137. Bi Ji: Although I don't understand, it feels like Goose Goose is said so awesomely! [Second Update]_1

"Okay, Senior."

Gu Rong approached Chen Xin with lingering fear, and the scene that had just unfolded made him both dread and envy that Sword Spirit.

If he had such a Sword Spirit, it would be too awesome, not only enhancing its master but also independently fighting for them.

Damn it, he was really envious of those sword-wielding freaks!

"Old hag, wake up."

Out of jealousy, Gu Rong slapped Chen Xin's cheek a bit harder than necessary several times. After a moment, Chen Xin's eyes snapped open, and he sat up quickly.

He sat there, dazed for a moment, as if his memory had fragmented. It took a while before he asked in shock,

"Did I just faint?"

Gu Rong nodded and examined the electric stun baton in his hand again.

The fact that this thing could knock out Chen Xin, a Hyper Douluo, suggested that it would be extremely effective in close-range combat against Soul Masters.

It was comparable to a solid soul skill, and it seemed to require no charging time.

Gu Rong could already picture himself using this small black stick to deal with those troublesome Titled Douluo from the past in a second—so damn convenient!

Bi Bidong, who had watched the entire process, couldn't help furrowing her brows: "It doesn't seem like Chen Xin is faking, but what is the principle behind this device?"

"Indeed, an attack with thunder and lightning element should cause damage, but this thing only seems to make people faint without leaving any scars on the body after the fact."

Dragon Lance Douluo followed with his analysis, as he had some understanding of the thunder and lightning element as well.

"It seems that there are many valuable rewards in this black level pool..."

So far, Bi Bidong realized that the rewards falling from Lin Yi varied greatly, adding up to dozens, if not hundreds, of different types.

At least for now, Bi Bidong believed that there was no chance of Lin Yi running out of rewards...

At this moment, Lin Yi appeared to her like an inexhaustible treasure, with each different reward emerging and refreshing their understanding.


Gu Rong told Chen Xin about what happened after he fainted. After listening, Chen Xin's jaw dropped in surprise.

"What did you say?! My Sword Spirit went to provoke Senior Lin Yi?"

Gu Rong nodded, "Sort of. It even seems to have replicated your Seven Kills Sword Martial Spirit, fighting on your behalf. Damn, you old cheat, you really hit the jackpot today..."

"I don't care about that right now. I just want to know that Senior Lin Yi wasn't upset by this, was he?"

Chen Xin was truly anxious. Rewards falling short of expectations could be temporary, but offending Senior Lin Yi was absolutely something he couldn't afford!

At this point, Gu Rong sneaked a glance at Lin Yi and, recalling the recent events, he hesitated, "It shouldn't be an issue, seeing as it wasn't your directive."

"I hope so."

Chen Xin looked in Lin Yi's direction with trepidation, regretting deeply that he stepped onto the platform in the first place.

It was then that Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xueye approached.

"Uncle Jian, it's time for Your Majesty to attack."


Chen Xin nodded and made an inviting gesture towards Emperor Xueye: "Please, Your Majesty."

The two stepped onto the platform. Chen Xin remembered the damage they had done the last time they coordinated an attack, nearly 140,000.

Now he could certainly apply the same attack pattern as the last time, and with the presence of the Sword Spirit, the damage would definitely increase.

"Spiritual Sword Guard!"

Two blood sword phantoms left their marks on the Seven Kills Sword; the long sword unsheathed, Chen Xin's sword intent reached its peak in a flash.

At the same time, a pair of emerald wings spread out behind Emperor Xueye as the Jade Swan stretched its slender and elegant neck, crying out to the sky.

Below the platform, Goose Goose was stunned.

Nothing was more shocking than seeing one's own form become the Martial Soul on someone else's back.

Emperor Xueye's third soul ring rose up.

"Third soul skill, Jade Light!"

It was an attribute enhancement soul skill, also providing a certain healing effect.

When the light fell upon Chen Xin, he wore a look of surprise; he felt the difference of this enhancement effect in an instant.

The crimson light flashed, the sword's cry ceased, and the sword intent retracted.

The long sword was sheathed.

Chen Xin then turned back to look at Emperor Xueye, exclaiming, "Your Majesty, the Jade Swan Martial Soul is truly extraordinary."

"Is that so?"

Chen Xin nodded seriously, as a direct beneficiary, his feelings were naturally most apparent.

Lin Yi looked at the panel, also slightly startled.

[Bleeding: 213647]

[Remaining Health: 899967159764]

[Damage Level: Red (Novice)]

[Random Reward: Lucky Roulette*1]

[Host Reward: Lucky Roulette*3]

He still remembered the last time these two people used the same attack mode, the damage was 138,000. This time, it jumped to 213,000 directly.

And he had also received the symbolic reward for the Red Novice level—the Lucky Roulette.

The added effects of the Sword Spirit and the Jade Swan Martial Soul manifested themselves most directly in the data.

"Damage 213647, Red Novice level, your reward is one Lucky Roulette."

Hearing this, Chen Xin showed an 'I knew it' expression, while Emperor Xueye was utterly shocked.

The damage had actually increased by seventy to eighty thousand!

Emperor Xueye looked excitedly toward Bi Ji below, the Jade Swan truly deserved to be the most noble existence of the Swan Clan!

Bi Ji: "..."

After the third cumulative attack, receiving a Red reward left Emperor Xueye somewhat at a loss, yet at the same time, he was brimming with excitement.

"Hehe, the Lucky Roulette, the beginning of this old man's nightmare," Thousand Waves murmured self-mockingly. Ever since he received the Lucky Roulette, all his subsequent roulette-type rewards had gone downhill, his luck spiraling downward.

Even seeing others receive roulette-type rewards, Thousand Waves's hands would still tremble inexplicably.

Yes, he had been PUAed by the roulette.

Lin Yi flicked the red light ball in his hand into the air, and the only type of roulette without a cover hovered mid-air.

"You should already be familiar with the rules of the Lucky Roulette, so I won't explain further. Let's begin."


Just as Emperor Xueye was about to touch the edge of the roulette, he suddenly thought of something. He turned to Bi Ji below and bowed respectfully:

"Senior Jade Swan, may I have the honor of your assistance in drawing a prize for me? Emperor Xueye would be immensely grateful."

In Emperor Xueye's heart, Bi Ji, the leader of the Jade Swan Clan, had already become an Auspicious Beast-like existence.

As an Auspicious Beast, it was certainly much better than if Emperor Xueye himself were to draw the prize, not to mention the luck aspect, but also because the prize pool's corresponding rewards would definitely be extremely meaningful.


Bi Ji nodded.

"Yes, you."

Emperor Xueye said with a devout facial expression.

After getting Gu Yuena's permission, Bi Ji hopped excitedly up to the stand. When she reached Lin Yi, she suddenly stopped, sneakily glancing over at him.

But when Lin Yi looked up, Bi Ji's pretty face changed in an instant, and, frightened, she immediately ran to the side of The Big Wheel.

Lin Yi: ?

Looking at the variously colored pie-shaped sections, Bi Ji curiously asked, "Why do you want me to draw for you?"

"Senior Jade Swan is the faith creature of Emperor Xueye's heart. Every choice you make will hold special meaning for me. I believe you will draw a reward that is extraordinarily significant."

Bi Ji: ⚆_⚆?

Although she didn't understand, she felt that this human spoke of Goose Goose quite convincingly.

Bi Ji's fair hand grasped the edge of the wheel and gave it a strong pull.

One minute later.

Looking at the pointer pointing to the white prize pool, Emperor Xueye fell silent.

ps. A bit late... Still thankful for everyone following, Goose Goose heart~