232, Bi Ji Zi Ji go on stage together, good sisters should always be in order [Big Chapter]_2

Lin Yi only said that Adamantium was top-notch Physical Defense, but Son Goku's defense was directly immune to all Physical Attacks.

There was reason behind Lin Yi saying so.

With Son Goku's defense, how could any Physical Attacks from the Douluo plane possibly hurt him? That would be tantamount to ignoring everything, wouldn't it?

"Uh, there's a condition though, you must put it on."

Lin Yi quirked one eyebrow as he spoke.

Dai Ben was taken aback when he realized that this Tiger Skin Skirt was clearly child-sized...

"How old is this predecessor Son Goku then?"

Lin Yi paused for a moment, as age seemed not to be the point; you should be asking what species he was.

Son Goku, being born from a stone monkey, naturally had a short stature, about the same height as a child.

"Enough to be your ancestor."

"...But what if I can't put it on?"

"No way around it, the reward is set up that way."

Dai Ben's mood plummeted from elation to dejection in an instant.

Qian Renxue watched the scene before her with schadenfreude. Looking at it this way, her Thorn Armor was pretty awesome after all; the quality of the reward was clear to see.

Dai Ben could only carefully store the Tiger Skin Skirt before stepping down from the podium.

With Xingluo's turn over, it naturally came to Aquipeia Forest's turn.

However, this time Aquipeia Forest had an extra member.

At this moment, Gu Yuena turned back, looking at the three before her: "Any of you want to go first?"

"We'll go with whatever you arrange, my lord."

Gu Yuena then turned to Bi Ji.

Goose Goose immediately held its little hands up with expectant eyes.

Gu Yuena quickly said, "Then let Zi Ji go first."

Zi Ji turned to look at Bi Ji's disappointed expression hesitantly and said:

"Lord, I'm not very familiar with it. Since they all pair up in twos, could Bi Ji sister accompany me? To assist me in the attack?"

Bi Ji once again held up her little hands with that expectant look towards Gu Yuena.

Having been through several attacks, she wasn't as scared of Lin Yi anymore, and as she and Zi Ji were close sisters, she naturally wanted to help out with her sister's first attack.

"Alright, once you're on stage, remember to protect this Silly Goose. Damage Rebound is something to be feared even by me, since it grows stronger against stronger attacks, and Bi Ji will definitely not be able to endure it."

"Sure thing!"

Bi Ji hastily answered in place of Zi Ji, quickly grabbing her sister's hand and running onto the stage.

"Lord, I'll need Bi Ji's help later too!"

Di Tian raised his hand childishly, saying with righteous indignation.

Gu Yuena turned to glance at him: "You?"

Di Tian instantly lost confidence, shirting his gaze: "...Yes, me."

"You're already a million-year soul beast, your damage ceiling has increased a lot, you don't need help for the time being. Zi Ji has a lower age limit, and the Silly Goose can help her push up the base damage to get a better quality reward from the start."

Di Tian could only say resignedly, "Alright then."

The strong man was frustrated.

Aquipeia Forest was the side least worried about not dealing high damage.

If individual damage was not enough, they'd have Bi Ji assist; if Bi Ji's assistance wasn't sufficient, they'd have Gu Yuena help out, so they would never be in a pinch for damage.


Coming onto the platform, Bi Ji knelt down and performed a kowtow to Lin Yi.

"Greetings, Golden Dragon Lord!"

She was the most sincere person on the scene, never had anyone been as meticulous with their courtesy as her.

Lin Yi tugged at the corner of his mouth, too lazy to correct anymore, and could only say, "You're excused."

This Silly Goose... Gu Yuena watched the scene below with frustration, never had she been greeted with such reverence by it...

After standing up, Bi Ji grinned at Lin Yi and said, "This is my sister Zi Ji; she's also here to attack and get her reward, she—"

"I know."

Lin Yi spoke up, suddenly interrupting Bi Ji's introduction.

Zi Ji's heart skipped a beat, as since she came on stage, she hadn't dared to make eye contact with Lin Yi.

After all, she had been suppressed by Lin Yi's golden dragon bloodline right on the spot earlier that day, so Di Tian cautioned her not to look Lin Yi in the eyes carelessly.

Moreover, having witnessed the numerous attacks today, Zi Ji had already been shocked by Lin Yi's miraculous abilities.

So, the only reason she brought Bi Ji on stage was out of fear, to have someone else to embolden her courage.

Lin Yi looked at the bowing Zi Ji and said calmly,

"Zi Ji, clan leader of the Hell Demon Dragon Clan, with less than three hundred thousand years, possessing the rare purity of true dragon with both darkness and water attributes."

Zi Ji's body trembled, her head buried even lower, while Bi Ji's eyes widened further.

Oh my, he knows everything!

Gu Yuena also slightly furrowed her brow, her pretty face surprised.

Zi Ji rarely appeared in public due to her attributes and mostly spent time in deep slumber, but even so, Lin Yi still knew her identity clearly.

Where did he find out from? Mind reading? Or are the actions of everyone in Soul Land within his surveillance range?

"Now that I know you, our relationship can be considered a step closer, so don't be nervous,"

Lin Yi said slowly.

That's not it at all! We're even farther apart! Zi Ji suddenly felt like she wasn't fit to stand and speak to such a person endowed with immense capabilities!

Right, I haven't paid my respects yet!

Zi Ji immediately knelt down, mimicking what Bi Ji had just done earlier, and when Bi Ji turned and saw her, she also kneeled down, following Zi Ji in another round of kowtowing.

Lin Yi: "..."

I'm really screwing up, huh!

I was just posturing to raise my prestige, not to make you kneel at every turn!

And you, Bi Ji! You silly goose! Did you forget you had already knelt once!?

"We pay our respects to the Golden Dragon Lord!"

Both women said in unison.

Lin Yi, with an impassive expression, said, "Dispense with the formalities..."

"Just ignore what I just said and go ahead with your attack."


The two women stood up, and seeing Zi Ji hesitating in place, Bi Ji pointed at Lin Yi to remind her, "Attack him."

Zi Ji asked with a tremulous voice, "What about you?"

"Did you forget? I'm here to support you," Bi Ji responded.

Zi Ji then remembered, patting her forehead and taking several deep breaths.

Bi Ji, experienced as she was, began her dance, with emerald light blooming around her, and a faint emerald swan shadow emerged behind her. The warm and comfortable Jade Light enveloped her, stabilizing Zi Ji's mood considerably.

"Hurry up and attack, the Golden Dragon Lord looks fierce, but he's actually really nice!"

Bi Ji reminded her with a smile amid the emerald mist, not forgetting to give Zi Ji a thumbs-up for encouragement.

Zi Ji nodded, and the aura around her instantly changed.

Unlike Bi Ji's gentle Jade Light, Zi Ji was now flickering with a violent and dark purple-black light.

As she prepared to release her skill, she seemed much more confident.

"Death Withering!"

Zi Ji emerged from a cloud of dark smoke, her fiery, tight-fitting armor accentuating her perfect figure with no reservations, exposing a swath of snowy skin at her chest and shoulders, her eyes a deep purple, her lips a bright purple—she and Bi Ji were complete opposites in terms of beauty.

Zi Ji raised her hand, and a pitch-black sphere of light blossomed in the palm of her hand.

At the same time, a black whirlpool appeared beneath Lin Yi, this vortex carrying a strong darkness aura and a portion of water attribute, forming Zi Ji's unique attribute—Yin Water.

Lin Yi could already feel his life draining away.

Zi Ji's Death Withering skill resembled Bi Ji's Black Swan form's Destruction Withering, but it was slightly different; the Black Swan's was of the destruction element, while Zi Ji's was purely of the darkness element.

The black whirlpool below, like a black hole, kept drawing life force from Lin Yi's body, and seeing Zi Ji showing no signs of soul power consumption, he could guess that the life force drawn by Death Withering was being absorbed on Zi Ji's side as a form of "nourishment."

The attack continued until Zi Ji lowered her hand.

But what followed was the real show, Damage Rebound!

Gu Yuena stood on the sidelines, ready to intervene if Zi Ji could not withstand the damage rebound.

The damage rebound that Zi Ji faced during her first attack was enough to be described as terrifying; seeing this, Bi Ji immediately ran over and shrank behind her.

Indeed, at such a moment, the sense of security given by the lord was greater!