232, Bi Ji Zi Ji go on stage together, good sisters should always be in order [Big Chapter]_1


Damage Rebound surged forward, but under the background music "Good Luck," the scene just couldn't be described as serious.

The atmosphere was too festive, so festive that Dai Ben felt like smiling as he ran headfirst into Damage Rebound.

Fortunately, his rational mind prevailed. This was his Domain, which brought him bonuses, not something to send him to his death.

Dai Ben immediately released his third soul skill.

"White Tiger Diamond Transformation!"

His deep voice resounded on the scene like muffled thunder, and White Tiger Intense Light Wave was released once more. The fiercely raging beam collided head-on with Damage Rebound, but this time it didn't completely disperse the rebounded damage!

As the remaining Damage Rebound continued to assail him, Dai Ben, surprised, quickly regained his composure and resolved it with a swipe of his tiger claw.

It seemed the damage had indeed increased, but it was uncertain by how much. According to the bonuses from "Good Luck," the increase should not exceed fifty percent of the original damage.

[Health Drop: 214768]

[Remaining Health: 899943837465]

[Damage Level: Red (Junior)]

[Random Reward: Son Goku's Tiger Skin Skirt*1]

[Host Reward: Son Goku's Tiger Skin Skirt*10]

This must be more than just a clothing reward, right? Lin Yi didn't believe Son Goku's Tiger Skin Skirt was so attractive as to warrant a Red Junior reward.

He checked the System's notes and indeed, he guessed right; such items carried some of the original owner's abilities.

"Damage 214768, Red Junior, your reward is a Tiger Skin Skirt worn by Son Goku."

Upon hearing this, Dai Ben remained calm and unruffled.

He didn't recognize either Son Goku or the Tiger Skin Skirt.

As Lin Yi was about to continue speaking, he couldn't help but frown, "Can you please turn off the music first?"

Dai Ben was taken aback and quickly smiled apologetically, "Of course, I forgot, I'll turn it off right now!"

As soon as the music stopped, the place instantly quieted down. The Soul Masters who had been swaying to the beat stopped their movements, looking bored.

Good Luck finally left... and Lin Yi's mind finally quieted down.

"The main effect of this music is damage enhancement, similar to a Domain; you can open it during combat. Of course, if you enjoy listening to it or want to liven up the mood, whether you play it is up to you."

Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, Dai Ben respectfully acknowledges.

He certainly wouldn't play it again if he had nothing to do. The music didn't fit his solemn Emperor demeanor at all; it was enough to open it just before an offensive.

Lin Yi then continued:

"First, let me introduce Son Goku. He comes from a significantly advanced plane and not so long ago, I mentioned him. That day when Soul Land shook and quaked, it was he who tried to come from his plane to the Douluo plane."

At this, everyone showed surprised expressions.

The earthquake that had spread throughout the continent was impressively memorable, jolting many from their sleep.

At this moment, Snow Emperor exchanged a glance with Ice Emperor, both wearing intriguing looks.

"Are you saying that the massive avalanche in the far northern lands and the widespread cracking of the ice sheets were all because of this guy named Son Goku?"

Ice Emperor couldn't help but ask.

Lin Yi slightly tugged at the corner of his mouth, as he couldn't possibly admit it was because of him. Let Monkey Bro take the blame for now.

"It was him, but luckily I stopped him in time. Otherwise, if a person of his level appeared on Soul Land, the whole continent would head towards collapse."

Hearing this, Dai Ben was thrilled. Such a formidable character, and he had gained one of his garments!

"But if you're so powerful, why doesn't your appearance here collapse Soul Land?"

Ice Emperor suddenly struck a hands-on-hips pose, shooting Lin Yi a question.

Snow Emperor frowned and tugged at Ice Emperor's arm, signaling her to speak less with her eyes.

"Oh sister, I'm curious."

Lin Yi did not dodge the question but instead revealed a meaningful smile, "If I'm as powerful as you say, do you think I'd let Soul Land collapse?"

Ice Emperor was momentarily lost.

He seems to have not answered, yet it felt as if he had.

But after hearing his response, Ice Emperor and everyone else had one sentiment – "It's impressively profound."

Yes, a person of sufficient power should easily control whether the continent collapses.

Clearly, Lin Yi was that person.

Son Goku could not control the collapse of the continent, but Lin Yi could.

At that moment, Dai Ben found Son Goku's Tiger Skin Skirt less enticing. He silently eyed the rough hemp clothes on Lin Yi, wondering if the garments of a predecessor...

Just then, a red orb of light expanded before his eyes, and Dai Ben, in a hurry, caught the Tiger Skin Skirt that the light had transformed into.

He examined it closely. The skirt's material and style seemed quite ordinary, with no distinctive features... The elder's taste in clothes was really terrible!

"He was a legendary character, so owning one of his items grants you one of his abilities at random. The ability this item received is—"

Lin Yi paused to check the System's prompt.

"Copper head, iron brain, Indestructible Body."

It counted as a high cost-effectiveness ability.

Lin Yi continued:

"It ignores all Physical Attacks, and in fact, his physical defense is far stronger than that of an Evil Spirit Dragon Knight injected with Adamantium. The former is on a divine level, while the latter is technological. I don't think I need to explain for you to weigh their importance in your mind."

Dai Ben's eyes gleamed with excitement; the divine one, of course!
