
Awakening Thunder

A blood droplet hung mid-air, it's fall a torturously slow descent. With a sudden burst, it shattered upon impact, scattering blood fragments across the sterile floor

Kaito's chest rose and fell with each labored breath, his hand trembling from a wound, slick with sweat and oozing blood streams.

Gasping for air, blood droplets fell from Kaito's trembling fingers, staining the ground beneath him. "I can't believe this happened," With crackling fury in his voice, he seethed. "I will kill you. Kill you!!"

His eyes bore into his adversary with a steely resolve as he declared, "i swear by it!!*

12 hours ago...

Kaito lightly walked along the path to school, "well, this is intriguing..." said Kaito as his gaze lifted to the sky, a monstrous figure soared overhead.

"These guys don't quit, huh" Kaito said to himself as he slightly moved his gaze across the road, seeing another monstrous figure, he slowly walks towards it

'I've been able to see things since I was a kid...' Kaito thought, ' I don't know why... but they were the only friends I played with then and now still here with me' 'But now they seem more realistic to me'

'But I don't think people can see it, so I guess it's my imagination' he thought as he walked towards the creature

A voice echoing his name from. a distance "Kaito..."

He sighed, 'I might be the only one that can see them... So it has to be my imagination'

With each step forward, Kaito closed the distance between himself and the mysterious being, his heart pounding in his chest.

The voice at a closer range called his name "Kaitooo.......!!"

His hand trembling with uncertainty as he both it closer to the creature

'Are they really my imagination??...'

The voice closer yelled with annoyance "KAITOOO!!"

"Whoa..." He exclaimed, turning around he saw an angry girl with long, flowing onyx-black hair and with her cheeks puffed up

"Sorry, Misuki!" He said it a chuckle "Lost in thought..."

His gaze shifts towards the creature

"Took you long enough" She said angrily "been calling you since, why're you still here? School starts in 10 minutes"

" 10 minutes??!!" He exclaimed loudly " Well, it'll take me at least 30 to get there..." He sighs agony "Guess I'm late..."

"Ugh" Misuki said disappointedly "you're hopeless..." She walks to his front "c'mon, let's go." She said with a smile on her face

'Guess she can't see it'

"Sure, better being late, I guess" he said with a chuckle

They both continue down the path to school

Bell Rings loudly

Kaito and Misuki found themselves seated across from each other in the bustling cafeteria. Kaito focused on his lunch, his mind preoccupied with a one single thought.

"I can't cease to fathom something" Kaito thought to himself while glancing across the table at Misuki.

Misuki notices his gaze and she playfully smirks" Take a picture, it lasts longer!" She said

" I would, but even the camera would cry in agony!" He laughed

A stray wiener collided with his head, she puts her fork back in her food, "Nice diss... just eat, ya idiot!" She said while eating her food

Kaito's gaze flickered back to Misuki, his brow furrowed perplexingly.

"I can't still fathom... what it's doing, " He mumbled under his breath, his eyes darted past her to the creature that stood behind her.

The creature had a small shadowy presence, but stood idle

'Hmm it might leave soon anyways. I'mma leave it,'

he turned his attention back to his lunch with a nonchalant demeanor.

Bell Rings,

The next class was history class,

In the corner of the classroom, Kaito sat with his back to the wall, his gaze fixed on Misuki as she sat across the room.

Resting his head on his palm, he fixed his gaze on her , oblivious to the teacher's voice echoing in the background.

His eyes drawn to the creature standing idly behind Misuki.

After a duration of 45 minutes, the bell rang again

The next class was Chemistry

Misuki stood at the lab bench, surrounded by bottles of chemicals, her friends cheering her on as she conducted her experiments.

Kaito ,on the other hand, navigated through the crowded lab, carrying a large measuring ruler. His gaze fell upon Misuki and her friends, but his attention was drawn to the creature standing unnoticed behind her.

The bell rang

It was Gym class

Misuki took on the challenge of the rock climbing wall, she scaled the heights with precision.

Suddenly, a misstep threatened to throw her off balance, but with quick reflexes, she regained her footing.

Throughout her ascent, the creature trailed behind her, its presence a silent observer.

Meanwhile, Kaito found himself distracted by the sight of Misuki's prowess on the rock climbing wall.

"Hmm she's good" he said

A dodgeball had struck him, his irritation evident as he rubbed the spot where it hit

"Hey!!" He exclaimed

As school came to a close, Kaito and Misuki made their way home, the creature continuing to trail behind Misuki.

'Why is it stalking her?... ' Kaito thought "Something is odd..." He mumbled

"What?!" Misuki questioned

"Oh nothing..." He said while giving an odd chuckle " was thinking out loud."

As they entered the empty park,

They passed a tree and someone sitting there but they didn't notice.

'What's going on??? It should have left already' Kaito pondered "Wha...."

A voice echo across the scene "Are you really gonna let it eat her?"

Confusion in the air, they both turned back

"Huh?..." Kaito explained, his brows furrowed in bewilderment.

" Wha?? Eat me???" Her eyes wide with alarm.

Their gaze fell upon an 18 year old girl with flowing gold hair and warm hazel eyes, with a gold and black checkered haori while wearing a sleek bodysuit underneath sitting nearby, casually licking a lollipop.

"Seems she can't see it..." The lady says " too bad, though, but I bet you can, handsome..."

She smirks "with your facial expression, I'm right."

" Handsome???" Misuki confused " Wait Kaito... what's going... " Her voice trailed off as she caught sight of Kaito's expression,

Kaito with the face of confusion and shock began to breath faster than normal 'What? Eat her? What is she talking about???'

'These things don't even eat anything; they are just calm creatures of my imagination... wait a sec... how did she know about it??' Kaito began to question a number of things within that moment 'Can she see them?? But I'm the only person who can see them... Then how????' "Ca...."

The creature roared, growing in size and menacingly hovering over Misuki, it dives to eat her

Without a moment's hesitation, Kaito rushed forward and pushed her Misuki out of the way.

With a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, Kaito intercepted the creature, his hands gripped it's teeth tightly to prevent it from devouring him.

Despite the creature's monstrous size and ferocious intent, Kaito stood his ground.

Sweat beaded on his brow as he strained against the creature's strength, his heart pounding intensively..

"Misuki!!!!!" Kaito yells, "Get out of here!!!!!!"

"What the hell is going on!!!!?? "Misuki said confused, her body trembling

Kaito gets thrown in different directions by the creature's powerful movements.

"Get out of here now!!!!" Kaito yells with urgency

His eyes locked on Misuki.

Tears welled up in Misuki's eyes as she hesitated, Before she could protest, Kaito was slammed into the wall by the creature's relentless assault.

"I WILL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!! Kaito declares " JUST GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tears streaming down her cheeks ,Misuki nodded,

As she turned about to flee

"Ok, I'll go but please be ok!!" She says with her voice crackling

Kaito held onto the creature's teeth, struggling to keep it at bay.

" I'll be right behind you! Don't worry!" Kaito declares

As Misuki ran, a sudden flash of lightning struck the scene, casting a brief glimpse of the creature.

A chill of fear raced down her spine at the sight of the hollow sockets eyed, rows of razor-sharp teeth, dripping with viscous, black ichor , elongated, sinewy limbs, gnarled claws monster.

Her heart pounding as she redoubled her efforts to escape.

Her footsteps echoed in the distance leaving Kaito alone.

He sighs "she's gone" he says with relief

" I think you have a bigger problem at hand, " The lady said

The creature shrieked, and hurled Kaito sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

"Won't this be a good time to give me a hand????!!!" Kaito cried out in desperation

"I wasn't gonna in the first place!!!" The lady replied

The creature dashed towards him,

"Wait, what???" Kaito exclaimed to her reply

With a swift leap and roll, he narrowly avoided the creature's charge

"That would have ended me!!!" He says in fear

He runs towards the creature and grabbing onto its back.

"Now I'm thinking that this was a mistake...." Kaito contemplates, he tightens his grip

"Yeahhhhh!! That was a mistake" she agrees

The creature bent backward and slammed Kaito into the ground, he coughed up blood.

"Bad idea... ugh.... " He groaned

Releasing his grip on the creature while he struggled to catch his breath.

But immediately he creature seized him once more, hurling him into the air,

Kaito slowly opening his eyes and sees himself in the air and falling towards the creature which began to loom beneath him with its mouth wide open.

"I ain't turning monster chow!"

He spread his legs, sinking his to its teeth so he stand using it on it.

He leaps off and rolls on the floor, narrowly escaping its gaping maw.

Kaito breathed a sigh of relief, he glanced around for any sign of the creature's next move.

"Watch out for the flank" the lady said ominously

" Flank?" Kaito confused

He turned to face the creature once more. it grabbed him by the feet, slamming him onto the floor.

Kaito was then hurled into a wall, the impact shrouded in a cloud of smoke.

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt... " She says stylishly

' I'm gonna die... What's happening, I'm feeling cold... ' Kaito thought while losing consciousness Ah it's death, I'm about to die,

His gaze moved to the monster,

'Sigh... I tried....' He struggled to keep his eyes open,

'I guess this is it, I'm done' he closes his eyes

'No!! I can't die!! It'll just go after Misuki!!!'

Kaito opens his eyes 'Mom and Dad told me to take care of her after they died in a car accident!!'

His pupils glow blue ' And that's why I'm meant to do!! I won't ... Lose!! ' Kaito declared

"Fine!!! Guess I will help out...." The lady says unwillingly

" No......" Kaito rejected " I'll handle this!"

Lightning sparked in the smoke, with an electric blue glow

"Wait, wah... what's this climax pressure!! Did he just awaken it??? but how is it this much??" The lady questioned on the sight

"You tried to eat my friend.... and tried to eat me..... " Kaito says while standind up in the smoke " Let me make something clear..... I won't allow either of us to die......."

He emerges from the smoke with blue lightning sparking over his body

"I will destroy you!!" He declared

Kaito dashed at superspeed, his movements blurred as he ran circles around the creature.

He struck a blow from the left, then the right as the creature struggled to keep up.

Kaito sent the creature flying backward with a swift uppercut letting it crash to the ground with a resounding thud.

But fueled by it's relentless hunger, it surged forward,

"But how??? He's displaying abilities of a... it's impossible!!" The lady said the her pupil glow up gold as he starts moving fast and faster.

Kaito dashed towards the oncoming creature,

"Amazing, he beat a C rank Spec to a pulp after his awakening," The lady said "But..."

Kaito sighed loudly,

"Kid, get out of the way." The lady yells 'His Climax pressure must be getting low.'

He takes a deep breath as thunder rumbles ominously overhead

"You want me so bad!!?" Kaito questioned

A bolt of lightning struck both of them, consuming the creature turning it into ash in an instant, leaving behind only a smoldering pile of dust as it burns up

"He summoned a thunder-clap!!! But how much climax does he have???" The lady screamed in shock " It's unreal!!! from someone who's just awakened!!......This kid isn't normal"

It begins to rain

" Kaito stands in the rain, his body drenched as the lightning fades away, leaving him drained."

He turns to the lady in his eyes, but before he could utter a single word, he faints)

"Kid?? Kid???!! Hmm, he exhausted himself!!" Akari says " Look at him... sigh, I can't leave him here in the rain..."

" Sigh, why was I the one left with this jobbbbbbbb!!!!!!!" Akari yelled