81, Come, into master's arms, let me take you to play with the wheel [First Update]_1

[Instruction Received]

After the mechanical voice belonging to the system ended,

a flash of light appeared in the room, and a shadow of blue light began to construct itself in front of Lin Yi like a ray scanning from bottom to top.

He first saw the tips of a pair of black high heels, followed by shins wrapped in a layer of ultra-thin Black Silk.

The symmetrically perfect legs elegantly pressed together, with fair skin faintly visible beneath them.

Above the Black Silk shins, the rounded and fair thighs were revealed.

These were Black Silk mid-calf socks, the elastic edges of which gently indented the flesh of the thighs.

The vertical Black Silk suspender straps stretched up the center of the thighs, snaking like a black serpent into the fluffy ruffles of the skirt above.

Moving upward was a narrow waist you could almost encircle with your hands, with pale, delicate hands crossed in front of the body.

The black and white uniform swelled upward, its lace edges slightly covering the snowy white cleavage.

The neck like a swan's extended upward, and as the blue light completed its scan, Bossi's peerlessly beautiful visage was finally revealed.

The face was flawless, and the features were stunning.

Lin Yi's reflection flickered within Bossi's autumn-water-like blue pupils as she quietly observed the young man in front of her.

Her complexion was indifferent, yet her demeanor resembled a heavenly fairy exiled from the divine.

Merely by looking at her, Lin Yi felt an inexplicable pressure.

It wasn't because he was overpowered by strength, but rather he was overwhelmed by Bossi's beauty.

Lin Yi believed that anyone, regardless of gender, would exclaim in awe upon standing before Bossi: Could there be such an exquisite woman in the world?

Could such a woman, whose mere appearance instilled a sense of supreme authority and unattainable grandeur, truly listen to me completely?

Lin Yi couldn't help but wonder.

He sought confirmation:

"Bossi, do you recognize me as your master? Do you obey my orders completely?"

"Yes, Master. Bossi completely obeys your commands,"

Bossi nodded slightly, her gaze fixed on Lin Yi, as she said in an enchanting voice.

Her voice was identical to the one heard during their last call.

However, the one in front of him was obviously devoid of any emotions.

Her face, too, was expressionless.

Could this really be a one-to-one real-life copy?

With that doubt, Lin Yi walked towards her and noticed that Bossi's eyes remained fixed on him.

Being stared at by such a beautiful woman was somewhat uncomfortable...

"Look somewhere else."

"Yes, Master."

Bossi obediently looked in another direction.

As Lin Yi approached her, he immediately smelled an invigorating fragrance emanating from her.

A one-to-one copy, could it even replicate the original's body scent?


And unexpectedly, Bossi herself was quite tall, towering a bit over Lin Yi with high heels on.

Of course, it might also be because Lin Yi's own body was still in its youthful form.

After circling around her and observing for a while, Lin Yi crouched down and squeezed her snow-white thigh.

The skin felt very real and elastic, and the pores on it were delicate; it was highly probable that the person herself had particularly good skin.

And to his surprise, it was warm; the copy had body temperature.

This system was incredible.

Bossi still obediently looked in one direction, not glancing down at Lin Yi.

"By the way, how's your luck?"

Lin Yi then stood up and sat on the edge of the bed.

Bossi returned her gaze to him: "Master, this involves specific probability issues."

Don't talk to me about probabilities... I hated that stuff back in school.

Lin Yi took one of the Lucky Roulettes and placed it on his lap.

"Come, sit here."

He patted the spot beside him on the bed.

"Yes, Master."

Bossi walked over and sat respectfully to one side.

In Lin Yi's hand was a Lucky Roulette with a green-gold prize pool.

The green gold pool boost meant that any quantity-related rewards in the prize pool would be doubled.

"Spin the pointer for me, uh... clockwise."

Lin Yi set The Big Wheel down on Bossi's thigh.

She glanced down, her pale fingers touching the pointer, rotating it clockwise.

Bossi maintained an expressionless face throughout.

Lin Yi was extremely nervous.

He hurriedly got up and crouched beside Bossi's leg, his gaze fixed intently on the Big Wheel on her leg.

The pointer spun rapidly, and Lin Yi's heart thumped wildly.

Although he was the host, he could not decide the drop of the Gold Level and Color Gold rewards; his only hope rested on the mere three Big Wheels.

"Master is experiencing negative emotions,"

said Bossi suddenly.

"Uh, I'm just a bit nervous, no big deal."

At that moment, Bossi's small hand suddenly rested on Lin Yi's head, gently stroking it in a very tender motion.

Lin Yi looked at her, somewhat surprised.

What the heck?

Wasn't it said that physical personifications lack self-consciousness?

She said emotionlessly, "According to statistics, head-patting can relieve fifty percent of negative feelings, including anxiety. This angle is suitable for the head-patting comfort method."

Lin Yi: "..."

You really do consider your master's feelings, huh.

"No need, take your hand away."

"Yes, Master."

She sat up straight again.

"Clang clang clang——"


The pointer stopped.

Lin Yi's eyes nearly bulged out.

The pointer had landed on white…

Damn it!

He was unlucky enough, but was Bossi also cursed with bad luck?!

"How can your luck be worse than mine?"

Lin Yi looked up, utterly baffled, at her.

Just as the words fell, Bossi stood up emotionlessly from the side of the bed.

Lin Yi was taken aback and stood up to look at her, frowning:

"What are you doing? I just said one thing to you, are you trying to rebel?"

Bossi spoke still without expression:

"Please choose a punishment method, Master."


Just then, the System Space appeared in Lin Yi's mind with a panel of items.

Various punishment tools flashed before his eyes.

Ruler, whip, washboard, ropes...

What the hell?

Lin Yi was shocked as if he had discovered a whole new world.

"Then, how about the washboard?"

Lin Yi found it amusing inside. This physical personification was so interesting? It was like a humanoid robot with a human body, always considering its master's emotional state.

[Washboard selected]

Quickly, a wooden washboard appeared in Bossi's hands.

She skillfully placed the washboard on the ground and then knelt on it, bending her legs, even slightly lowering her head.

The picture of admission of error was complete.

"Does your knee hurt?"

Lin Yi asked, gazing curiously at her.

Bossi looked up calmly, "Does Master wish me to be in pain or not? Which would excite Master more?"

Lin Yi: "..."

This physical personification wasn't quite what he had imagined.

"Alright, get up, get up... I better continue with my Big Wheel."

Lin Yi said rather speechlessly.

Two more Big Wheels left, he couldn't just waste them.

If both he and Bossi were such jinxes… negative times negative might make a positive, could double jinx possibly make for good luck?

With that thought, Lin Yi spoke to her.

"Come, get into master's arms, I'll take you for a spin on the Big Wheel."

"Yes, Master."