Thirty-Three: Desperation's Grip

Liam trudged up to his front door, utterly depleted after the news he heard from the doctor about his mum's condition. He jammed his key into the lock, desperate for a numbing escape from sleep. 

As soon as he pushed the door open, his breath caught in his throat. There, draped provocatively across his tattered recliner in just a skimpy negligee set, was Sienna - his spoiled, drama-queen ex he'd paid a fortune to be rid of months ago.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Liam sputtered, his heart pounding as unwanted memories came flooding back. 

Sienna batted her heavily lined eyes at him with a pout. "Is that any way to greet your lady, boo? I've missed you something awful lately..."

Her gaze slid down his body in a way that made Liam's skin crawl. "And from the looks of things, you've missed me too. Don't you want to come over here and let Mama take care of you?"