84, Seeing the big adventure question, Lin Yi: System, you are truly worthy [First update]_1

Captain America finished speaking and directly smashed his shield onto the ground.


The Five-Star Shield bounced off the ground, knocking the Soul Masters rushing at the front row into disarray and leaving them sprawled on the floor.

The onlookers were gobsmacked.

"How can the trajectory of the rebound change direction?!"

At this moment, the shield returned to Captain America's hand in a most unscientific parabolic trajectory.

"Third soul skill! Chiryu Fireball!"

A sun-like fireball suddenly appeared on the dim street, flying towards Captain America.


Captain America, as if performing an aerobics routine, flipped in midair and slapped the fireball back with his shield.

The Soul Master who launched the fireball widened his eyes as he saw the fireball hitting himself and was incredulously blasted away for more than a dozen meters.

"Steve, make it quick."

Lin Yi sat at the back, speaking calmly.

"Understood, my Master."

Captain America placed the shield on his back and charged towards the Soul Masters in black.

He was incredibly fast and agile, dodging the barrage of soul skills released in front of him with various diving, jumping, and rolling maneuvers.

The Soul Masters were dumbfounded. This young man's subordinate seemed to be someone without a Martial Soul at all!

It was as if he was relying solely on his robust physical fitness to fight against others.


In their astonishment, Captain America had already reached them and punched another Soul Master, sending him flying.

Magically modified, he was designed to have speed and strength at the level of an Ultimate Douluo, and the highest Soul Power among these twenty Soul Masters was only level 93.

Moreover, Captain America was proficient in various combat and grappling techniques, making the fight against this group almost a complete one-sided domination.

In just a few blinks, only the Soul Masters' leader was left on the scene.

Captain America stood in place, locking eyes with him.

"Young man, I advise you not to do anything foolish. Trying to offend my master is something I won't allow here."

The Soul Masters' leader was shocked as he looked at his brothers lying on the ground in agony; he was completely stunned.

"You're so strong, why would you willingly serve that youngster? Why not join us in the Star Luo Royal Family and share in the royal feast?"

Seeing that he couldn't win, the leader changed strategies and tried to persuade.

Captain America sneered in response.

"Young man, my master is much stronger than me, and your words have already crossed my bottom line."

After speaking, he took the shield from his back, his biceps bulged like they were about to explode, and he hurled it towards the Soul Masters' leader.


But the Soul Masters' leader simply sidestepped and avoided it.

He laughed, "You missed!"

Captain America calmly said, "On your left."


The shield that had seemingly flown off course returned in midair, the whistling sound growing louder as it forcefully hit the Soul Masters' leader on the left side of his face.

The collision directly shattered his left jawbone.

Captain America retrieved his shield, while Lin Yi rose from his chair and walked over.


Captain America bowed his head, greeting Lin Yi.

"Go back and tell the Star Luo Emperor that I'll be waiting here for him to come and apologize in person."

Lin Yi coldly spoke to the group of Soul Masters sprawled on the ground.

"Yes! Yes!"

The frightened lot scrambled up and quickly left the place.

"Return to System Space."

Lin Yi stored Captain America back into the System Space and then went back to the house and locked the door.

If it weren't for these people wasting my time, I would have claimed the bonus reward by now.

"Bring out the Lucky Roulette, Great Adventure Cards, and proceed with question filtering."

Lin Yi said.

As soon as his words fell, the Lucky Roulette that had already been drawn reappeared in his hand.

The System's mechanical voice also chimed in at this moment.

"Great Adventure question filtering in progress... Filtering complete."

"First question, please kiss the tangible real-life person Bossi for one minute."

As expected of you, System.

Hearing this question, Lin Yi felt absolutely no ripple in his heart.

He just wanted to complete the task at hand.

"Summon the real image of Bossi."

[Following the command]

Wearing a high-level maid outfit, Bossi once again stood in front of Lin Yi.

"Master, please give me your orders."

Bossi bowed slightly, her attitude respectful.

Without another word, Lin Yi went up to her, pulled her into his embrace, and kissed her moist, red lips.

One minute was over.

[First question completed.]

After hearing the prompt in his mind, Lin Yi raised his head.

Bossi continued lying in Lin Yi's arms, calmly staring at him.

Although her expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, her lips seemed a bit more rosy.

"You can get up now."

Lin Yi said indifferently, or at least he appeared to be calm on the surface.

"Yes, master."

"System, tell me the second question."

[The second question, please go to the Pontiff Hall and steal a pair of Bi Bidong's original Black Silk.]

Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

"This task is a bit tricky... Let's see what the third question is."

[Sorry host, according to the rules of the Prop Card, you must complete or give up the current question before proceeding to the next one.]

Lin Yi was at a loss for words.

"Fine, I give up. Tell me the third question."

[The third question, please hold the real image of Bossi until dawn tomorrow.]

Upon hearing this question, Lin Yi was momentarily stunned.

"It's just holding, right?"


This was easy to say; it would just take a bit more time, having to wait until dawn the next day.

But he was feeling sleepy as it was already late into the night, and without some sleep, it'd be embarrassing if he dozed off while scratching the Lottery Shield tomorrow.

"Come over, take off your shoes and lie down on the bed."

Lin Yi gestured to Bossi.

"Yes, master."

Bossi obediently responded.

She sat on the bed, took off her black high heels, lifted her long black silk legs onto the bed, and lay down properly.

Lin Yi followed into bed, cuddling the fragrant and soft Bossi and contentedly buried his head into the comfort, falling into a deep sleep.


The next day, early morning.

A faint ray of light shone through the crack in the window.

[Third question completed]

[Great Adventure Prop Card has been used, now upgrading the Gold-tier advanced reward to an orange-gold reward. Congratulations, host, on obtaining your first jackpot reward]

The System voice in his mind woke Lin Yi.

Opening his eyes and lifting his head, Lin Yi saw that Bossi was watching him.

"Damn! Don't you sleep?"

Startled, Lin Yi sat up sharply, then gulped and reached out to pull up the front of Bossi's outfit covering her.

It seemed that he hadn't been very composed in his sleep the previous night.

But he had to admit, he had slept wonderfully well, as if lying on a bed of soft, fragrant cotton candy...

Wait a second.

Lin Yi looked in bewilderment at a bite mark on Bossi's body.

"What... what's that about?"

"After master fell asleep last night, you said the cotton candy was soft and fragrant, and then you bit down."

Bossi said calmly.

Lin Yi's mouth twitched: "...why didn't you wake me up?"

"It wasn't daylight yet, master. It wasn't time to get up."

"...You're really good at your job as a maid."

After saying this, Lin Yi turned to look at the Lucky Roulette.

Finally, he could see what the orange-gold reward was.