136, 30 Million Volt Anti-Wolf Electric Baton, try it and you'll pass away [First Update]_1

"Third Soul Skill! Flaming Bone Prison!"

Standing in front of Lin Yi, Gu Rong's aura soared, and he knelt down on one knee, heavily slamming his right palm onto the ground.


In that instant, the surroundings were enveloped in a sinister and scorching atmosphere.

"Crack crack crack!"

Countless twisted bone spurs began to rise from the ground.

A ghostly fire burned on each bone spur, and the tips stabbed toward Lin Yi's body in unison, as if a gigantic mouth full of sharp teeth had sprouted from the platform, swallowing Lin Yi halfway.

Normally, the attack of the Second Soul Skill would have ended here, and the most perfect outcome would be the target being pierced into a sieve by the incredibly hard bone spurs, or being eroded by the ghostly fire.

Regrettably, the first application of the Flaming Bone Prison was used on someone indestructible.

Gu Rong felt very helpless in his heart.

Actually, trying out damage on Lin Yi was both good and bad.

The good part was the ability to see specific damage values directly, very clear-cut.

The bad part was that the attacker's experience felt close to zero since Lin Yi simply wouldn't get hurt, and the attackers might even suffer damage rebound, which was very frustrating.

However, Chen Xin below the stage was completely astonished.

Because the soul skills of Gu Rong, whom he knew so well, had all changed... at least the first to third soul skills had undergone a complete overhaul.

He had not expected a Soul Mutation Crystal to bring such great benefits; the rewards Lin Yi offered were truly amazing, earning everyone's admiration.

Gu Rong withdrew his soul skill, and the massive bone spurs disappeared.

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 127648]

[Remaining Lifeforce: 899967372452]

[Damage Level: Black (Intermediate)]

[Random Reward: 30 Million Volt Anti-Wolf Electric Baton (built-in battery, direct charge) *1]

[Host Reward: 80 Million Volt Anti-Wolf Electric Baton (built-in battery, direct charge) *1]

Lin Yi's eyes widened abruptly the moment he saw the rewards.

It appeared again, the Blue Planet reward!

It seemed that whenever a reward from Blue Planet was presented, it was bound to be outrageous.

Seeing this, Gu Rong asked with some confusion, "Is there a problem, senior?"


Lin Yi's expression returned to calmness as he said, "Damage 127648, Black Intermediate Level, your reward for this attack is a 30 Million Volt Anti-Wolf Electric Baton."

Knowing they certainly wouldn't understand, Lin Yi waved the black orb in his hand and, like performing a magic trick, transformed the black orb into a pitch-black electric baton.

He twirled the electric baton in his hand and aimed the discharge end at Gu Rong, then quickly pressed the red button on it.


A blazing white arc of electricity flickered in the air, causing Gu Rong to immediately step backward in fright.

"What kind of weapon soul is this?!"

He exclaimed in shock.

That moment, the wildness of the Thunder and Lightning element nearly gave him goosebumps on the spot.

Even though he didn't feel any pain, the display was intimidating enough.

Everyone below the stage looked up curiously; they couldn't see the small device in Lin Yi's hand clearly, only hearing the sound of electricity and seeing the white arcs.

Lin Yi handed over the electric baton, "This contains enough Thunder and Lightning element to stun a person... consider it a storage device for electricity. Just press here when you want to release it. It's not a single-use item; it can be used many times."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuena frowned, "How can lightning possibly be stored?"

Lin Yi caught her muttering and smiled slightly.

My dear Na'er, you have no idea that there's something called a rechargeable battery on Blue Planet.

"If you're really curious, you could try it on someone. The essence of this device lies in its element of surprise, silently applying the discharge end to someone's body to take effect, stunning them."

After listening to Lin Yi's introduction, Gu Rong turned his head to look at Chen Xin.

The latter's eyebrows twitched violently, knowing you'd think of me first for testing out the new move, you old coot!

"Come on, you old sleazebag, give it a try."

Gu Rong raised his eyebrows, looking at Chen Xin with ill intentions.

At this moment, Di Tian turned his head to Gu Yuena and said, "Master, we've reached your area of expertise. Would you like to test the stored power of the thunder and lightning?"


Gu Yuena was very decisive in her refusal.

Lin Yi always had so many bizarre things, and although Gu Yuena didn't believe she would be stunned by electricity, what if... it would be a huge loss of face for the dragon lineage.

With so many eyes on him, Chen Xin couldn't bring himself to say no, and he walked up cursing and muttering.

"Go easy on me, damn it..."

Chen Xin approached Gu Rong and whispered, but the next moment his whole body violently convulsed, and he stiffened up.

"Crackle and pop—"

White electric arcs flickered continuously at Chen Xin's waist; Gu Rong remembered Lin Yi's instructions to use this thing with the element of surprise!

Just then, Gu Rong suddenly felt a sharp aura.

A bloody arc suddenly separated him from Chen Xin. Gu Rong immediately retreated backward, and a strand of hair gently floated to the ground.

Chen Xin fell, his body convulsed a few times before he passed out, and his Seven Kills Sword was grasped by an armored man.

Gan Jiang stared coldly at Gu Rong, charging over without a word, carrying an intense sword intent on par with Chen Xin at his peak, his presence fierce and his speed swift.

This scene scared the daylights out of Gu Rong, who quickly ran towards Lin Yi seeking refuge.

"Senior, what what what... what's going on? Why did that sleazebag's Sword Spirit suddenly pop out and chase after me?"

The Sword Spirit indeed protects its master... You stunned his master with an electric shock, so of course, it's going to come out and chop you.

Gu Rong immediately moved behind Lin Yi upon reaching him, which allowed Lin Yi to face the lethal edge exuding from Gan Jiang directly for a moment.

A swordsmith, to have such mastery over the way of the sword?!

Lin Yi was somewhat surprised.

A bloody sword blade fell towards him from above, not knowing whether it aimed to cut down Gu Rong or Lin Yi!


The sword blade felt as if it had struck a mountain, reminding one of an egg striking a stone.

This was Gan Jiang's feeling at the moment.

He looked in shock at the intact head beneath the Seven Kills Sword blade, wondering why the man hadn't dodged.

It turned out...


Gan Jiang barely squeezed these three words out through his teeth.

"Nothing's impossible."

Lin Yi slightly lifted his dark pupils, gazing at the red-glowing sword blade standing upright above his head.

He raised his right hand, pinched the blade, and effortlessly removed it from above his head.

At this moment, Gan Jiang had his teeth clenched, hands gripping the sword hilt tightly, his ferocious expression proving he was using all his strength!

However, the young man's hand was like it was cast from molten iron; Gan Jiang could not move the Seven Kills Sword in the slightest.

"Because you were created by me."

Having said that, Lin Yi exerted a slight force with his fingers, and the entire Seven Kills Sword instantly shattered like glass.

His expression remained calm as he looked ahead, where Gan Jiang was now retreating backward in horror.

Lin Yi said, "Your master is not in life-threatening danger, just go back obediently."

Gan Jiang's eyes widened in shock, uncertain if he was more amazed by the young man's power or astonished to find out he was created by him!

He hastily ran towards Chen Xin, turning into a ball of light and burrowing into Chen Xin's body.

Lin Yi glanced sideways, looked at Gu Rong behind him, and commanded, "Wake Chen Xin up."