him was one thing, but now even Liu Erlong, disregarding her status, was taking liberty to hit him!

Humans are emotional creatures, and under Xu Ran's influence, Liu Erlong naturally had her personality affected. For instance, with Tang San, Liu Erlong, influenced by Xu Ran, was full of disdain for him. She wouldn't have acted like this with anyone else.

Poor Tang San!

In the current Soul Land, it wasn't Tang San calling the shots, it was Xu Ran.

Those who were good to Tang San in the original story, one after another, were either miserably bullied by Xu Ran or detested Tang San beyond reason.

Alas, such is the world under Xu Ran's dominion!

"Teacher Liu, to prevent certain people from gossiping and to prove that I was indeed healing Xiaowu, you can personally feel it for yourself. My actions are transparent and honorable. My foot massage truly has healing effects for hidden ailments," Xu Ran spouted nonsense earnestly, then looked at Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong, unable to refuse, gave Xu Ran a coquettish glare. Her husband sure had many tricks up his sleeve.