274, Lifespan Progress Bar, wildly jumping between one year and a million years! [Big Chapter]_2

At that moment, Wang Qiu'er turned with a determined gaze, stepping out from the Spatiotemporal Gate. The remaining lifespan on the progress bar seemed to be activated instantaneously, stretching out at once!

Wang Qiu'er's eyes fixed firmly in Lin Yi's direction. As she walked towards him, with every step she took, her remaining lifespan on the progress bar soared by decades, even centuries.

Wang Qiu'er's complexion was one of astonishment.

She slowly walked towards Lin Yi, her steps heavy.

Back on stage, the closer she got to Lin Yi, the faster her remaining lifespan increased, until at last with each step towards him, her remaining lifespan directly surged by a thousand years!

"Why is this happening…" Wang Qiu'er's voice trembled with doubt in her heart.

Could this man be the one to influence her entire life?

Before she knew it, Wang Qiu'er was standing in front of Lin Yi, her impressive figure casting a long shadow on the platform.

At this moment, her remaining lifespan had been extended by hundreds of thousands of years, and it continued to grow at an exaggerated pace.

Wang Qiu'er stretched out her slender, fair fingers and slowly placed them on Lin Yi's shoulder.

She avoided Lin Yi's calm gaze, yet inside her heart it was like a clap of thunder had struck.

The moment she touched Lin Yi, her remaining lifespan broke through to over a million years!

Wang Qiu'er's fingers trembled as she withdrew them from Lin Yi's body.

Though she was reluctant to believe she had less than a year to live, she had never imagined the possibility of living for a million years!

But this handsome young man in front of her seemed to have provided her with this possibility...

As long as she didn't leave his side for a moment, would she be the safest person in the world?

"Looking at you, your fate must have quite the ups and downs, huh?"

Lin Yi asked curiously, as he could roughly guess what changes would occur to Wang Qiu'er's progress bar.

From Wang Qiu'er's recent actions and behavior, it was clear that her lifespan would increase as long as she was close to him.

But in fact, Lin Yi had not expected her lifespan to increase to such an absurd degree.

"It is somewhat..."

Wang Qiu'er didn't plan to reveal to anyone the shockingly unbelievable scene she had witnessed, including Lin Yi, so she simply used "somewhat" to describe it.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "Well then, I trust you've made your judgment."

Wang Qiu'er nodded heavily, her mind preoccupied with thoughts.

Her turn to attack was over, and now it was the next person's turn.

Just as Wang Qiu'er was walking down the podium, she suddenly turned around, and two voices sounded at the same time.

"Do you feel like thirty days is too short now?"

"Is there any way I can continue to stay here after thirty days?"

These were two sentences spoken at the same time, the first by Lin Yi and the latter by Wang Qiu'er.

Lin Yi smiled slightly, while Wang Qiu'er's face instantly turned red with embarrassment as she lowered her head.

Her statement was an indirect response to Lin Yi's question, but it was somewhat awkward!

After all, Wang Qiu'er had initially seemed eager to return, resulting in this quiet yet blatant self-contradiction.

"Continuing to stay here after thirty days... seems somewhat difficult," Lin Yi said, his tone playful yet contemplative.

Wang Qiu'er stood there stiffly, who could refuse a lifespan of a million years?

Compared to a million years of life, what could Huo Yuhao possibly amount to? Especially since he was ultimately going to be with Wang Donger.

[Condition: Willingly become Lin Yi's servant, establish a master-servant bond, and the thirty-day limit of the Spatiotemporal Gate can be extended to a permanent duration.]

As Lin Yi teased Wang Qiu'er, the System panel suddenly popped up with this prompt.



You broken System, are you implying I don't have enough servants already?

Lin Yi was shocked by the prompt, having forgotten what he was about to say.

While Wang Qiu'er waited expectantly for Lin Yi to state his conditions, she saw that his expression had become a little strange.

Suddenly, she felt a pang in her heart—indeed, was it not going to work?

Was she really meant to go back to her original time and face a lifespan of less than a year?

She couldn't even begin to think of what would cause her death...

Lin Yi didn't recite the System's prompt out loud, as doing so in front of so many people, especially now, would simply be too embarrassing.

Everyone might think that he, Lin Yi, was fixated on Wang Qiu'er's beauty... That's unacceptable, it would completely ruin my image!

Though the System's condition wasn't too demanding...

Still, this matter could only be discussed in private.

Just like how Ju Zi agreed to serve Lin Yi for ten years, a fact known only to Lin Yi and Ju Zi themselves, with no one else aware.

"Although it's somewhat difficult, it's not impossible. I always adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange, but the conditions required aren't yet clear. Once they are, I'll inform you,"

Upon hearing this, Wang Qiu'er's joy instantly returned.


Lin Yi's expression was clear, and he nodded with a faint smile, effectively giving Wang Qiu'er a peace of mind.

Seeing this, Wang Qiu'er felt an overwhelming joy in her heart, bowed deeply to Lin Yi, and even her steps off the stage became much lighter.

Huo Yuhao? She didn't know who that was.

From now on, she wanted to forget all of the past, to be an independent, self-loving woman who lived for the sake of living well!

Watching Wang Qiu'er leave the stage, Ju Zi couldn't help but mutter, "The condition isn't going to be serving Senior Lin Yi for ten years, is it..."

Serving the same man with someone else was something she was not yet prepared for, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable about it.

Forget it, for the sake of my parents, I'll endure it.


After Wang Qiu'er, it was Bi Ji's turn.

Bi Ji bit her finger, silently looking at Gu Yuena next to her, wondering whether the "slowly," as the master had said, had taken effect yet.

Being stared at pitifully by the silly Goose Goose, Gu Yuena spoke with some impatience, "I know... let's go."


Gu Yuena walked ahead with her head down, while Bi Ji held her hand, bouncing and following jubilantly behind.

One was unhappy, the other was clueless.

The reason Gu Yuena felt "unhappy" was that she hadn't yet recovered from the "suppression" imposed by Lin Yi. Such a short amount of time wasn't nearly enough to recover!

She had developed a psychological shadow, and every time she saw Lin Yi, Gu Yuena felt an inexplicable urge to stick out her bottom.

Now facing Lin Yi, she truly felt comfortable only when being disciplined by him. Yet, at the same time, she was anxious and humiliated by this "discipline."

In short, Longlong was very unhappy! So annoyed! She just wanted to hide away and see no one!


Just as Bi Ji was about to kneel and salute Lin Yi, she suddenly heard Gu Yuena address him in this manner...


Goose Goose was so shocked she even forgot what she was supposed to do!

The Silver Dragon Lord was actually calling the Golden Dragon Lord—Master!!!?

Although the Silver Dragon Lord spoke softly and reluctantly, the alert Goose Goose still heard it!

Bi Ji just stood there frozen, staring at Gu Yuena with wide eyes ☉_☉, unsure of what to do.

It was Gu Yuena, however, who was extremely uncomfortable with the silly goose staring at her, and out of embarrassment and annoyance, she said, "What are you looking at me for! Support me, don't waste... Master's time."


This time, "Master" was enunciated much clearer than before, causing many in the audience to also hear it, and they too showed expressions of shock.

Was Gu Yuena on the wrong medication?

She was so aggressive towards Senior Lin Yi before; why was she so submissive now? This wasn't her usual behavior at all!

And to even call him... Master?!

Lin Yi watched the two flustered women in front of him with a barely suppressed smile.

Gu Yuena's demeanor suggested a collapse of her psychological defenses, and he guessed she just wanted to find a place to sulk in private. What a pity that she still had to face a spanking in the evening, Lin Yi sympathized with her sense of humiliation.


Soft jade-colored light radiated outward from Bi Ji as she danced alone.

The golden ancient tree emblem on her forehead made her look noble, as golden runes floated in the Jade Light, gradually swirling around Gu Yuena.

The sensation was warm and gentle, and even calmed the restless Gu Yuena somewhat, as if she was bathed in the embrace of the Life Goddess, utterly content.

ps. Thanks for following.