85. The way Your Highness pouts with your butt is really cute [Second Update]_1

First, he put Bossi back into the System Space to deal with later, planning to summon her when he went to bed at night.

Lin Yi had no other intentions.

Sitting all day and not being able to summon her at night to improve his sleep quality?

After putting Bossi away, Lin Yi picked up The Big Wheel.

A tuft of orange-gold light slowly rose from the roulette.

Indeed, the color gold jackpot, even the light representing the reward was different from the others.

The orange-gold light was actually an orange one, only, it was enveloped by a layer of fine gold light lines.

The light floated in mid-air, looking incredibly lavish.

[Your random orange-gold reward is, Shield remaining health reduction by 100000000000]

[Your random additional reward is, Black Advanced Level reward, Blazing Apricot Cabbage*1]

Lin Yi was shocked.

The orange-gold reward he drew was actually a direct reduction of one hundred billion in the Shield health!

At that moment, Lin Yi immediately checked his remaining Shield health.


The number at the very front had changed directly to an eight.

The Shield instantly thinned by one-tenth.

It also made Lin Yi feel that he was a significant step closer to unlocking the Divine Body!

The Divine Body given by the System was a physiognomy that transcended the entire Soul Land plane, even surpassing the whole Divine Realm plane, an invincible physique not bound by the laws of Soul Land.

It seemed that the System had also peeked into his inner thoughts beforehand, which is why such a reward was randomly in the orange-golden jackpot.

If luck was defied, ten Lucky Roulettes in one week, and ten big wheels hit ten color gold rewards again.

And these ten color gold rewards were exactly the ones that decreased health!

Lin Yi believed that in less than a week, he would be able to unlock the Divine Body, becoming a god-like existence standing above the entire Soul Land plane.

It was only a pity that he probably wasn't that lucky.

After a quick tidy-up, Lin Yi left the room.

The scene outside took him by slight surprise, among the long line formed by the Gua Sha Masters, were Ning Fengzhi and his three companions.

They were probably in the middle of the queue, which was relatively at the front.

Wow, they came quite early today.

After all, not a single person from Martial Soul Hall had shown up yet.

"Senior Lin Yi, good morning!"

All the people then saw Lin Yi stepping up to the stands and immediately bowed in unison, greeting him respectfully.

Ning Fengzhi and his three companions were no exception.

After being thoroughly disciplined by Lin Yi's rules for two days, they finally became obedient and submissive.

"Come up according to the queue order," Lin Yi said indifferently.

It was almost time for the Soul Master tournament to start.

Once the Star Luo Emperor arrived, Lin Yi was preparing to instruct Bi Bidong to start redefining the competition rules with the two emperors.

So the only thing to do right now was to wait for the arrival of the Star Luo Emperor.

Lin Yi believed that within three days, all three rulers of the entire Soul Land would kneel before him.

And entangling the hearts of the three rulers was merely the first step of Lin Yi's Shield Breaker plan.


Worship Hall.

Thousand Waves frowned, standing in front of Qian Renxue's door, knocking several times.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

"My dear grandchild, are you awake yet? It's time, we should go!"

He still had some recollection of when Qian Renxue returned yesterday; it was almost midnight, and he didn't know what had happened at Bi Bidong's place to have taken so long.

"Dong, dong, dong!"

Thousand Waves knocked on the door again.


Finally, the door opened.

At this moment, Qian Renxue had disguised herself as Xue Qinghe.


When Thousand Waves got a closer look, he discovered that his granddaughter's eyes were red and swollen!

"Have you been crying?"


Qian Renxue responded coldly, yet her voice still betrayed a hint of sobbing.

"Who made you cry? Granddad will teach them a lesson!"

Thousand Waves was heartbroken. It was not easy for his granddaughter to come back home, so how could he allow her to be wronged in his own house?!

"I'm fine, Granddad. Let's go."

Even though Qian Renxue felt wronged, she could not tell Thousand Waves about what had happened yesterday.

It was not only inappropriate, but she also felt embarrassed.

She could only bear it silently, swallowing the grievance.

Thousand Waves glanced at Qian Renxue's retreating figure and was about to follow her when he suddenly paused.

Why did his granddaughter walk so oddly today...

Her buttocks were slightly sticking out, and her legs seemed not to be close together, and each step she took was very careful.

It wasn't long before Bi Bidong also exited the Pontiff Hall, and the elders had been waiting below for quite a while.

She seemed to be in an exceptionally good mood today, and the first thing she said surprised the elders.

"Let's go, see if the Great Priest and Prince Qinghe are ready."

Bi Bidong's lips curled into a meaningful smile as she spoke, then she walked towards there, looking somewhat expectant.

"Oh, can Prince Qinghe actually get out of bed today?"

Seeing Xue Qinghe from a distance, Bi Bidong couldn't help but ask, her tone filled with schadenfreude.

"Bi Bidong! What people say is indeed true, you truly are a woman with a heart of a viper and scorpion!"

Xue Qinghe's composure exploded when he heard Bi Bidong's mockery.

He instantly recalled the hellish hundred seconds from the previous night.

After it was over, he had laid on the bed recuperating for a whole half hour!

At that time, his cries for mercy went unanswered by heaven and unheard by earth.

Listening to his own pleading sobs, the woman behind him had not a shred of mercy, and even laughed very happily!

The guest elders and elders were all dumbfounded at this moment.

How did Bi Bidong and Xue Qinghe suddenly have a dispute?

Bi Bidong didn't care the slightest about her daughter's verbal abuse.

Striding with her long, black silk legs, she walked slowly to Xue Qinghe, "I don't know why the Crown Prince is speaking filth? If you feel wronged, speak up, let everyone judge for you."

Grinding his teeth, how could Xue Qinghe dare to speak up!

Bi Bidong clearly had him by the throat!


Taking advantage of Xue Qinghe's distraction, Bi Bidong slapped his buttocks with her hand.

At that instant, Xue Qinghe shuddered from head to toe, his face turned pale, and he stood stiffly, not daring to move.

Seeing his reaction, Bi Bidong couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Your Highness looks so cute with his buttocks sticking out."

She walked away from Martial Soul Hall, a satisfied expression on her face.

The elders followed behind her, still puzzled.

Why did slapping the Crown Prince's buttocks make the Pope so happy?


When the people of Martial Soul Hall reached the stands, they found Emperor Xueye and Chen Xin standing there.

"Heh, when did these four guys get here, and they're even earlier than us today?"

Bi Bidong sneered, striding over.

According to her personality, she should actually have driven Emperor Xueye and the others off the stage by now.

After all, it was Bi Bidong's territory, and only she had priority.

But for Lin Yi, she could not yet tear her face with Emperor Xueye, especially since in a few days she would have to discuss adjusting the rules of the Soul Master competition with Emperor Xueye and others.

"Your Highness, are we going to let them go first?"

Ghost Douluo asked from beside her.

"No matter, I also want to see what rewards they will drop."