82. Use the Truth Prop Card to upgrade The Big Wheel prize pool! [Second Update]_1

Bossi rose from the washboard, and through that thin layer of Black Silk, one could even see the red marks on her fair knees.

To say she was lifelike, she indeed was a real person, but to say she was a person, she also seemed very much like an intelligent robot.

Lin Yi couldn't help but complain in his heart.

However, fortunately she was completely obedient, which Lin Yi found quite satisfactory.

Bossi obediently walked over, sat sideways on Lin Yi's lap, and gently wrapped her arms around him, facing him.

This fragrant and soft body truly landed in his embrace, but it also brought Lin Yi a headache.

"Didn't you hear the second half of my sentence? How am I supposed to play The Big Wheel with you like this?"

"Please choose a punishment, Master."

"There's no need for punishment, just change your position."

"Yes, Master."

So Bossi sat back on Lin Yi's lap, her back against his chest and her arms tucked in, looking rather clingy.

Thousand Waves would surely have some thoughts upon seeing this scene.

The person he yearned for was now obediently lying in Lin Yi's arms.

Lin Yi guessed that even if Thousand Waves feared him, he would probably chase him around the city with the Angel Holy Sword.

Right, could it be that Thousand Waves is sleeping with a physical doll at this moment?

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt somewhat sympathetic towards him.

He took out the second-to-last Lucky Roulette and glanced at the prize pool area.

This one is Gold Level.

The Gold Level prize pool, the benefit is that every Gold Level reward drawn will randomly come with an extra reward of at least Red Junior quality, with unlimited types of rewards.

This color benefit was already quite good.

Truth be told, the benefits of each color were all pretty good, but the key is you need the ability, or enough luck to get the prize.

Sigh, there's a long way to go.

At this moment, The Big Wheel was his only hope.

Lin Yi, holding Bossi's delicate hand as soft as boneless, hesitated, "Should I spin it clockwise or counterclockwise?"

"Master, the probability for both is the same," she replied.

"I don't want to hear about probabilities, just tell me how should I spin it?"

Lin Yi pinched her hand a bit impatiently.

"Master, Bossi does not have the authority to make subjective choices for Master."


Forget it, Lin Yi gave up.

He took Bossi's hand and said, "Stretch out your index finger."

"Yes, Master."

With both fingers placed on the pointer, Lin Yi chose clockwise after all.

If luck was still so bad, he would throw Bossi back into the System Space!

With such terrible luck, what use is a maid like you?

You don't need to fight, besides keeping the bed warm, what else can you do?

"Klang, klang, klang—"

The pointer started spinning again.

Seeing that Bossi was about to turn her head and pet him again, Lin Yi said sternly, "Don't touch my head, I'm not nervous!"

"Master is lying," she said.

"Whatever I say goes, no arguing."

"Yes, Master."

Bossi turned her body obediently.

Lin Yi waited for a moment, his expression becoming increasingly tense.

Okay, still nervous…

After all, this was his penultimate chance to win the prize pool, and The Big Wheels were so rare, who knows when the next one would drop.

Unable to help himself, Lin Yi said, "Turn back to me."

"Yes, Master."

After Bossi turned back around, Lin Yi immediately buried his face in her, choosing not to see.

His ears, however, listened to the "klang, klang" sound of the spinning pointer.

Both of them spun it, probably with a bit too much force, as the arrow took an unusually long time to stop this time.

The sound gradually weakened.

"Has it stopped yet?"

Lin Yi's voice came muffled from atop Bossi's chest.

"Reporting to master, it hasn't stopped yet."

Then he continued to bury his face, not wanting to look, not daring to look.

After a moment, Bossi said, "Master, it has stopped."

Finally, it stopped. If it didn't stop at that point, I wouldn't want to remove my face from there anymore...

No, this time I shouldn't check the result myself.

Lin Yi still didn't lift his head, but instead asked Bossi, "Tell me, where did the arrow stop?"

"Red Advanced."

Lin Yi abruptly lifted his head, causing Bossi's chest to tremble slightly.

Sure enough, the arrow on the Lucky Roulette was pointing at Red Advanced!

This was a reward that, up until now, all the damages combined had not reached; this round wasn't a loss.

However, Lin Yi didn't claim his reward immediately; he still had a prop card unused.

"System, take out the Truth-Telling Card."

[Command accepted]

The Truth-Telling Card was taken into Lin Yi's hand. He had three of them, obtained from a critical hit from Bi Bidong's rewards.

It was a prop card that could enhance the current reward by one level, meaning it could turn the Red Advanced reward from the Big Wheel directly into a Golden Junior reward.

He only needed to answer at least two truths correctly.

The reason Bi Bidong had such a hard time answering was because, in that situation, she had to face nearly a thousand Soul Masters as she responded.

But Lin Yi had nothing to worry about.

In this small cabin, there was just one person, one maid, and one system; so what if he answered a truth?

"Filter the questions."

[Command accepted]

[Truth-Telling Question Filtering… Filtering complete]

[First question, please tell us, Host, what is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?]

The most embarrassing thing?

Holding Bossi, Lin Yi searched through his memories.

Suddenly, his mind hit a roadblock.

He actually remembered something damn specific!

Shit! Thinking about it now still makes me want to dig out a duplex with my toes!

Lin Yi spoke with a grim look on his face:

"In college, I finally got the chance to rent an apartment with the goddess I had a crush on."

"It seemed she knew about my crush, and she probably had some feelings for me too, she just never made it clear."

"We shared one bathroom in that rented place."

"One time she felt unwell and had to take a big one. Right after she finished, I urgently needed to pee and rushed into the toilet."

"I was looking at my phone while peeing, and then my phone suddenly slipped out of my hands and into the toilet."

"Anxious, I ran to the kitchen for a pair of chopsticks, attempting to retrieve my phone with them."

"Little did I know the bathroom door was slightly ajar, and my crush saw me, frantically searching for something in the toilet with chopsticks..."

"I will never forget the look she gave me at that moment."

"She probably thought I liked her poop more than I liked her."

Having finished speaking, Lin Yi sighed. The level of embarrassment from this event could definitely rank first in his heart.

But Bossi had no reaction to his answer; she lacked the emotional functions to mock.

Meanwhile, the System Space reacted, lighting up green.

[Answer verified as true]

[Now asking the host the second question]

[Do you have any intentions of sleeping with the tangible real person Bossi tonight?]

The System's cold, mechanical voice echoed in Lin Yi's mind.