
Unveiled Potential

Kaito stood tall on the training ground, his gaze meeting that of Fushiguro, a small, elderly man, before him. The wind whispered through the trees.

"Begin!!" Fushiguro declared

2 hours ago

"Tell me everything..... and i will make my decision.... " Kaito said

Akari sighed

" Ok I'll start from the beginning...." She said

" I've told you about Specs already... Humanity would have been in danger if we didn't find a way to fight back.... and our only hope was Climax....."

" Climax???!" Kaito asked with a confused tone

" Climax is a state of energy in living things... It's an energy filled with negative emotions,"Akari said

" Usually you feel negative emotions but for climax it's on a stage after you gained the ability to see Specs you'd acquire it"

" We learned that we could manipulate it in a way that brought light to our side.... By manifesting our Climax state..."

" Each person's climax are different from the last like your lightning state and another person can have water too just like that... "

"With everything together our Climax Pressure was growing vast. Climax pressure, the depth of your climax how deep your energy is which also shows how strong your climax is."

Kaito looks at his bandaged up hand

"The reason you lost to Koji was because he's Climax pressure was too much for your climax to handle..." Akari said

" Well that and he's more stronger in other suits*

He looked at her " Way to spoil the mood.*

"Don't worry you'll be fine!!" Akari said with a laugh * To stop Specs we had to use our Climax to fight back ..."

She stands up and walks to tree infront of them

"Creating the organization X-spec..... X for Exterminate..."

" Doesn't Exterminate start with an E??" Kaito asked confusingly

" What... I didn't make the name!!" Akari laughed

",Well thats fresh!!" Kaito laughed " so how many are you guys?!!" he asked

" Well we are just four...." Akari replied

" Four " Kaito said

" Four???!!"

"Wait what????!!!!!"

" ...Something happened a few years ago that wiped the organization out..." Akari said

" Something destroyed us in a minute... Even i couldn't comprehend..."

She sIghs sadly "... Anyways we are recruiting more in 2 months!"

" What will you do?!"

Kaito sat quietly then asked " What was Misuki"s Decison?!"

" I promised her i won't tell you.. "Akari said

" I'm not surprised!!" He chuckled

"I will join X-specs... i have to find something out...I wonder my involvement in this, how do I fit in!! And I was being used before??"

He gripped his hand angrily

" I have to find out. I will join the X-Specs!!"

" So now you need to train" Akari said

Kaito stood up and walked towards her

"So you're training me huh" He said

"Eh no" Akari said

"What?" Kaito exclaimed

"You need to train more than combat and I'm busy to do that" Akari said

"But don't worry I know who'll train you"

"He'll help you master what you need"

Kaito looked confused

2 Hours Later,

Kaito and Fushiguro stood against each other on the training ground as the wind whispered through the trees.

Kaito steps to the right while Fushiguro pivots to the left, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony.

A voice echoed from the background " Begin!!"

"Seriously??" Kaito said

"I'm facing this old man???"

"Not like you'd beat him anyways...."

Akari's voice echoes while standing on the fence in her haori

*He's a retired X-spec..."

" But I'm sure to beat this guy" Kaito said confidently" I mean I'm not that lame"

"Hmm tell you what.." Akari said

" If you can beat him .... you can train with me..."

'beat him and i train with Akari huh.... even i know she's not an Amateur she's the real deal even from her Climax Pressure...'

His gaze locked on her

A ghastly gold aura emanates from her, casting an eerie glow as it envelops her form.

'it's immense!!... It'd be nice to train again that ....'

' I just gotta beat this guy right??.

Kaito feet stand a shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. He raises his fists, one slightly higher than the other.

'Should be easy'

Suddenly, Fushiguro vanishes from his view.

"What?? Where'd he go?!!!"

"Did i seem to forget to say.....He trained me once...." Akari said with a mocking tone

His gaze darts from left to right, seeking the whereabouts of Fushiguro.

"What?? Where'd he go?!!!"

"Did i seem to forget to say.....He trained me once...." Akari said with a mocking tone

Abruptly, Fushiguro emerged directly at Kaito's close proximity, his left arm extended backward, aimed for a formidable blow.

Kaito stunned and stood there in shock

Koji's voice echoes in his mind

"You're slow"

Showcasing the fear he felt at that moment he immediately brings his hands up for a block

"Meet..." Akari said

But get hit by Fushiguro before he tried and he gets propelled back

Akari: Master Fushiguro!!!

He crashed onto a wall and falls face flat on the floor

"He's really tough, to survive the hit like that" Fushiguro says

Akari lands beside him

"Well he did fight Koji and managed to stand his ground enough before I got there so ..."

" Koji huh... "Fushiguro says as he looks at Kaito

" Let's go"

Fushiguro and Akari walked into the Dojo leaving Kaito on the floor

"Koji.... How is he??!"

"He's alright Master! Still a simp as ever" Akari said with a mocking tone

" So he went to the side of evil huh?" Fushiguro said with a sad look on his face

Akari senses his regret and said "I'll bring him back... Don't worry Master!"

" I honestly think he's beyond bringing back at this point " Fushiguro comments

" Then I'll take him down if I have to" Akari declared

Fushiguro looked at her and sees her unwavering determination in her eyes as she said those words.

As they reached the Garden, Akari stands as Fushiguro sat down

"As for the kid you brought over" Fushiguro said "Kaito or what's his name? He has potential, with the right training ..."

"And that's why I brought him here " Akari giggles,

" You said his climax pressure was intense? " Fushiguro asked

" He beat a C rank spec on his own..." Akari said

" That doesn't seem so bad... " Fushiguro says

" After awakening..." Akari continue

Fushiguro coughed out and looked at Akari with a shocked face but Akari didn't look down at him

Fushiguro knew she said the truth and composed himself

" Okay then I'll train him" he said

"We had two months before the ex..." Before Akari could finish Fushiguro cuts her off

" He'll be ready! "

"Wake him up, it's time for his training"

Akari looked at him and smiled then walked out of his presence

"Kid wake up!!!" Akari yelled in a distance

'i haven't seen Akari so concerned about someone like this before' Fushiguro thought 'who is this kid?! '

"I said wake up"

An explosion engulfed the scene sending Kaito flying out of the yard and crashing onto the floor

Kaito groaned " did she just blast me??"

She Jumps and stands on the fence

"Oh cool you're awake!!"

"Is that how to wake someone up??!!!!" Kaito yelled

" I don't care!!" She laughed

" Or you want another one " She raised her hand and held an light ball on her hand

" No thank you" he stands up

"So now what?"

Kaito began running on a treadmill, his body drenched in sweat

" Eh how is this gonna help me??"

"This treadmill measures your climax to see how deep your pressure is ... So in hindsight and plus it builds your endurance so it's a win win" Akari explained while standing behind the treadmill

"So when does it stop?" Kaito asked

"About when your climax energy finishes" she replied

"So If I have infinite climax energy it'll keep running?" He utter as he pants through his breath

"Correct!!" Akari said

"Well I doubt it'd run that long" Kaito said

Night fell and the stars gloomed bright, the moon shined in utter brilliance

Kaito still run on the treadmill, but he wobble as he tries to keep going but he falls on the treadmill and flies off

And he crashed on the wall

Akari wakes up from her nap and looks at Kaito fast asleep on the floor

She walked up to him and looked at the treadmill with a letter " B" written on the dashboard

"His rank is a B rank .." Fushiguro said he walked in

" I can't train him, he has to learn from experience "

" He has to go on a Job on his own and handle it"

" If he dies he is nothing but weak "