Chapter 63: Victoria's Journey to Love

Victoria took a deep breath, steeling herself as she stood before Manny's door. Her heart raced, palms sweaty as she raised a fist to knock. This was it, her chance to make things right, to pour out her heart to the man she loved.

Knock, knock, knock.

Silence. Victoria bit her lip, anxiety mounting with each passing second. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he didn't want to see her, not after everything...

"Manny? It's me, Victoria. Please, can we talk? We do need to talk things out, ignoring me wouldn't solve any of this problem, i do need you and miss you Manny." Her voice wavered, desperation seeping through.

More silence. Victoria's shoulders slumped. She turned to leave, tears pricking at her eyes.


The door cracked open, revealing Manny's guarded face. Victoria's heart leaped.

"Manny! Thank God. I thought you wouldn't..."

"What do you want, Victoria? I don't have much time?" His tone was flat, unreadable.