Chapter 358 Poor Xiaosan, Got Schooled Again_1

"Very well, I'll give it a try. Xu Ran, don't you play any tricks on me. If your foot massage has no therapeutic effect, I will deal with you according to school regulations." Liu Erlong said with a serious face, earning the solemn respect of the surrounding students.

As an unmatched genius, Xu Ran would be treasured like a rare jewel if he went to any other academy, even at a peak power like Martial Soul Hall on the Continent. However, Liu Erlong was showing no regard for Xu Ran's dignity, insisting on testing his true capabilities personally.

"Adulterer and whore." Tang San angrily gritted his teeth, wondering why he had been so foolish just now? With Liu Erlong and Xu Ran sharing such a deep relationship, how could he have been so naive...

Now, it was a stage play between Xu Ran and Liu Erlong, their lines matching up in a performance for all to see—who would know the truth?

Tang San felt somewhat depressed, an endless fury burning in his heart. Why did it seem like everyone belonged to Xu Ran?

Did he need to build his own power base?

"Only with my own backers can I have the qualifications to compete with Xu Ran." Tang San thought to himself as he considered the situation. All the people around him were Xu Ran's, so he must slowly cultivate his own sect.

"Do you really think I, Tang San, am all alone? Heh, am I just one person?" Tang San's gaze shifted to Tai Long as he made a secret decision in his heart.

He remembered the Grandmaster once saying that his father had four fiercely loyal families under his command. Each of those people had their strengths and, if rallied, would form a significant force. Later, he could recruit his own disciples and equip them with the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, and by that time, he, Tang San, might not be weak.

While Tang San was lost in thought, Liu Erlong had already taken a seat, stretching out a shapely leg and placing it on Xu Ran's lap.

Liu Erlong's leg was slightly fleshier than Xiaowu's, but it did not seem thick.

A good figure must be judged by the overall balance of the body. Viewed individually, some girls appear quite attractive, but when put together as a whole, they might not look as lovely.

Seeing Liu Erlong compliantly let Xu Ran do as he pleased, everyone felt as if they were seeing Liu Erlong in a new light, finding the situation somewhat surreal. The normally hot-tempered Liu Erlong was never this agreeable.

Liu Erlong, known for hating the wicked like an enemy and maintaining reserve with men, now presented herself in such a manner. Although it was just a leg, it was incredibly seductive and enthralling.

Some wished they could extend their necks longer to get a better look.

However, only a few caught sight of the scene.

After all, Xu Ran and she were sitting at the back. Fearful of Liu Erlong's authority, they didn't dare overstep their bounds and could only sneak glances.

"Xu Ran is too strong, managing to bump into Liu Erlong on his first day."

"Luckily, Teacher Liu is meticulous in her work. This spirit of seeking the truth thoroughly is something only Teacher Liu possesses," some thought.

When Liu Erlong heard these words, she felt her face flush. She knew Xu Ran was up to no good, but she still shielded him and even lectured Tang San.

She had always thought she would never practice favoritism and would deal with everything according to school regulations. But after meeting Xu Ran, he became her sky, he became her law.

She was a wife first, and only then did any other identity follow!

"Ah!" Liu Erlong suddenly let out a loud, charming cry. At that moment, Xu Ran had removed her high heels and with his right hand formed into a fist, he applied gentle pressure to the sole of Liu Erlong's foot.

Instantly, a tingling itch combined with a strong sense of comfort made Liu Erlong involuntarily cry out.

"Hmm." Sensing something was off, Liu Erlong covered her mouth and glared fiercely at Xu Ran, thinking he was deliberately teasing her, and she felt both wronged and embarrassed.

But after a little while, a wave of pleasant comfort swept through her body, and all the fatigue vanished. She had always had soreness in her feet from wearing high heels for long periods, but now it was completely gone.

Her body felt as if it had been caressed by a gentle breeze and clear water; in an instant, her physical condition had reached its optimal state.

Such a transformation even made Liu Erlong feel for a moment that Xu Ran's claim of helping Xiaowu recuperate was true! But then she thought of Xu Ran's lecherous nature and his unruly demeanor, and she couldn't help but purse her lips in disapproval.

Xu Ran had clearly just been teasing Xiaowu, while also taking the opportunity to bully Tang San. Tang San was Brock's disciple, and since Xu Ran disliked Brock, it was normal for him to have no fondness for Tang San.

"Teacher Liu, how does it feel?" Xu Ran asked with a smile, looking at Liu Erlong. He was a man with God Rank massage techniques, after all—if even Gu Yuena could be affected, then Liu Erlong was no exception.

"Very good, I feel much more spirited now, and some minor ailments have vanished as well," Liu Erlong said, and she wasn't lying.

"Tang San, do you have anything to say?" Liu Erlong swiftly put on her shoes and turned towards Tang San, her eyes cold and penetrating.

Xu Ran was her husband, and she would not tolerate anyone insulting him.

What her husband said was her first rule of conduct, followed only then by other principles of justice and morality, as well as laws. If one day Xu Ran asked her to do evil, she might even agree. If you fall in love with someone, you should be willing to do anything with them.

"Eh? Teacher Liu's complexion certainly looks much better."

"Look, even her dark circles have disappeared."

Everyone was astonished to see Liu Erlong looking so much healthier than before, her whole demeanor unmistakably more vibrant, causing a wave of amazement.

They looked up to Xu Ran in reverence, having previously thought he was just like them—a powerful individual but also a notorious lecher. Now it seemed they were wrong!

The realm of a peerless genius like Xu Ran was not something they could aspire to.

To be so powerful, he probably could satisfy himself and had no need to seek fulfillment through others.

"Heh, birds of a feather flock together, what's there to say?"

Tang San's face darkened completely. How dare Liu Erlong turn around and ask him such a question? Was she not aware of the true nature of events?

Of course, Liu Erlong knew the truth, but she was deliberately provoking Tang San just to please Xu Ran and make trouble for Tang San.

"Tang San, are you slandering Teacher Liu?" Xu Ran said with a smile, looking at Tang San. Poor Xiaosan, trying to compete with him, you should be more astute. When you lack strength, you should at least be clever!

"That's right, Teacher Liu used to be the headmaster of Blue Tyrant Academy; how could she possibly be such a person?"

"Tang San is actually slandering Xu Ran and Teacher Liu, which is simply too shameful."

"Slandering Xu Ran, getting slapped by Teacher Liu, now he's starting to spread rumors about the teacher; it seems Tang San's character isn't very good," some students said. Xu Ran and Liu Erlong were people they deeply respected and admired—a former beauty and principal who had forged Blue Tyrant Academy in Tiandou City with her own hands, and the other, a peerless genius renowned across the Continent and also a Marquis.

What right did Tang San have to slander them?

"Xu Ran, don't get cocky. Don't think I don't know what you and Liu Erlong..." Tang San glared fiercely at Xu Ran, but before he could finish speaking, he had been bluntly slapped once more by Liu Erlong.

"Tang San, slandering a new student and daring to slander a teacher, your audacity is growing," Liu Erlong said with disdain, looking coldly at Tang San.

"Apologize to Xu Ran immediately, or else get out of Shrek Academy. Our academy doesn't accommodate students who refuse to be disciplined." At that moment, Liu Erlong's former authority from running the academy surfaced, just no longer as unbending and righteous.

People all have their biases, especially someone like Liu Erlong, who regards Xu Ran as the most important person in her life. Xu Ran was her husband; everything about him was correct, everything was just.