274, Lifespan Progress Bar, wildly jumping between one year and a million years! [Big Chapter]_1

Lin Yi watched the attack coming toward him and suddenly started thinking about the direction of the next Spatiotemporal Gate's opening: would it still lead to the Douluo II world?

The world on the other side of the Spatiotemporal Gate should be completely different from the parallel space-time at this moment, so Douluo I is a definite possibility too.

So... so, it's very likely that there will appear a Bi Bidong or a Qian Renxue who doesn't yet know Lin Yi!

Anyone who is here at this moment could have another version of themselves step out from the Spatiotemporal Gate, coming from a parallel universe!

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Yi's expression suddenly turned odd.

In that case, wouldn't the scene become too chaotic?

For instance, what if there were two Bi Bidongs, two Qian Renxues? Wouldn't they start fighting with each other on the spot?

Moreover, Lin Yi could almost picture Bi Bidong boasting to her parallel universe self about the rewards...

Bi Bidong: Have you touched the Rakshasa Scythe? Do you have Rakshasa Divine Power? Have you worn Black Silk? Do you know what Bullet is... All these treasures were gifts from Senior Lin Yi. Oh, sorry, I forgot you, bumpkin, don't even know Senior Lin Yi~

Parallel universe Bi Bidong: MMP!

Lin Yi's mouth twitched: was he overthinking things? As the Pope, Bi Bidong might show some restraint in public.

Anyway, if the scene does become chaotic, Lin Yi could close the Spatiotemporal Gate on the spot; he had the authority and ability to do so.

So, better to just wait and see. It's still unknown what the opening of a gate will bring forth.

This train of thought flashed by in less than a second, and by this time, Wang Qiu'er's attack had already hit Lin Yi.

The disturbance was slightly larger than before, but it was still much weaker compared to those Titled Douluos' attacks.

This time there was still no Damage Rebound.

Damage Rebound would only occur when the damage exceeded one hundred thousand, reaching Black Intermediate Level.

Wang Qiu'er pretended to casually put her hands behind her back.

What are you looking at? I'm just a little Soul Sage, it's normal for me not to deal high damage...

In fact, no one was mocking her – everyone was envious instead, because Wang Qiu'er was allied with the Aquipeia Forest camp.

Didn't everyone present know? The ferocious beasts in that camp were all high-damage dealing machines! With such beasts providing a safety net, how could she worry about not achieving high damage?

Lin Yi looked at the panel.

[Blood loss: 59678]

[Remaining blood volume: 8999198173673]

[Damage Level: Black (Low Level)]

[Random Reward: Real-time Lifespan Progress Bar (Personal)]

[Host Reward: Real-time Lifespan Progress Bar (Personal) No Critical Hit]

Real-time Lifespan Progress Bar? A very novel term.

Lin Yi checked the notes on the reward and found the explanation to be quite simple and easy to understand.

It's a progress bar that appears in your mind, showing your remaining lifespan, and it updates in real-time.

Lin Yi said to Wang Qiu'er, "Damage 59678, Black Primary Level, your reward is a Real-time Lifespan Progress Bar."

"It's a personal reward for you, and you will see the progress of your life, including your remaining lifespan. The remaining lifespan updates in real-time according to any choice you make."

After hearing Lin Yi's explanation, people who were attentive suddenly realized that while this reward seemed simple, it could be a divine skill if used properly!

The key lies in the words "updates in real-time", which allows one to judge whether the choices they make are right or wrong based on the lengthening or shortening of the progress bar.

For example, if you do something and the lifespan progress bar lengthens, it means you've done the right thing; if it shortens, it means you've messed up and you're not far from biting the dust!

Wang Qiu'er was also a bright person; how could she not realize this?

She immediately became excited. How outrageous this man was to be able to create such an extraordinary reward?

If it were true, that would be absolutely amazing!

She really wanted to get her hands on it and test its effects right away!

Imitating others, Wang Qiu'er bowed slightly to Lin Yi with some shyness, reluctant to ask for her reward, but her face showed great anticipation.

Lin Yi, seeing through her thoughts, flicked the reward orb over with a light smile.

After integrating the black orb, Wang Qiu'er indeed saw a progress bar appear in her mind.

The current lifespan progress showed fifteen thousand years; however, the remaining lifespan was jumping frantically—the latter part of the bar kept hovering between lengthening and shortening.

Hmm? Her fate was filled with such uncertainty?

Wang Qiu'er frowned, closely observing the trailing part of the progress bar to find a pattern.

Curious onlookers watched Wang Qiu'er's reaction on the stage as she approached Lin Yi, then retreated again like she was performing some sort of ballroom dance steps or continually trying something.

Suddenly, Wang Qiu'er looked up, her beautiful eyes showing astonishment as she glanced towards Lin Yi.

She then turned around, heading towards the Spatiotemporal Gate with some doubts about life.

As she neared the Spatiotemporal Gate, Wang Qiu'er watched the progress bar in her mind, witnessing the remaining lifespan shrink at an alarming rate.

When she entered the Spatiotemporal Gate, the remaining part of the progress bar depicting her lifespan had shrunk to just a few years, even months...

Wang Qiu'er's heartbeat sped up.

Did this not mean that if she returns to her own time-space now, in just a few years or months, she would die?!