Chapter 62: Scandal to Strength

Ring, ring, ring! Just as Ava was drifting back to sleep, her alarm blared, jolting her awake once more. She groaned, cursing the universe for conspiring against her much-needed rest. 

"Ugh, why me? Oh fuck" she muttered, rubbing her bleary eyes. "Can't a girl get a break around here? It is morning already." she sighed.

Dragging her weary body out of bed, she stumbled into the bathroom, letting the hot water cascade over her, slowly bringing her to life. As she lathered up, her mind drifted to the events of the previous night. The fight, the video, the ominous phone call... it all felt like a surreal nightmare. 

And Liam. That infuriating man still hadn't called to check on her, to apologize, to do anything remotely resembling decent human behavior.